Simulation module#

Module to interact easily with the NEST simulator. It allows to:

  • build a NEST network from Network or SpatialNetwork objects,
  • monitor the activity of the network (taking neural groups into account)
  • plot the activity while separating the behaviours of predefined neural groups


nngt.simulation.ActivityRecord(spike_data, …) Class to record the properties of the simulated activity.
nngt.simulation.activity_types(…[, …]) Analyze the spiking pattern of a neural network.
nngt.simulation.analyze_raster([raster, …]) Return the activity types for a given raster.
nngt.simulation.get_nest_adjacency([…]) Get the adjacency matrix describing a NEST network.
nngt.simulation.get_recording(network, record) Return the evolution of some recorded values for each neuron.
nngt.simulation.make_nest_network(network[, …]) Create a new network which will be filled with neurons and connector objects to reproduce the topology from the initial network.
nngt.simulation.monitor_groups(group_names, …) Monitoring the activity of nodes in the network.
nngt.simulation.monitor_nodes(gids[, …]) Monitoring the activity of nodes in the network.
nngt.simulation.plot_activity([…]) Plot the monitored activity.
nngt.simulation.randomize_neural_states(…) Randomize the neural states according to the instructions.
nngt.simulation.raster_plot(times, senders) Plotting routine that constructs a raster plot along with an optional histogram.
nngt.simulation.reproducible_weights(…[, …]) Find the values of the connection weights that will give PSP responses of min_weight and max_weight in mV.
nngt.simulation.save_spikes(filename[, …]) Plot the monitored activity.
nngt.simulation.set_minis(network, base_rate) Mimick spontaneous release of neurotransmitters, called miniature PSCs or “minis” that can occur at excitatory (mEPSCs) or inhibitory (mIPSCs) synapses.
nngt.simulation.set_noise(gids, mean, std) Submit neurons to a current white noise.
nngt.simulation.set_poisson_input(gids, rate) Submit neurons to a Poissonian rate of spikes.
nngt.simulation.set_step_currents(gids, …) Set step-current excitations


Main functions to send Network instances to NEST, as well as helper functions to excite or record the network activity.

class nngt.simulation.ActivityRecord(spike_data, phases, properties, parameters=None)[source]#

Class to record the properties of the simulated activity.

Initialize the instance using spike_data (store proxy to an optional network) and compute the properties of provided data.

  • spike_data (2D array) – Array of shape (num_spikes, 2), containing the senders on the 1st row and the times on the 2nd row.
  • phases (dict) – Limits of the different phases in the simulated period.
  • properties (dict) – Values of the different properties of the activity (e.g. “firing_rate”, “IBI”…).
  • parameters (dict, optional (default: None)) – Parameters used to compute the phases.


The firing rate is computed as num_spikes / total simulation time, the period is the sum of an IBI and a bursting period.


Returns the (N, 2) array of (senders, spike times).


Return the phases detected

  • “bursting” for periods of high activity where a large fraction of the network is recruited.
  • “quiescent” for periods of low activity
  • “mixed” for firing rate in between “quiescent” and “bursting”.
  • “localized” for periods of high activity but where only a small fraction of the network is recruited.


See parameters for details on the conditions used to differenciate these phases.


Returns the properties of the activity. Contains the following entries:

  • “firing_rate”: average value in Hz for 1 neuron in the network.
  • “bursting”: True if there were bursts of activity detected.
  • “burst_duration”, “IBI”, “ISI”, and “period” in ms, if “bursting” is True.
  • “SpB” (Spikes per Burst): average number of spikes per neuron during a burst.
nngt.simulation.activity_types(spike_detector, limits, network=None, phase_coeff=(0.5, 10.0), mbis=0.5, mfb=0.2, mflb=0.05, skip_bursts=0, simplify=False, fignums=[], show=False)[source]#

Analyze the spiking pattern of a neural network.

think about inserting t=0. and t=simtime at the beginning and at the end of times.
  • spike_detector (NEST node(s) (tuple or list of tuples)) – The recording device that monitored the network’s spikes.
  • limits (tuple of floats) – Time limits of the simulation region which should be studied (in ms).
  • network (Network, optional (default: None)) – Neural network that was analyzed
  • phase_coeff (tuple of floats, optional (default: (0.2, 5.))) – A phase is considered bursting’ when the interspike between all spikes that compose it is smaller than ``phase_coeff[0] / avg_rate` (where avg_rate is the average firing rate), quiescent’ when it is greater that ``phase_coeff[1] / avg_rate`, `mixed’ otherwise.
  • mbis (float, optional (default: 0.5)) – Maximum interspike interval allowed for two spikes to be considered in the same burst (in ms).
  • mfb (float, optional (default: 0.2)) – Minimal fraction of the neurons that should participate for a burst to be validated (i.e. if the interspike is smaller that the limit BUT the number of participating neurons is too small, the phase will be considered as localized).
  • mflb (float, optional (default: 0.05)) – Minimal fraction of the neurons that should participate for a local burst to be validated (i.e. if the interspike is smaller that the limit BUT the number of participating neurons is too small, the phase will be considered as mixed).
  • skip_bursts (int, optional (default: 0)) – Skip the skip_bursts first bursts to consider only the permanent regime.
  • simplify (bool, optional (default: False)) – If True, mixed phases that are contiguous to a burst are incorporated to it.
  • return_steps (bool, optional (default: False)) – If True, a second dictionary, phases_steps will also be returned. @todo: not implemented yet
  • fignums (list, optional (default: [])) – Indices of figures on which the periods can be drawn.
  • show (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether the figures should be displayed.


Effects of skip_bursts and limits[0] are cumulative: the limits[0] first milliseconds are ignored, then the skip_bursts first bursts of the remaining activity are ignored.

Returns:phases (dict) – Dictionary containing the time intervals (in ms) for all four phases (bursting’, `quiescent’, `mixed’, and `localized) as lists. E.g: phases["bursting"] could give [[123.5,334.2], [857.1,1000.6]].
nngt.simulation.analyze_raster(raster=None, limits=None, network=None, phase_coeff=(0.5, 10.0), mbis=0.5, mfb=0.2, mflb=0.05, skip_bursts=0, skip_ms=0.0, simplify=False, fignums=[], show=False)[source]#

Return the activity types for a given raster.

  • raster (array-like (N, 2) or str) – Either an array containing the ids of the spiking neurons on the first column, then the corresponding times on the second column, or the path to a NEST .gdf recording.
  • limits (tuple of floats) – Time limits of the simulation regrion which should be studied (in ms).
  • network (Network, optional (default: None)) – Network on which the recorded activity was simulated.
  • phase_coeff (tuple of floats, optional (default: (0.2, 5.))) – A phase is considered ‘bursting’ when the interspike between all spikes that compose it is smaller than phase_coeff[0] / avg_rate (where avg_rate is the average firing rate), ‘quiescent’ when it is greater that phase_coeff[1] / avg_rate, ‘mixed’ otherwise.
  • mbis (float, optional (default: 0.5)) – Maximum interspike interval allowed for two spikes to be considered in the same burst (in ms).
  • mfb (float, optional (default: 0.2)) – Minimal fraction of the neurons that should participate for a burst to be validated (i.e. if the interspike is smaller that the limit BUT the number of participating neurons is too small, the phase will be considered as ‘localized’).
  • mflb (float, optional (default: 0.05)) – Minimal fraction of the neurons that should participate for a local burst to be validated (i.e. if the interspike is smaller that the limit BUT the number of participating neurons is too small, the phase will be considered as ‘mixed’).
  • skip_bursts (int, optional (default: 0)) – Skip the skip_bursts first bursts to consider only the permanent regime.
  • simplify (bool, optional (default: False)) – If True, ‘mixed’ phases that are contiguous to a burst are incorporated to it.
  • fignums (list, optional (default: [])) – Indices of figures on which the periods can be drawn.
  • show (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether the figures should be displayed.


Effects of skip_bursts and limits[0] are cumulative: the limits[0] first milliseconds are ignored, then the skip_bursts first bursts of the remaining activity are ignored.

Returns:activity (ActivityRecord) – Object containing the phases and the properties of the activity from these phases.
nngt.simulation.get_recording(network, record, recorder=None, nodes=None)[source]#

Return the evolution of some recorded values for each neuron.

  • network (nngt.Network) – Network for which the activity was simulated.
  • record (str or list) – Name of the record(s) to obtain.
  • recorder (tuple of ints, optional (default: all multimeters)) – GID of the “spike_detector” objects recording the network activity.
  • nodes (array-like, optional (default: all nodes)) – NNGT ids of the nodes for which the recording should be returned.

values (dict of dict of arrays) – Dictionary containing, for each record, an M array with the recorded values for n-th neuron is stored under entry n (integer). A times entry is also added; it should be the same size for all records, otherwise an error will be raised.


After the creation of a Network called net, use the following code:

import nest

rec, _ = monitor_nodes(
    net.nest_gid, "multimeter", {"record_from": ["V_m"]}, net)
recording = nngt.simulation.get_recording(net, "V_m")

# access the membrane potential of first neuron + the times
V_m   = recording["V_m"][0]
times = recording["times"]
nngt.simulation.make_nest_network(network, send_only=None, use_weights=True)[source]#

Create a new network which will be filled with neurons and connector objects to reproduce the topology from the initial network.

Changed in version 0.8: Added send_only parameter.

  • network (nngt.Network or nngt.SpatialNetwork) – the network we want to reproduce in NEST.
  • send_only (int, str, or list of str, optional (default: None)) – Restrict the nodes that are created in NEST to either inhibitory or excitatory neurons send_only \(\in \{ 1, -1\}\) to a group or a list of groups.
  • use_weights (bool, optional (default: True)) – Whether to use the network weights or default ones (value: 10.).

gids (tuple (nodes in NEST)) – GIDs of the neurons in the network.


Get the adjacency matrix describing a NEST network.

Parameters:id_converter (dict, optional (default: None)) – A dictionary which maps NEST gids to the desired neurons ids.
Returns:mat_adj (lil_matrix) – Adjacency matrix of the network.
nngt.simulation.reproducible_weights(weights, neuron_model, di_param={}, timestep=0.05, simtime=50.0, num_bins=1000, log=False)[source]#

Find the values of the connection weights that will give PSP responses of min_weight and max_weight in mV.

  • weights (list of floats) – Exact desired synaptic weights.
  • neuron_model (string) – Name of the model used.
  • di_param (dict, optional (default: {})) – Parameters of the model, default parameters if not supplied.
  • timestep (float, optional (default: 0.01)) – Timestep of the simulation in ms.
  • simtime (float, optional (default: 10.)) – Simulation time in ms (default: 10).
  • num_bins (int, optional (default: 10000)) – Number of bins used to discretize the exact synaptic weights.
  • log (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether bins should use a logarithmic scale.


If the parameters used are not the default ones, they MUST be provided, otherwise the resulting weights will likely be WRONG.

nngt.simulation.monitor_groups(group_names, network, nest_recorder=None, params=None)[source]#

Monitoring the activity of nodes in the network.

  • group_name (list of strings) – Names of the groups that should be recorded.
  • network (Network or subclass) – Network which population will be used to differentiate groups.
  • nest_recorder (strings or list, optional (default: “spike_detector”0)) – Device(s) to monitor the network.
  • params (dict or list of, optional (default: {})) – Dictionarie(s) containing the parameters for each recorder (see NEST documentation for details).

  • recorders (tuple) – Tuple of the recorders’ gids
  • recordables (tuple) – Tuple of the recordables’ names.

nngt.simulation.monitor_nodes(gids, nest_recorder=None, params=None, network=None)[source]#

Monitoring the activity of nodes in the network.

  • gids (tuple of ints or list of tuples) – GIDs of the neurons in the NEST subnetwork; either one list per recorder if they should monitor different neurons or a unique list which will be monitored by all devices.
  • nest_recorder (strings or list, optional (default: “spike_detector”)) – Device(s) to monitor the network.
  • params (dict or list of, optional (default: {})) – Dictionarie(s) containing the parameters for each recorder (see NEST documentation for details).
  • network (Network or subclass, optional (default: None)) – Network which population will be used to differentiate groups.

  • recorders (tuple) – Tuple of the recorders’ gids
  • recordables (tuple) – Tuple of the recordables’ names.

nngt.simulation.randomize_neural_states(network, instructions, groups=None, nodes=None, make_nest=False)[source]#

Randomize the neural states according to the instructions.

Changed in version 0.8: Changed ids to nodes argument.

  • network (Network subclass instance) – Network that will be simulated.
  • instructions (dict) – Variables to initialize. Allowed keys are “V_m” and “w”. Values are 3-tuples of type ("distrib_name", double, double).
  • groups (list of NeuralGroup, optional (default: None)) – If provided, only the neurons belonging to these groups will have their properties randomized.
  • nodes (array-like, optional (default: all neurons)) – NNGT ids of the neurons that will have their status randomized.
  • make_nest (bool, optional (default: False)) – If True and network has not been converted to NEST, automatically generate the network, else raises an exception.


instructions = {
    "V_m": ("uniform", -80., -60.),
    "w": ("normal", 50., 5.)
nngt.simulation.save_spikes(filename, recorder=None, network=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Plot the monitored activity.

New in version 0.7.

  • filename (str) – Path to the file where the activity should be saved.
  • recorder (tuple or list of tuples, optional (default: None)) – The NEST gids of the recording devices. If None, then all existing “spike_detector”s are used.
  • network (Network or subclass, optional (default: None)) – Network which activity will be monitored.
  • **kwargs (see numpy.savetxt())
nngt.simulation.set_minis(network, base_rate, syn_type=1, weight_fraction=0.4, nodes=None, gids=None, weight_normalization=1.0)[source]#

Mimick spontaneous release of neurotransmitters, called miniature PSCs or “minis” that can occur at excitatory (mEPSCs) or inhibitory (mIPSCs) synapses. These minis consists in only a fraction of the usual strength of a spike- triggered PSC and can be modeled by a Poisson process. This Poisson process occurs independently at every synapse of a neuron, so a neuron receiving \(k\) inputs will be subjected to these events with a rate \(k*\lambda\), where \(\lambda\) is the base rate.

Changed in version 1.0: Added syn_type, separating the excitatory and inhibitory degrees and weights.

Changed in version 0.8: Added nodes, removed syn_model and syn_params. Added weight_normalization to avoid issues with plastic synapses.

  • network (Network object) – Network on which the minis should be simulated.
  • base_rate (float) – Rate for the Poisson process on one synapse (\(\lambda\)).
  • syn_type (int, optional (default: 1)) – Synaptic type of the noisy connections. By default, mEPSCs are generated, by taking into account only the excitatory degrees and synaptic weights. To setup mIPSCs, used syn_type=-1.
  • weight_fraction (float, optional (default: 0.4)) – Fraction of a spike-triggered PSC that will be released by a mini.
  • nodes (array-like, optional (default: all nodes)) – NNGT ids of the neurons that should be subjected to minis.
  • gids (array-like container ids, optional (default: all neurons)) – NEST gids of the neurons that should be subjected to minis.
  • weight_normalization (float, optional (default: 1.)) – Normalize the weight.


nodes and gids are not compatible, only one one the two arguments can be used in any given call to set_minis.

When using this function, you must compensate the weight using weight_normalization when working with quantal or plastic synapses; otherwise the weights will not be correctly tuned.

nngt.simulation.set_noise(gids, mean, std)[source]#

Submit neurons to a current white noise.

  • gids (tuple) – NEST gids of the target neurons.
  • mean (float) – Mean current value.
  • std (float) – Standard deviation of the current

noise (tuple) – The NEST gid of the noise_generator.

nngt.simulation.set_poisson_input(gids, rate, syn_spec=None)[source]#

Submit neurons to a Poissonian rate of spikes.

Changed in version 0.9: Added syn_spec parameter.

  • gids (tuple) – NEST gids of the target neurons.
  • rate (float) – Rate of the spike train.
  • syn_spec (dict, optional (default: static synapse with weight 1)) – Properties of the connection between the poisson_generator object and the target neurons.

poisson_input (tuple) – The NEST gid of the poisson_generator.

nngt.simulation.set_step_currents(gids, times, currents)[source]#

Set step-current excitations

  • gids (tuple) – NEST gids of the target neurons.
  • times (list or numpy.ndarray) – List of the times where the current will change (by default the current generator is initiated at I=0. for t=0.)
  • currents (list or numpy.ndarray) – List of the new current value after the associated time value in times.

noise (tuple) – The NEST gid of the noise_generator.

nngt.simulation.plot_activity(gid_recorder=None, record=None, network=None, gids=None, show=False, limits=None, hist=True, title=None, label=None, sort=None, average=False, normalize=1.0, decimate=None, transparent=True)[source]#

Plot the monitored activity.

  • gid_recorder (tuple or list of tuples, optional (default: None)) – The gids of the recording devices. If None, then all existing “spike_detector”s are used.
  • record (tuple or list, optional (default: None)) – List of the monitored variables for each device. If gid_recorder is None, record can also be None and only spikes are considered.
  • network (Network or subclass, optional (default: None)) – Network which activity will be monitored.
  • gids (tuple, optional (default: None)) – NEST gids of the neurons which should be monitored.
  • show (bool, optional (default: False)) – Whether to show the plot right away or to wait for the next
  • hist (bool, optional (default: True)) – Whether to display the histogram when plotting spikes rasters.
  • limits (tuple, optional (default: None)) – Time limits of the plot (if not specified, times of first and last spike for raster plots).
  • title (str, optional (default: None)) – Title of the plot.
  • fignum (int, optional (default: None)) – Plot the activity on an existing figure (from figure.number).
  • label (str or list, optional (default: None)) – Add labels to the plot (one per recorder).
  • sort (str or list, optional (default: None)) – Sort neurons using a topological property (“in-degree”, “out-degree”, “total-degree” or “betweenness”), an activity-related property (“firing_rate” or neuronal property) or a user-defined list of sorted neuron ids. Sorting is performed by increasing value of the sort property from bottom to top inside each group.
  • normalize (float or list, optional (default: None)) – Normalize the recorded results by a given float. If a list is provided, there should be one entry per voltmeter or multimeter in the recorders. If the recording was done through monitor_groups, the population can be passed to normalize the data by the nuber of nodes in each group.
  • decimate (int or list of ints, optional (default: None)) – Represent only a fraction of the spiking neurons; only one neuron in decimate will be represented (e.g. setting decimate to 5 will lead to only 20% of the neurons being represented). If a list is provided, it must have one entry per NeuralGroup in the population.


Sorting with “firing_rate” only works if NEST gids form a continuous integer range.

Returns:lines (list of lists of matplotlib.lines.Line2D) – Lines containing the data that was plotted, grouped by figure.
nngt.simulation.raster_plot(times, senders, limits=None, title='Spike raster', hist=False, num_bins=1000, color='b', decimate=None, fignum=None, label=None, show=True, sort=None, sort_attribute=None, network=None, transparent=True)[source]#

Plotting routine that constructs a raster plot along with an optional histogram.

  • times (list or numpy.ndarray) – Spike times.
  • senders (list or numpy.ndarray) – Index for the spiking neuron for each time in times.
  • limits (tuple, optional (default: None)) – Time limits of the plot (if not specified, times of first and last spike).
  • title (string, optional (default: ‘Spike raster’)) – Title of the raster plot.
  • hist (bool, optional (default: True)) – Whether to plot the raster’s histogram.
  • num_bins (int, optional (default: 1000)) – Number of bins for the histogram.
  • color (string or float, optional (default: ‘b’)) – Color of the plot lines and markers.
  • decimate (int, optional (default: None)) – Represent only a fraction of the spiking neurons; only one neuron in decimate will be represented (e.g. setting decimate to 10 will lead to only 10% of the neurons being represented).
  • fignum (int, optional (default: None)) – Id of another raster plot to which the new data should be added.
  • label (str, optional (default: None)) – Label the current data.
  • show (bool, optional (default: True)) – Whether to show the plot right away or to wait for the next

lines (list of matplotlib.lines.Line2D) – Lines containing the data that was plotted.