Source code for nngt.analysis.activity_analysis

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the NNGT project to generate and analyze
# neuronal networks and their activity.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017  Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Tools for activity analysis from data """

import logging

import numpy as np
import scipy.signal as sps
import scipy.sparse as ssp

from nngt.lib import nonstring_container, find_idx_nearest
from nngt.lib.logger import _log_message

__all__ = [

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ----------------------- #
# Get activity properties #
# ----------------------- #

[docs]def get_b2(network=None, spike_detector=None, data=None, nodes=None): ''' Return the B2 coefficient for the neurons. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`nngt.Network`, optional (default: None) Network for which the activity was simulated. spike_detector : tuple of ints, optional (default: spike detectors) GID of the "spike_detector" objects recording the network activity. data : array-like of shape (N, 2), optionale (default: None) Array containing the spikes data (first line must contain the NEST GID of the neuron that fired, second line must contain the associated spike time). nodes : array-like, optional (default: all neurons) NNGT ids of the nodes for which the B2 should be computed. Returns ------- b2 : array-like B2 coefficient for each neuron in `nodes`. ''' if data is None: data, nodes = _set_data_nodes(network, data, nodes) data = _set_spike_data(data, spike_detector) else: if nodes is None: nodes = np.unique(data[:, 0]) return _b2_from_data(nodes, data)
[docs]def get_firing_rate(network=None, spike_detector=None, data=None, nodes=None): ''' Return the average firing rate for the neurons. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`nngt.Network`, optional (default: None) Network for which the activity was simulated. spike_detector : tuple of ints, optional (default: spike detectors) GID of the "spike_detector" objects recording the network activity. data : :class:`numpy.array` of shape (N, 2), optionale (default: None) Array containing the spikes data (first line must contain the NEST GID of the neuron that fired, second line must contain the associated spike time). nodes : array-like, optional (default: all nodes) NNGT ids of the nodes for which the B2 should be computed. Returns ------- fr : array-like Firing rate for each neuron in `nodes`. ''' if data is None: data, nodes = _set_data_nodes(network, data, nodes) data = _set_spike_data(data, spike_detector) else: if nodes is None: nodes = np.unique(data[:, 0]) return _fr_from_data(nodes, data)
[docs]def total_firing_rate(network=None, spike_detector=None, nodes=None, data=None, kernel_center=0., kernel_std=30., resolution=None, cut_gaussian=5.): ''' Computes the total firing rate of the network from the spike times. Firing rate is obtained as the convolution of the spikes with a Gaussian kernel characterized by a standard deviation and a temporal shift. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Parameters ---------- network : :class:`nngt.Network`, optional (default: None) Network for which the activity was simulated. spike_detector : tuple of ints, optional (default: spike detectors) GID of the "spike_detector" objects recording the network activity. data : :class:`numpy.array` of shape (N, 2), optionale (default: None) Array containing the spikes data (first line must contain the NEST GID of the neuron that fired, second line must contain the associated spike time). kernel_center : float, optional (default: 0.) Temporal shift of the Gaussian kernel, in ms. kernel_std : float, optional (default: 30.) Characteristic width of the Gaussian kernel (standard deviation) in ms. resolution : float or array, optional (default: `0.1*kernel_std`) The resolution at which the firing rate values will be computed. Choosing a value smaller than `kernel_std` is strongly advised. If resolution is an array, it will be considered as the times were the firing rate should be computed. cut_gaussian : float, optional (default: 5.) Range over which the Gaussian will be computed. By default, we consider the 5-sigma range. Decreasing this value will increase speed at the cost of lower fidelity; increasing it with increase the fidelity at the cost of speed. Returns ------- fr : array-like The firing rate in Hz. times : array-like The times associated to the firing rate values. ''' times, kernel_size = None, None if data is None: data, _ = _set_data_nodes(network, data, nodes) data = _set_spike_data(data, spike_detector) # set resolution and kernel properties + generate the times if resolution is None: resolution = 0.1*kernel_std if nonstring_container(resolution): dt = np.diff(resolution) assert np.allclose(dt - dt[0], 0.), 'If `resolution` is an array, ' +\ 'it must contain evenly spaced ' +\ 'times.' times = np.array(resolution) resolution = dt[0] bin_std = kernel_std / float(resolution) kernel_size = 2. * cut_gaussian * bin_std if times is None: delta_T = resolution * 0.5 * kernel_size times = np.arange(np.min(data[:, 1]) - delta_T, np.max(data[:, 1]) + delta_T, resolution) rate = np.zeros(len(times)) # counts the spikes at each time pos = find_idx_nearest(times, data[:, 1]) bins = np.linspace(0, len(times), len(times)+1) counts, _ = np.histogram(pos, bins=bins) # initialize with delta rate in Hz rate += 1000. * counts / (kernel_std*np.sqrt(np.pi)) fr = _smooth(rate, kernel_size, bin_std, mode='same') # translate times times += kernel_center return fr, times
[docs]def get_spikes(recorder=None, spike_times=None, senders=None, astype="ssp"): ''' Return a 2D sparse matrix, where: - each row i contains the spikes of neuron i (in NEST), - each column j contains the times of the jth spike for all neurons. .. versionchanged:: 1.0 Neurons are now located in the row corresponding to their NEST GID. Parameters ---------- recorder : tuple, optional (default: None) Tuple of NEST gids, where the first one should point to the spike_detector which recorded the spikes. spike_times : array-like, optional (default: None) If `recorder` is not provided, the spikes' data can be passed directly through their `spike_times` and the associated `senders`. senders : array-like, optional (default: None) `senders[i]` corresponds to the neuron which fired at `spike_times[i]`. astype : str, optional (default: "ssp") Format of the returned data. Default is sparse lil_matrix ("ssp") with one row per neuron, otherwise "np" returns a (T, 2) array, with T the number of spikes (the first row being the NEST gid, the second the spike time). Example ------- >>> get_spikes() >>> get_spikes(recorder) >>> times = [1.5, 2.68, 125.6] >>> neuron_ids = [12, 0, 65] >>> get_spikes(spike_times=times, senders=neuron_ids) Note ---- If no arguments are passed to the function, the first spike_recorder available in NEST will be used. Neuron positions correspond to their GIDs in NEST. Returns ------- CSR matrix containing the spikes sorted by neuron GIDs (rows) and time (columns). ''' if recorder is not None: import nest data = nest.GetStatus(recorder[0])[0]["events"] spike_times = data["times"] senders = data["senders"] elif spike_times is None and senders is None: import nest nodes = nest.GetNodes( (0,), properties={'model': 'spike_detector'}) data = nest.GetStatus(nodes[0])[0]["events"] spike_times = data["times"] senders = data["senders"] if astype == "np": return np.array([senders, spike_times]).T elif astype == "ssp": if np.any(senders): max_sender = np.max(senders) # create the sparse matrix data = [0 for _ in range(max_sender + 1)] row_idx = [] col_idx = [] for time, neuron in zip(spike_times, senders): row_idx.append(neuron) col_idx.append(data[neuron]) data[neuron] += 1 return ssp.csr_matrix((spike_times, (row_idx, col_idx))) else: return ssp.csr_matrix([])
# ----- # # Tools # # ----- # def _b2_from_data(ids, data): b2 = np.full(len(ids), np.NaN) if len(data[:, 0]) > 0: for i, neuron in enumerate(ids): ids = np.where(data[:, 0] == neuron)[0] dt1 = np.diff(data[ids, 1]) dt2 = dt1[1:] + dt1[:-1] avg_isi = np.mean(dt1) if avg_isi != 0.: b2[i] = (2*np.var(dt1) - np.var(dt2)) / (2*avg_isi**2) else: b2[i] = np.inf else: _log_message(logger, "WARNING", 'No spikes in the data.') return b2 def _fr_from_data(ids, data): fr = np.zeros(len(ids)) T = float(np.max(data[:, 1]) - np.min(data[:, 1])) for i, neuron in enumerate(ids): ids = np.where(data[:, 0] == neuron)[0] fr[i] = len(ids) / T return fr def _set_data_nodes(network, data, nodes): if data is None: data = [[], []] if nodes is None: nodes = network.nest_gid else: nodes = network.nest_gid[nodes] return data, nodes def _set_spike_data(data, spike_detector): ''' Data must be [[], []] ''' import nest if not len(data[0]): if spike_detector is None: spike_detector = nest.GetNodes( (0,), properties={'model': 'spike_detector'})[0] events = nest.GetStatus(spike_detector, "events") for ev_dict in events: data[0].extend(ev_dict["senders"]) data[1].extend(ev_dict["times"]) sorter = np.argsort(data[1]) return np.array(data)[:, sorter].T def _smooth(data, kernel_size, std, mode='same'): ''' Convolve an array by a Gaussian kernel. Parameters ---------- kernel_size : int Size of the kernel array in bins. std : float Width of the Gaussian (also in bins). Returns ------- convolved array. ''' kernel = sps.gaussian(kernel_size, std) kernel /= np.sum(kernel) return sps.convolve(data, kernel, mode=mode)