Source code for nngt.core.graph_datastruct

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

""" Graph data strctures in NNGT """

import weakref

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as ssp

from nngt.globals import ( default_neuron, default_synapse, POS, WEIGHT, DELAY,
                       DIST, TYPE, BWEIGHT )
from import NeuralGroup, _make_groups
from nngt.lib import InvalidArgument, eprop_distribution

# NeuralPop

[docs]class NeuralPop(dict): """ The basic class that contains groups of neurons and their properties. :ivar has_models: :class:`bool`, ``True`` if every group has a ``model`` attribute. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Class attributes and methods @classmethod
[docs] def pop_from_network(cls, graph, *args): ''' Make a NeuralPop object from a network. The groups of neurons are determined using instructions from an arbitrary number of :class:``. ''' return cls.__init__(parent=graph,graph=graph,group_prop=args)
[docs] def uniform_population(cls, size, parent=None, neuron_model=default_neuron, neuron_param={}, syn_model=default_synapse, syn_param={}): ''' Make a NeuralPop of identical neurons ''' pop = cls(size, parent) pop.new_group("default", range(size), 1, neuron_model, neuron_param, syn_model, syn_param) return pop
[docs] def ei_population(cls, size, iratio=0.2, parent=None, en_model=default_neuron, en_param={}, es_model=default_synapse, es_param={}, in_model=default_neuron, in_param={}, is_model=default_synapse, is_param={}): ''' Make a NeuralPop with a given ratio of inhibitory and excitatory neurons. ''' num_inhib_neuron = int(iratio*size) pop = cls(size, parent) pop.new_group("excitatory", range(num_inhib_neuron,size), 1, en_model, en_param, es_model, es_param) pop.new_group("inhibitory", range(num_inhib_neuron), -1, in_model, in_param, is_model, es_param) return pop
[docs] def copy(cls, pop): ''' Copy an existing NeuralPop ''' new_pop = cls.__init__(pop.has_models) for name, group in pop.items(): new_pop.new_group(name, group.id_list, group.model, group.neuron_param) return new_pop
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Contructor and instance attributes def __init__(self, size=None, parent=None, with_models=True, **kwargs): ''' Initialize NeuralPop instance Parameters ---------- with_models : :class:`bool` whether the population's groups contain models to use in NEST **kwargs : :class:`dict` Returns ------- pop : :class:`` instance ''' self._is_valid = False self._size = size if parent is None else parent.node_nb() self._neuron_group = np.empty(self._size, dtype=object) if "graph" in kwargs.keys(): dic = _make_groups(kwargs["graph"], kwargs["group_prop"]) self._is_valid = True else: super(NeuralPop, self).__init__() self._has_models = with_models @property def size(self): return self._size @property def has_models(self): return self._has_models @property def is_valid(self): return self._is_valid #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Methods
[docs] def set_model(self, model, group=None): ''' Set the groups' models. Parameters ---------- model : dict Dictionary containing the model type as key ("neuron" or "synapse") and the model name as value (e.g. {"neuron": "iaf_neuron"}). group : list of strings, optional (default: None) List of strings containing the names of the groups which models should be updated. .. warning:: No check is performed on the validity of the models, which means that errors will only be detected when building the graph in NEST. .. note:: By default, synapses are registered as "static_synapse"s in NEST; because of this, only the ``neuron_model`` attribute is checked by the ``has_models`` function: it will answer ``True`` if all groups have a 'non-None' ``neuron_model`` attribute. ''' if group is None: group = self.keys() try: for key,val in model.iteritems(): for name in group: if key == "neuron": self[name].neuron_model = val elif key == "synapse": self[name].syn_model = val else: raise ValueError("Model type {} is not valid; choose \ among 'neuron' or 'synapse'.".format(key)) else: raise except: raise InvalidArgument("Invalid model dict or group; see docstring.") b_has_models = True for group in self.itervalues(): b_has_model *= group.has_model self._has_models = b_has_models
[docs] def set_param(self, param, group=None): ''' Set the groups' parameters. Parameters ---------- param : dict Dictionary containing the model type as key ("neuron" or "synapse") and the model parameter as value (e.g. {"neuron": {"C_m": 125.}}). group : list of strings, optional (default: None) List of strings containing the names of the groups which models should be updated. .. warning:: No check is performed on the validity of the parameters, which means that errors will only be detected when building the graph in NEST. ''' if group is None: group = self.keys() try: for key,val in param.iteritems(): for name in group: if key == "neuron": self[name].neuron_param = val elif key == "synapse": self[name].syn_param = val else: raise ValueError("Model type {} is not valid; choose \ among 'neuron' or 'synapse'.".format(key)) else: raise except: raise InvalidArgument("Invalid param dict or group; see docstring.")
[docs] def new_group(self, name, id_list, ntype=1, neuron_model=None, neuron_param={}, syn_model=default_synapse, syn_param={}): # create a group group = NeuralGroup(id_list, ntype, neuron_model, neuron_param, syn_model, syn_param) if self._has_models and not group.has_model: raise AttributeError("This NeuralPop requires group to have a \ model attribute that is not `None`; to disable this, use `set_models(None)` \ method on this NeuralPop instance.") elif group.has_model and not self._has_models: warnings.warn("This NeuralPop is not set to take models into \ account; use the `set_models` method to change its behaviour.") self[name] = group # update the group node property self._neuron_group[id_list] = name if None in list(self._neuron_group): self._is_valid = False else: self._is_valid = True
[docs] def add_to_group(self, group_name, id_list): self[group_name].id_list.extend(id_list) self._neuron_group[id_list] = group_name if None in list(self._neuron_group): self._is_valid = False else: self._is_valid = True
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # GroupProperty #------------------------ # class GroupProperty: """ Class defining the properties needed to create groups of neurons from an existing :class:`~nngt.GraphClass` or one of its subclasses. :ivar size: :class:`int` Size of the group. :ivar constraints: :class:`dict`, optional (default: {}) Constraints to respect when building the :class:`` . :ivar neuron_model: :class:`string`, optional (default: None) name of the model to use when simulating the activity of this group. :ivar neuron_param: :class:`dict`, optional (default: {}) the parameters to use (if they differ from the model's defaults) """ def __init__ (self, size, constraints={}, neuron_model=None, neuron_param={}, syn_model=None, syn_param={}): ''' Create a new instance of GroupProperties. Notes ----- The constraints can be chosen among: - "avg_deg", "min_deg", "max_deg" (:class:`int`) to constrain the total degree of the nodes - "avg/min/max_in_deg", "avg/min/max_out_deg", to work with the in/out-degrees - "avg/min/max_betw" (:class:`double`) to constrain the betweenness centrality - "in_shape" (:class:`nngt.Shape`) to chose neurons inside a given spatial region Examples -------- >>> di_constrain = { "avg_deg": 10, "min_betw": 0.001 } >>> group_prop = GroupProperties(200, constraints=di_constrain) ''' self.size = size self.constraints = constraints self.neuron_model = neuron_model self.neuron_param = neuron_param self.syn_model = syn_model self.syn_param = syn_param #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Connections #------------------------ # class Connections: """ The basic class that computes the properties of the connections between neurons for graphs. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Class methods @staticmethod def distances(graph, pos=None, overwrite=False): ''' Compute the distances between connected nodes in the graph. Try to add only the new distances to the graph. If they overlap with previously computed distances, recomputes everything. Parameters ---------- graph : class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Graph the nodes belong to. elist : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) List of the edges pos : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) Positions of the nodes; note that if `graph` has a "position" attribute, `pos` will not be taken into account. Returns ------- new_dist : class:`numpy.array` Array containing *ONLY* the newly-computed distances. ''' n = graph.node_nb() elist = np.array(graph._edges) pos = graph._pos if hasattr(graph, "_pos") else pos # compute the new distances if graph.edge_nb(): ra_x = pos[0,elist[:,0]] - pos[0,elist[:,1]] ra_y = pos[1,elist[:,0]] - pos[1,elist[:,1]] ra_dist = np.tile( np.sqrt( np.square(ra_x) + np.square(ra_y) ), 2) # update graph distances graph.set_edge_attribute(DIST, value_type="double", values=ra_dist) return ra_dist else: return [] @staticmethod def delays(graph, dlist=None, elist=None, distrib="constant", distrib_prop={}, correl=None, noise_scale=None): ''' Compute the delays of the neuronal connections. Parameters ---------- graph : class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Graph the nodes belong to. dlist : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) List of user-defined delays). elist : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) List of the edges which value should be updated. distrib : class:`string`, optional (default: "constant") Type of distribution (choose among "constant", "uniform", "lognormal", "gaussian", "user_def", "lin_corr", "log_corr"). distrib_prop : class:`dict`, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the distribution parameters. correl : class:`string`, optional (default: None) Property to which the weights should be correlated. noise_scale : class:`int`, optional (default: None) Scale of the multiplicative Gaussian noise that should be applied on the weights. Returns ------- new_delays : class:`scipy.sparse.lil_matrix` A sparse matrix containing *ONLY* the newly-computed weights. ''' corr = correl if issubclass(correl.__class__, str): if correl == "betweenness": corr = graph.get_betweenness(False)[1] else: corre = graph[correl] if dlist is not None: num_edges = graph.edge_nb() if elist is None else len(elist) if len(dlist) != num_edges: raise InvalidArgument("`dlist` must have one entry per edge.") else: dlist = eprop_distribution(graph, distrib, elist=elist, correl_attribute=corr, **distrib_prop) # add to the graph container graph.set_edge_attribute(DELAY, value_type="double", values=dlist) return dlist @classmethod def weights(cls, graph, elist=None, wlist=None, distrib="constant", distrib_prop={}, correl=None, noise_scale=None): ''' Compute the weights of the graph's edges. Parameters ---------- graph : class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Graph the nodes belong to. elist : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) List of the edges (for user defined weights). wlist : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) List of the weights (for user defined weights). distrib : class:`string`, optional (default: "constant") Type of distribution (choose among "constant", "uniform", "lognormal", "gaussian", "user_def", "lin_corr", "log_corr"). distrib_prop : class:`dict`, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the distribution parameters. correl : class:`string`, optional (default: None) Property to which the weights should be correlated. noise_scale : class:`int`, optional (default: None) Scale of the multiplicative Gaussian noise that should be applied on the weights. Returns ------- new_weights : class:`scipy.sparse.lil_matrix` A sparse matrix containing *ONLY* the newly-computed weights. ''' corr = correl if issubclass(correl.__class__, str): if correl == "betweenness": corr = graph.get_betweenness(False)[1] else: corre = graph[correl] if wlist is not None: num_edges = graph.edge_nb() if elist is None else len(elist) if len(wlist) != num_edges: raise InvalidArgument("`dlist` must have one entry per edge.") else: wlist = eprop_distribution(graph, distrib, elist=elist, correl_attribute=corr, **distrib_prop) # add to the graph container bwlist = wlist.max() - wlist graph.set_edge_attribute(WEIGHT, value_type="double", values=wlist) graph.set_edge_attribute(BWEIGHT, value_type="double", values=bwlist) return wlist @classmethod def types(cls, graph, elist=None): pass #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Shape #------------------------ #
[docs]class Shape: """ Class containing the shape of the area where neurons will be distributed to form a network. Attributes ---------- area: double Area of the shape in mm^2. com: tuple of doubles Position of the center of mass of the current shape. Methods ------- add_subshape: void Add a AGNet.generation.Shape to a preexisting one. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): self.parent = weakref.proxy(parent) if parent is not None else None self._area = 0. self._com = (0.,0.) @property def area(self): return self._area @property def com(self): return self._com
[docs] def add_subshape(self,subshape,position,unit='mm'): """ Add a AGNet.generation.Shape to the current one. Parameters ---------- subshape: AGNet.generation.Shape Length of the rectangle (by default in mm). position: tuple of doubles Position of the subshape's center of gravity in space. unit: string (default 'mm') Unit in the metric system among 'um', 'mm', 'cm', 'dm', 'm' Returns ------- None """
[docs] def rnd_distrib(self, nodes=None): #@todo: make it general if self.parent is not None: nodes = self.parent.node_nb() ra_x = np.random.uniform(size=nodes) ra_y = np.random.uniform(size=nodes) return np.array([ra_x,ra_y])