Graph container classesΒΆ

class nngt.Graph(nodes=0, name='Graph', weighted=True, directed=True, libgraph=None, **kwargs)[source]

The basic class that contains a graph_tool.Graph and some of is properties or methods to easily access them.

  • idint unique id that identifies the instance.
  • graphGraphObject main attribute of the class instance.

Add a list of edges to the graph.

  • lst_edges (list of 2-tuples or np.array of shape (edge_nb, 2)) – List of the edges that should be added as tuples (source, target)
  • @todo (add example, check the edges for self-loops and multiple edges)
adjacency_matrix(typed=True, weighted=True)[source]

Returns the adjacency matrix of the graph as a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix.

Parameters:weighted (bool or string, optional (default: True)) – If True, each entry adj[i,j] = w_ij where w_ij is the strength of the connection from i to j, if False, adj[i,j] = 0. or 1.. Weighted can also be a string describing an edge attribute (e.g. if “distance” refers to an edge attribute dist, then ajacency_matrix("distance") will return adj[i,i] = dist_ij).
Returns:adj (scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) – The adjacency matrix of the graph.

List of the graph’s attributes (synaptic weights, delays...)


Remove all the edges in the graph.


Returns a deepcopy of the current Graph instance


Number of edges in the graph


create a Graph instance which graph contains only the excitatory edges of the current instance’s GraphObject


Betweenness centrality sequence of all nodes and edges.

Parameters:use_weights (bool, optional (default: True)) – Whether to use weighted (True) or simple degrees (False).
  • node_betweenness (numpy.array) – Betweenness of the nodes.
  • edge_betweenness (numpy.array) – Betweenness of the edges.
get_degrees(node_list=None, deg_type='total', use_weights=True)[source]

Degree sequence of all the nodes.

  • node_list (list, optional (default: None)) – List of the nodes which degree should be returned
  • deg_type (string, optional (default: “total”)) – Degree type (among ‘in’, ‘out’ or ‘total’).
  • use_weights (bool, optional (default: True)) – Whether to use weighted (True) or simple degrees (False).

numpy.array or None (if an invalid type is asked).


Density of the graph: \(\frac{E}{N^2}\), where E is the number of edges and N the number of nodes.


Get the name of the graph


Returns the weighted adjacency matrix as a scipy.sparse.lil_matrix.


graph_tool.Graph attribute of the instance


unique int identifying the instance


Create a Graph instance which graph contains only the inhibitory edges of the current instance’s graph_tool.Graph


Whether the graph is directed or not


Whether the graph is embedded in space (has a Shape attribute).


Whether the edges have weights


name of the graph


Number of nodes in the graph

classmethod num_graphs()[source]

Returns the number of alive instances.

set_edge_attribute(attribute, values=None, val=None, value_type=None)[source]

set graph name

set_weights(elist=None, wlist=None, distrib=None, distrib_prop=None, correl=None, noise_scale=None)[source]

Set the synaptic weights.

  • elist (class:numpy.array, optional (default: None)) – List of the edges (for user defined weights).
  • wlist (class:numpy.array, optional (default: None)) – List of the weights (for user defined weights).
  • distrib (class:string, optional (default: None)) – Type of distribution (choose among “constant”, “uniform”, “gaussian”, “lognormal”, “lin_corr”, “log_corr”).
  • distrib_prop (dict, optional (default: {})) – Dictoinary containing the properties of the weight distribution.
  • correl (class:string, optional (default: None)) – Property to which the weights should be correlated.
  • noise_scale (class:int, optional (default: None)) – Scale of the multiplicative Gaussian noise that should be applied on the weights.
class nngt.SpatialGraph(nodes=0, name='Graph', weighted=True, directed=True, libgraph=None, shape=None, positions=None, **kwargs)[source]

The detailed class that inherits from Graph and implements additional properties to describe various biological functions and interact with the NEST simulator.

  • shapeShape Shape of the neurons environment.
  • positionsnumpy.array Positions of the neurons.
  • graphGraphObject Main attribute of the class instance.
classmethod make_spatial(graph, shape=<nngt.core.graph_datastruct.Shape instance>, positions=None)[source]
class nngt.Network(name='Graph', weighted=True, directed=True, libgraph=None, population=None, **kwargs)[source]

The detailed class that inherits from Graph and implements additional properties to describe various biological functions and interact with the NEST simulator.

  • populationNeuralPop Object reparting the neurons into groups with specific properties.
  • graphGraphObject Main attribute of the class instance
  • nest_gidnumpy.array Array containing the NEST gid associated to each neuron; it is None until a NEST network has been created.
  • id_from_nest_gid – dict Dictionary mapping each NEST gid to the corresponding neuron index in the nngt.~Network
classmethod ei_network(size, ei_ratio=0.2, en_model='aeif_cond_alpha', en_param={}, es_model='static_synapse', es_param={}, in_model='aeif_cond_alpha', in_param={}, is_model='static_synapse', is_param={})[source]

Generate a network containing a population of two neural groups: inhibitory and excitatory neurons.

  • size (int) – Number of neurons in the network.
  • ei_ratio (double, optional (default: 0.2)) – Ratio of inhibitory neurons: \(\frac{N_i}{N_e+N_i}\).
  • en_model (string, optional (default: ‘aeif_cond_alpha’)) – Nest model for the excitatory neuron.
  • en_param (dict, optional (default: {})) – Dictionary of parameters for the the excitatory neuron.
  • es_model (string, optional (default: ‘static_synapse’)) – NEST model for the excitatory synapse.
  • es_param (dict, optional (default: {})) – Dictionary containing the excitatory synaptic parameters.
  • in_model (string, optional (default: ‘aeif_cond_alpha’)) – Nest model for the inhibitory neuron.
  • in_param (dict, optional (default: {})) – Dictionary of parameters for the the inhibitory neuron.
  • is_model (string, optional (default: ‘static_synapse’)) – NEST model for the inhibitory synapse.
  • is_param (dict, optional (default: {})) – Dictionary containing the inhibitory synaptic parameters.

net (Network or subclass) – Network of disconnected excitatory and inhibitory neurons.

static make_network(graph, neural_pop)[source]

Turn a Graph object into a Network, or a SpatialGraph into a SpatialNetwork.



In-place operation that directly converts the original graph.


Properties of a neuron in the graph.

Parameters:idx_neuron (int) – Index of a neuron in the graph.
Returns:dict of the neuron properties.
classmethod num_networks()[source]

Returns the number of alive instances.


NeuralPop that divides the neurons into groups with specific properties.

classmethod uniform_network(size, neuron_model='aeif_cond_alpha', neuron_param={}, syn_model='static_synapse', syn_param={})[source]

Generate a network containing only one type of neurons.

  • size (int) – Number of neurons in the network.
  • neuron_model (string, optional (default: ‘aief_cond_alpha’)) – Name of the NEST neural model to use when simulating the activity.
  • neuron_param (dict, optional (default: {})) – Dictionary containing the neural parameters; the default value will make NEST use the default parameters of the model.
  • syn_model (string, optional (default: ‘static_synapse’)) – NEST synaptic model to use when simulating the activity.
  • syn_param (dict, optional (default: {})) – Dictionary containing the synaptic parameters; the default value will make NEST use the default parameters of the model.

net (Network or subclass) – Uniform network of disconnected neurons.

class nngt.SpatialNetwork(population, name='Graph', weighted=True, directed=True, shape=None, graph=None, positions=None, **kwargs)[source]

Class that inherits from Network and SpatialGraph to provide a detailed description of a real neural network in space, i.e. with positions and biological properties to interact with NEST.

  • shapenngt.core.Shape Shape of the neurons environment.
  • positionsnumpy.array Positions of the neurons.
  • populationNeuralPop Object reparting the neurons into groups with specific properties.
  • graphGraphObject Main attribute of the class instance.
  • nest_gidnumpy.array Array containing the NEST gid associated to each neuron; it is None until a NEST network has been created.
  • id_from_nest_gid – dict Dictionary mapping each NEST gid to the corresponding neuron index in the nngt.~SpatialNetwork