Source code for nngt.core.graph_classes

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the NNGT project to generate and analyze
# neuronal networks and their activity.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017  Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Graph classes for graph generation and management """

from copy import deepcopy
import logging
import weakref

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as ssp

import nngt
from nngt import save_to_file
import nngt.analysis as na
from nngt.lib import (InvalidArgument, nonstring_container, default_neuron,
                      default_synapse, POS, WEIGHT, DELAY, DIST, TYPE)
from nngt.lib.graph_helpers import _edge_prop
from nngt.lib.io_tools import _as_string, _load_from_file
from nngt.lib.logger import _log_message
from nngt.lib.test_functions import graph_tool_check, deprecated

if nngt._config['with_nest']:
    from nngt.simulation import make_nest_network

__all__ = ['Graph', 'SpatialGraph', 'Network', 'SpatialNetwork']

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ----- #
# Graph #
# ----- #

[docs]class Graph(nngt.core.GraphObject): """ The basic graph class, which inherits from a library class such as :class:`gt.Graph`, :class:`networkx.DiGraph`, or `igraph.Graph`. The objects provides several functions to easily access some basic properties. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Class properties __num_graphs = 0 __max_id = 0
[docs] @classmethod def num_graphs(cls): ''' Returns the number of alive instances. ''' return cls.__num_graphs
@classmethod def from_library(cls, library_graph, weighted=True, directed=True, **kwargs): library_graph = nngt.core.GraphObject.to_graph_object(library_graph) library_graph.__class__ = cls if weighted: library_graph._w = _edge_prop("weights", kwargs) library_graph._d = _edge_prop("delays", kwargs) library_graph.__id = cls.__max_id library_graph._name = "Graph" + str(cls.__num_graphs) cls.__max_id += 1 cls.__num_graphs += 1 return library_graph
[docs] @classmethod def from_matrix(cls, matrix, weighted=True, directed=True): ''' Creates a :class:`~nngt.Graph` from a :class:`scipy.sparse` matrix or a dense matrix. Parameters ---------- matrix : :class:`scipy.sparse` matrix or :class:`numpy.array` Adjacency matrix. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weight properties. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or undirected. Returns ------- :class:`~nngt.Graph` ''' shape = matrix.shape graph_name = "FromYMatrix_Z" nodes = max(shape[0], shape[1]) if issubclass(matrix.__class__, ssp.spmatrix): graph_name = graph_name.replace('Y', 'Sparse') if not directed: if shape[0] != shape[1] or not (matrix.T != matrix).nnz == 0: raise InvalidArgument('Incompatible `directed=False` ' 'option provided for non symmetric ' 'matrix.') else: graph_name = graph_name.replace('Y', 'Dense') if not directed: if shape[0] != shape[1] or not (matrix.T == matrix).all(): raise InvalidArgument('Incompatible `directed=False` ' 'option provided for non symmetric ' 'matrix.') edges = np.array(matrix.nonzero()).T graph = cls(nodes, name=graph_name.replace("Z", str(cls.__num_graphs)), weighted=weighted, directed=directed) weights = None if weighted: if issubclass(matrix.__class__, ssp.spmatrix): weights = np.array(matrix[edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1]])[0] else: weights = matrix[edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1]] graph.new_edges(edges, {"weight": weights}, check_edges=False) return graph
[docs] @staticmethod @graph_tool_check('2.22') def from_file(filename, fmt="auto", separator=" ", secondary=";", attributes=None, notifier="@", ignore="#", from_string=False): ''' Import a saved graph from a file. @todo: implement population and shape loading, implement gml, dot, xml, gt Parameters ---------- filename: str The path to the file. fmt : str, optional (default: "neighbour") The format used to save the graph. Supported formats are: "neighbour" (neighbour list, default if format cannot be deduced automatically), "ssp" (scipy.sparse), "edge_list" (list of all the edges in the graph, one edge per line, represented by a ``source target``-pair), "gml" (gml format, default if `filename` ends with '.gml'), "graphml" (graphml format, default if `filename` ends with '.graphml' or '.xml'), "dot" (dot format, default if `filename` ends with '.dot'), "gt" (only when using `graph_tool`<>_ as library, detected if `filename` ends with '.gt'). separator : str, optional (default " ") separator used to separate inputs in the case of custom formats (namely "neighbour" and "edge_list") secondary : str, optional (default: ";") Secondary separator used to separate attributes in the case of custom formats. attributes : list, optional (default: []) List of names for the attributes present in the file. If a `notifier` is present in the file, names will be deduced from it; otherwise the attributes will be numbered. This argument can also be used to load only a subset of the saved attributes. notifier : str, optional (default: "@") Symbol specifying the following as meaningfull information. Relevant information is formatted ``@info_name=info_value``, where ``info_name`` is in ("attributes", "directed", "name", "size") and associated ``info_value``s are of type (``list``, ``bool``, ``str``, ``int``). Additional notifiers are ``@type=SpatialGraph/Network/ SpatialNetwork``, which must be followed by the relevant notifiers among ``@shape``, ``@population``, and ``@graph``. from_string : bool, optional (default: False) Load from a string instead of a file. Returns ------- graph : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Loaded graph. ''' info, edges, nattr, eattr, pop, shape, pos = _load_from_file( filename=filename, fmt=fmt, separator=separator, secondary=secondary, attributes=attributes, notifier=notifier) # create the graph graph = Graph(nodes=info["size"], name=info["name"], directed=info["directed"]) # make the nodes attributes lst_attr, dtpes, lst_values = [], [], [] if info["node_attributes"]: # edge attributes to add to the graph lst_attr = info["node_attributes"] dtpes = info["node_attr_types"] lst_values = [nattr[name] for name in info["node_attributes"]] for nattr, dtype, values in zip(lst_attr, dtpes, lst_values): graph.new_node_attribute(nattr, dtype, values=values) # make the edges and their attributes lst_attr, dtpes, lst_values = [], [], [] if info["edge_attributes"]: # edge attributes to add to the graph lst_attr = info["edge_attributes"] dtpes = info["edge_attr_types"] lst_values = [eattr[name] for name in info["edge_attributes"]] graph.new_edges(edges, check_edges=False) for eattr, dtype, values in zip(lst_attr, dtpes, lst_values): graph.new_edge_attribute(eattr, dtype, values=values) if pop is not None: Network.make_network(graph, pop) pop._parent = weakref.ref(graph) for g in pop.values(): g._pop = weakref.ref(pop) g._net = weakref.ref(graph) if pos is not None or shape is not None: SpatialGraph.make_spatial(graph, shape=shape, positions=pos) return graph
[docs] @staticmethod def make_spatial(graph, shape=None, positions=None, copy=False): ''' Turn a :class:`~nngt.Graph` object into a :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph`, or a :class:`~nngt.Network` into a :class:`~nngt.SpatialNetwork`. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph` Graph to convert. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape to associate to the new :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph`. positions : (N, 2) array Positions, in a 2D space, of the N neurons. copy : bool, optional (default: ``False``) Whether the operation should be made in-place on the object or if a new object should be returned. Notes ----- In-place operation that directly converts the original graph if `copy` is ``False``, else returns the copied :class:`~nngt.Graph` turned into a :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph`. The `shape` argument can be skipped if `positions` are given; in that case, the neurons will be embedded in a rectangle that contains them all. ''' if copy: graph = graph.copy() if isinstance(graph, Network): graph.__class__ = SpatialNetwork else: graph.__class__ = SpatialGraph graph._init_spatial_properties(shape, positions) if copy: return graph
[docs] @staticmethod def make_network(graph, neural_pop, copy=False, **kwargs): ''' Turn a :class:`~nngt.Graph` object into a :class:`~nngt.Network`, or a :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph` into a :class:`~nngt.SpatialNetwork`. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph` Graph to convert neural_pop : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop` Population to associate to the new :class:`~nngt.Network` copy : bool, optional (default: ``False``) Whether the operation should be made in-place on the object or if a new object should be returned. Notes ----- In-place operation that directly converts the original graph if `copy` is ``False``, else returns the copied :class:`~nngt.Graph` turned into a :class:`~nngt.Network`. ''' if copy: graph = graph.copy() if isinstance(graph, SpatialGraph): graph.__class__ = SpatialNetwork else: graph.__class__ = Network # set delays to 1. or to provided value if they are not already set if "delays" not in kwargs and not hasattr(graph, '_d'): graph._d = {"distribution": "constant", "value": 1.} elif "delays" in kwargs and not hasattr(graph, '_d'): graph._d = kwargs["delays"] elif "delays" in kwargs: _log_message(logger, "WARNING", 'Graph already had delays set, ignoring new ones.') graph._init_bioproperties(neural_pop) if copy: return graph
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Constructor/destructor and properties def __init__(self, nodes=0, name="Graph", weighted=True, directed=True, from_graph=None, **kwargs): ''' Initialize Graph instance Parameters ---------- nodes : int, optional (default: 0) Number of nodes in the graph. name : string, optional (default: "Graph") The name of this :class:`Graph` instance. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weight properties. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or undirected. from_graph : :class:`~nngt.core.GraphObject`, optional An optional :class:`~nngt.core.GraphObject` to serve as base. kwargs : optional keywords arguments Optional arguments that can be passed to the graph, e.g. a dict containing information on the synaptic weights (``weights={"distribution": "constant", "value": 2.3}`` which is equivalent to ``weights=2.3``), the synaptic `delays`, or a ``type`` information. Returns ------- self : :class:`~nngt.Graph` ''' self.__id = self.__class__.__max_id self._name = name self._graph_type = kwargs["type"] if "type" in kwargs else "custom" # Init the core.GraphObject super(Graph, self).__init__(nodes=nodes, g=from_graph, directed=directed, weighted=weighted) # take care of the weights and delays # @todo: use those of the from_graph if weighted: self.new_edge_attribute('weight', 'double') self._w = _edge_prop(kwargs.get("weights", None)) if "delays" in kwargs: self.new_edge_attribute('delay', 'double') self._d = _edge_prop(kwargs.get("delays", None)) if 'inh_weight_factor' in kwargs: self._iwf = kwargs['inh_weight_factor'] # update the counters self.__class__.__num_graphs += 1 self.__class__.__max_id += 1 def __del__(self): self.__class__.__num_graphs -= 1 def __repr__(self): ''' Provide unambiguous informations regarding the object. ''' d = "directed" if self._directed else "undirected" w = "weighted" if self._weighted else "binary" t = self.type n = self.node_nb() e = self.edge_nb() return "<{directed}/{weighted} {obj} object of type '{net_type}' " \ "with {nodes} nodes and {edges} edges at 0x{obj_id}>".format( directed=d, weighted=w, obj=type(self).__name__, net_type=t, nodes=n, edges=e, obj_id=id(self)) def __str__(self): ''' Return the full string description of the object as would be stored inside a file when saving the graph. ''' return _as_string(self) @property def graph_id(self): ''' Unique :class:`int` identifying the instance. ''' return self.__id @property def name(self): ''' Name of the graph. ''' return self._name @property def type(self): ''' Type of the graph. ''' return self._graph_type #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Graph actions
[docs] def copy(self): ''' Returns a deepcopy of the current :class:`~nngt.Graph` instance ''' gc_instance = Graph(name=self._name + '_copy', weighted=self._weighted, from_graph=self) if self.is_spatial(): SpatialGraph.make_spatial(gc_instance) if self.is_network(): Network.make_network(gc_instance, deepcopy(self.population)) return gc_instance
[docs] @graph_tool_check('2.22') def to_file(self, filename, fmt="auto", separator=" ", secondary=";", attributes=None, notifier="@"): ''' Save graph to file; options detailed below. .. seealso:: :py:func:`nngt.lib.save_to_file` function for options. ''' save_to_file(self, filename, fmt=fmt, separator=separator, secondary=secondary, attributes=attributes, notifier=notifier)
#~ def inhibitory_subgraph(self): #~ ''' Create a :class:`~nngt.Graph` instance which graph #~ contains only the inhibitory edges of the current instance's #~ :class:`graph_tool.Graph` ''' #~ eprop_b_type = self._graph.new_edge_property( #~ "bool",-self._graph.edge_properties[TYPE].a+1) #~ self._graph.set_edge_filter(eprop_b_type) #~ inhib_graph = Graph( name=self._name + '_inhib', #~ weighted=self._weighted, #~ from_graph=core.GraphObject(self._graph,prune=True) ) #~ self.clear_filters() #~ return inhib_graph #~ def excitatory_subgraph(self): #~ ''' #~ Create a :class:`~nngt.Graph` instance which graph contains only the #~ excitatory edges of the current instance's :class:`core.GraphObject`. #~ .. warning :: #~ Only works for graph_tool #~ .. todo :: #~ Make this method library independant! #~ ''' #~ eprop_b_type = self._graph.new_edge_property( #~ "bool",self._graph.edge_properties[TYPE].a+1) #~ self._graph.set_edge_filter(eprop_b_type) #~ exc_graph = Graph( name=self._name + '_exc', #~ weighted=self._weighted, #~ graph=core.GraphObject(self._graph,prune=True) ) #~ self._graph.clear_filters() #~ return exc_graph #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Setters
[docs] def set_name(self, name=""): ''' set graph name ''' if name != "": self._name = name else: self._name = "Graph_" + str(self.__id)
[docs] def new_edge_attribute(self, name, value_type, values=None, val=None): ''' Create a new attribute for the edges. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the new attribute. value_type : str Type of the attribute, among 'int', 'double', 'string' values : array, optional (default: None) Values with which the edge attribute should be initialized. (must have one entry per node in the graph) val : int, float or str , optional (default: None) Identical value for all edges. ''' self._eattr.new_attribute(name, value_type, values=values, val=val)
[docs] def new_node_attribute(self, name, value_type, values=None, val=None): ''' Create a new attribute for the nodes. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the new attribute. value_type : str Type of the attribute, among 'int', 'double', 'string' values : array, optional (default: None) Values with which the node attribute should be initialized. (must have one entry per node in the graph) val : int, float or str , optional (default: None) Identical value for all nodes. ''' self._nattr.new_attribute(name, value_type, values=values, val=val)
[docs] def set_edge_attribute(self, attribute, values=None, val=None, value_type=None, edges=None): ''' Set attributes to the connections between neurons. .. warning :: The special "type" attribute cannot be modified when using graphs that inherit from the :class:`~nngt.Network` class. This is because for biological networks, neurons make only one kind of synapse, which is determined by the :class:`nngt.NeuralGroup` they belong to. Parameters ---------- attribute : str The name of the attribute. value_type : str Type of the attribute, among 'int', 'double', 'string' values : array, optional (default: None) Values with which the edge attribute should be initialized. (must have one entry per node in the graph) val : int, float or str , optional (default: None) Identical value for all edges. value_type : str, optional (default: None) Type of the attribute, among 'int', 'double', 'string'. Only used if the attribute does not exist and must be created. edges : list of edges or array of shape (E, 2), optional (default: all) Edges whose attributes should be set. Others will remain unchanged. ''' if attribute not in self.edges_attributes: assert value_type is not None, "`value_type` is necessary for " +\ "new attributes." self.new_edge_attribute(name=attribute, value_type=value_type, values=values, val=val) else: num_edges = self.edge_nb() if edges is None else len(edges) if values is None: if val is not None: values = np.repeat(val, num_edges) else: raise InvalidArgument("At least one of the `values` and " "`val` arguments should not be ``None``.") self._eattr.set_attribute(attribute, values, edges=edges)
[docs] def set_node_attribute(self, attribute, values=None, val=None, value_type=None, nodes=None): ''' Set attributes to the connections between neurons. .. versionadded:: 0.9 Parameters ---------- attribute : str The name of the attribute. value_type : str Type of the attribute, among 'int', 'double', 'string' values : array, optional (default: None) Values with which the edge attribute should be initialized. (must have one entry per node in the graph) val : int, float or str , optional (default: None) Identical value for all edges. value_type : str, optional (default: None) Type of the attribute, among 'int', 'double', 'string'. Only used if the attribute does not exist and must be created. nodes : list of nodes, optional (default: all) Nodes whose attributes should be set. Others will remain unchanged. ''' if attribute not in self.nodes_attributes: assert value_type is not None, "`value_type` is necessary for " +\ "new attributes." self.new_node_attribute(name=attribute, value_type=value_type, values=values, val=val) else: num_nodes = self.node_nb() if nodes is None else len(nodes) if values is None: if val is not None: values = np.repeat(val, num_nodes) else: raise InvalidArgument("At least one of the `values` and " "`val` arguments should not be ``None``.") self._nattr.set_attribute(attribute, values, nodes=nodes)
[docs] def set_weights(self, weight=None, elist=None, distribution=None, parameters=None, noise_scale=None): ''' Set the synaptic weights. ..todo :: take elist into account in Connections.weights Parameters ---------- weight : float or class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) Value or list of the weights (for user defined weights). elist : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) List of the edges (for user defined weights). distribution : class:`string`, optional (default: None) Type of distribution (choose among "constant", "uniform", "gaussian", "lognormal", "lin_corr", "log_corr"). parameters : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the properties of the weight distribution. Properties are as follow for the distributions - 'constant': 'value' - 'uniform': 'lower', 'upper' - 'gaussian': 'avg', 'std' - 'lognormal': 'position', 'scale' noise_scale : class:`int`, optional (default: None) Scale of the multiplicative Gaussian noise that should be applied on the weights. ''' if isinstance(weight, float): size = self.edge_nb() if elist is None else len(elist) self._w = {"distribution": "constant", "value": weight} weight = np.repeat(weight, size) elif not nonstring_container(weight) and weight is not None: raise AttributeError("Invalid `weight` value: must be either " "float, array-like or None.") elif weight is not None: self._w = {"distribution": "custom"} elif None not in (distribution, parameters): self._w = {"distribution": distribution} self._w.update(parameters) if distribution is None: distribution = self._w["distribution"] if parameters is None: parameters = self._w nngt.core.Connections.weights( self, elist=elist, wlist=weight, distribution=distribution, parameters=parameters, noise_scale=noise_scale)
[docs] def set_types(self, syn_type, nodes=None, fraction=None): ''' Set the synaptic/connection types. .. warning :: The special "type" attribute cannot be modified when using graphs that inherit from the :class:`~nngt.Network` class. This is because for biological networks, neurons make only one kind of synapse, which is determined by the :class:`nngt.NeuralGroup` they belong to. Parameters ---------- syn_type : int or string Type of the connection among 'excitatory' (also `1`) or 'inhibitory' (also `-1`). nodes : int, float or list, optional (default: `None`) If `nodes` is an int, number of nodes of the required type that will be created in the graph (all connections from inhibitory nodes are inhibitory); if it is a float, ratio of `syn_type` nodes in the graph; if it is a list, ids of the `syn_type` nodes. fraction : float, optional (default: `None`) Fraction of the selected edges that will be set as `syn_type` (if `nodes` is not `None`, it is the fraction of the specified nodes' edges, otherwise it is the fraction of all edges in the graph). Returns ------- t_list : :class:`numpy.ndarray` List of the types in an order that matches the `edges` attribute of the graph. ''' inhib_nodes = nodes if syn_type == 'excitatory' or syn_type == 1: if is_integer(nodes): inhib_nodes = graph.node_nb() - nodes elif isinstance(nodes, np.float): inhib_nodes = 1. / nodes elif nonstring_container(nodes): inhib_nodes = list(range(graph.node_nb())) nodes.sort() for node in nodes[::-1]: del inhib_nodes[node] return nngt.core.Connections.types(self, inhib_nodes, fraction)
[docs] def set_delays(self, delay=None, elist=None, distribution=None, parameters=None, noise_scale=None): ''' Set the delay for spike propagation between neurons. ..todo :: take elist into account in Connections.delays Parameters ---------- delay : float or class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) Value or list of delays (for user defined delays). elist : class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) List of the edges (for user defined delays). distribution : class:`string`, optional (default: None) Type of distribution (choose among "constant", "uniform", "gaussian", "lognormal", "lin_corr", "log_corr"). parameters : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the properties of the delay distribution. noise_scale : class:`int`, optional (default: None) Scale of the multiplicative Gaussian noise that should be applied on the delays. ''' # check special cases and set self._d if isinstance(delay, float): size = self.edge_nb() if elist is None else len(elist) self._d = {"distribution": "constant", "value": delay} delay = np.repeat(delay, size) elif not nonstring_container(delay) and delay is not None: raise AttributeError("Invalid `delay` value: must be either " "float, array-like or None") elif delay is not None: self._d = {"distribution": "custom"} elif None not in (distribution, parameters): self._d = {"distribution": distribution} self._d.update(parameters) if distribution is None: if hasattr(self, "_d"): distribution = self._d["distribution"] else: raise AttributeError( "Invalid `distribution` value: cannot be None if " "default delays were not set at graph creation.") if parameters is None: if hasattr(self, "_d"): parameters = self._d else: raise AttributeError( "Invalid `parameters` value: cannot be None if default" " delays were not set at graph creation.") return nngt.core.Connections.delays( self, elist=elist, dlist=delay, distribution=distribution, parameters=parameters, noise_scale=noise_scale)
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Getters @property def nodes_attributes(self): ''' Access node attributes .. versionadded:: 0.7 ''' return self._nattr @property def edges_attributes(self): ''' Access edge attributes .. versionadded:: 0.7 ''' return self._eattr
[docs] def get_edge_attributes(self, edges=None, name=None): ''' Attributes of the graph's edges. .. versionchanged:: 1.0 Returns the full dict of edges attributes if called without arguments. .. versionadded:: 0.8 Parameters ---------- edge : tuple or list of tuples, optional (default: ``None``) Edge whose attribute should be displayed. name : str, optional (default: ``None``) Name of the desired attribute. Returns ------- Dict containing all graph's attributes (synaptic weights, delays...) by default. If `edge` is specified, returns only the values for these edges. If `name` is specified, returns value of the attribute for each edge. Note ---- The attributes values are ordered as the edges in :func:`~nngt.Graph.edges_array`. ''' if name is not None and edges is not None: if isinstance(edges, slice): return self._eattr[name][edges] else: return self._eattr[edges][name] elif name is None and edges is None: return {k: self._eattr[k] for k in self._eattr.keys()} elif name is None: return self._eattr[edges] else: return self._eattr[name]
[docs] def get_node_attributes(self, nodes=None, name=None): ''' Attributes of the graph's edges. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Corrected default behavior and made it the same as :func:`~nngt.Graph.get_edge_attributes`. .. versionadded:: 0.9 Parameters ---------- nodes : list of ints, optional (default: ``None``) Nodes whose attribute should be displayed. name : str, optional (default: ``None``) Name of the desired attribute. Returns ------- Dict containing all nodes attributes by default. If `nodes` is specified, returns a ``dict`` containing only the attributes of these nodes. If `name` is specified, returns a list containing the values of the specific attribute for the required nodes (or all nodes if unspecified). ''' res = None if name is None: res = {k: self._nattr[k] for k in self._nattr.keys()} else: res = self._nattr[name] if nodes is None: return res else: if isinstance(nodes, (slice, int)) or nonstring_container(nodes): return res[nodes] else: raise ValueError("Invalid `nodes`: " "{}, use slice, int, or list".format(nodes))
[docs] def get_attribute_type(self, attribute_name, attribute_class=None): ''' Return the type of an attribute (e.g. string, double, int). .. versionchanged:: 1.0 Added `attribute_class` parameter. Parameters ---------- attribute_name : str Name of the attribute. attribute_class : str, optional (default: both) Whether `attribute_name` is a "node" or an "edge" attribute. Returns ------- type : str Type of the attribute. ''' if attribute_class is None: if attribute_name in self._eattr and attribute_name in self._nattr: raise RuntimeError("Both edge and node attributes with name '" + attribute_name + "' exist, please " "specify `attribute_class`") elif attribute_name in self._eattr: return self._eattr.value_type(attribute_name) elif attribute_name in self._nattr: return self._nattr.value_type(attribute_name) else: raise KeyError("No '{}' attribute.".format(attribute_name)) else: if attribute_class == "edge": return self._eattr.value_type(attribute_name) elif attribute_class == "node": return self._nattr.value_type(attribute_name) else: raise InvalidArgument( "Unknown attribute class '{}'.".format(attribute_class))
[docs] def get_name(self): ''' Get the name of the graph ''' return self._name
[docs] def get_graph_type(self): ''' Return the type of the graph (see nngt.generation) ''' return self._graph_type
[docs] def get_density(self): ''' Density of the graph: :math:`\\frac{E}{N^2}`, where `E` is the number of edges and `N` the number of nodes. ''' return self.edge_nb()/float(self.node_nb()**2)
[docs] def is_weighted(self): ''' Whether the edges have weights ''' return "weight" in self.edges_attributes
[docs] def is_directed(self): ''' Whether the graph is directed or not ''' return self._directed
[docs] def get_degrees(self, deg_type="total", node_list=None, use_weights=False, syn_type="all"): ''' Degree sequence of all the nodes. ..versionchanged :: 0.9 Added `syn_type` keyword. Parameters ---------- deg_type : string, optional (default: "total") Degree type (among 'in', 'out' or 'total'). node_list : list, optional (default: None) List of the nodes which degree should be returned use_weights : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to use weighted (True) or simple degrees (False). syn_type : int or str, optional (default: all) Restrict to a given synaptic type ("excitatory", 1, or "inhibitory", -1). Returns ------- :class:`numpy.array` or None (if an invalid type is asked). ''' valid_types = ("in", "out", "total") if deg_type in valid_types: if syn_type in ("excitatory", 1): e_neurons = [] if isinstance(self, Network): for g in self.population.values(): if g.neuron_type == 1: e_neurons.extend(g.ids) else: e_neurons = np.where( self.get_node_attributes(name="type") == 1)[0] return self.adjacency_matrix( weights=use_weights, types=False)[e_neurons, :].sum(axis=0).A1 elif syn_type in ("inhibitory", -1): i_neurons = [] if isinstance(self, Network): for g in self.population.values(): if g.neuron_type == -1: i_neurons.extend(g.ids) else: i_neurons = np.where( self.get_node_attributes(name="type") == -1)[0] return self.adjacency_matrix( weights=use_weights, types=False)[i_neurons, :].sum(axis=0).A1 elif syn_type == "all": return self.degree_list(node_list, deg_type, use_weights) else: raise InvalidArgument( "Invalid synaptic type '{}'".format(syn_type)) else: raise InvalidArgument("Invalid degree type '{}'".format(deg_type))
[docs] def get_betweenness(self, btype="both", use_weights=False): ''' Betweenness centrality sequence of all nodes and edges. Parameters ---------- btype : str, optional (default: ``"both"``) Type of betweenness to return (``"edge"``, ``"node"``-betweenness, or ``"both"``). use_weights : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to use weighted (True) or simple degrees (False). Returns ------- node_betweenness : :class:`numpy.array` Betweenness of the nodes (if `btype` is ``"node"`` or ``"both"``). edge_betweenness : :class:`numpy.array` Betweenness of the edges (if `btype` is ``"edge"`` or ``"both"``). ''' return self.betweenness_list(btype=btype, use_weights=use_weights)
[docs] def get_edge_types(self, edges=None): ''' Return the type of all or a subset of the edges. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Added the possibility to ask for a subset of edges. Parameters ---------- edges : (E, 2) array, optional (default: all edges) Edges for which the type should be returned. Returns ------- the list of types (1 for excitatory, -1 for inhibitory) ''' if TYPE in self.edges_attributes: return self.get_edge_attributes(name=TYPE, edges=edges) else: size = self.edge_nb() if edges is None else len(edges) return np.ones(size)
[docs] def get_weights(self, edges=None): ''' Returns the weights of all or a subset of the edges. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Added the possibility to ask for a subset of edges. Parameters ---------- edges : (E, 2) array, optional (default: all edges) Edges for which the type should be returned. Returns ------- the list of weights ''' if self.is_weighted(): if edges is None: return self._eattr["weight"] else: return self._eattr[edges]["weight"] else: size = self.edge_nb() if edges is None else len(edges) return np.ones(size)
[docs] def get_delays(self, edges=None): ''' Returns the delays of all or a subset of the edges. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Added the possibility to ask for a subset of edges. Parameters ---------- edges : (E, 2) array, optional (default: all edges) Edges for which the type should be returned. Returns ------- the list of delays ''' if edges is None: return self._eattr["delay"] else: return self._eattr[edges]["delay"]
[docs] def is_spatial(self): ''' Whether the graph is embedded in space (i.e. if it has a :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape` attribute). Returns ``True`` is the graph is a subclass of :class:`~nngt.SpatialGraph`. ''' return True if issubclass(self.__class__, SpatialGraph) else False
[docs] def is_network(self): ''' Whether the graph is a subclass of :class:`~nngt.Network` (i.e. if it has a :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop` attribute). ''' return True if issubclass(self.__class__, Network) else False
# ------------ # # SpatialGraph # # ------------ #
[docs]class SpatialGraph(Graph): """ The detailed class that inherits from :class:`Graph` and implements additional properties to describe spatial graphs (i.e. graph where the structure is embedded in space. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Class properties __num_graphs = 0 __max_id = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Constructor, destructor, attributes def __init__(self, nodes=0, name="Graph", weighted=True, directed=True, from_graph=None, shape=None, positions=None, **kwargs): ''' Initialize SpatialClass instance. .. todo:: see what we do with the from_graph argument Parameters ---------- nodes : int, optional (default: 0) Number of nodes in the graph. name : string, optional (default: "Graph") The name of this :class:`Graph` instance. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weight properties. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or undirected. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment (None leads to a square of side 1 cm) positions : :class:`numpy.array` (N, 2), optional (default: None) Positions of the neurons; if not specified and `nodes` is not 0, then neurons will be reparted at random inside the :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape` object of the instance. **kwargs : keyword arguments for :class:`~nngt.Graph` or :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape` if no shape was given. Returns ------- self : :class:`~nggt.SpatialGraph` ''' self.__id = self.__class__.__max_id self.__class__.__num_graphs += 1 self.__class__.__max_id += 1 self._shape = None self._pos = None super(SpatialGraph, self).__init__(nodes, name, weighted, directed, from_graph, **kwargs) self._init_spatial_properties(shape, positions, **kwargs) if "population" in kwargs: self.make_network(self, kwargs["population"]) def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, '_shape'): if self._shape is not None: self._shape._parent = None self._shape = None super(SpatialGraph, self).__del__() self.__class__.__num_graphs -= 1 @property def shape(self): return self._shape #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Init tool def _init_spatial_properties(self, shape, positions=None, **kwargs): ''' Create the positions of the neurons from the graph `shape` attribute and computes the connections distances. ''' self.new_edge_attribute('distance', 'double') if positions is not None and positions.shape[0] != self.node_nb(): raise InvalidArgument("Wrong number of neurons in `positions`.") if shape is not None: shape.set_parent(self) self._shape = shape else: if positions is None: if 'height' in kwargs and 'width' in kwargs: self._shape = nngt.geometry.Shape.rectangle( kwargs['height'], kwargs['width'], parent=self) elif 'radius' in kwargs: self._shape = nngt.geometry.Shape.disk( kwargs['radius'], parent=self) elif 'radii' in kwargs: self._shape = nngt.geometry.Shape.ellipse( kwargs['radii'], parent=self) elif 'polygon' in kwargs: self._shape = nngt.geometry.Shape.from_polygon( kwargs['polygon'], min_x=kwargs.get('min_x', -5000.), max_x=kwargs.get('max_x', 5000.), unit=kwargs.get('unit', 'um'), parent=self) else: raise RuntimeError('SpatialGraph needs a `shape` or ' 'keywords arguments to build one, or ' 'at least `positions` so it can create ' 'a square containing them') else: minx, maxx = np.min(positions[:, 0]), np.max(positions[:, 0]) miny, maxy = np.min(positions[:, 1]), np.max(positions[:, 1]) height, width = 1.01*(maxy - miny), 1.01*(maxx - minx) centroid = (0.5*(maxx + minx), 0.5*(maxy + miny)) self._shape = nngt.geometry.Shape.rectangle( height, width, centroid=centroid, parent=self) b_rnd_pos = True if not self.node_nb() or positions is None else False self._pos = self._shape.seed_neurons() if b_rnd_pos else positions nngt.core.Connections.distances(self) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Getters
[docs] def get_positions(self, neurons=None): ''' Returns the neurons' positions as a (N, 2) array. Parameters ---------- neurons : int or array-like, optional (default: all neurons) List of the neurons for which the position should be returned. ''' if neurons is not None: return np.array(self._pos[neurons]) return np.array(self._pos)
# ------- # # Network # # ------- #
[docs]class Network(Graph): """ The detailed class that inherits from :class:`Graph` and implements additional properties to describe various biological functions and interact with the NEST simulator. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Class attributes and methods __num_networks = 0 __max_id = 0
[docs] @classmethod def num_networks(cls): ''' Returns the number of alive instances. ''' return cls.__num_networks
[docs] @classmethod def from_gids(cls, gids, get_connections=True, get_params=False, neuron_model=default_neuron, neuron_param=None, syn_model=default_synapse, syn_param=None, **kwargs): ''' Generate a network from gids. Warning ------- Unless `get_connections` and `get_params` is True, or if your population is homogeneous and you provide the required information, the information contained by the network and its `population` attribute will be erroneous! To prevent conflicts the :func:`~nngt.Network.to_nest` function is not available. If you know what you are doing, you should be able to find a workaround... Parameters ---------- gids : array-like Ids of the neurons in NEST or simply user specified ids. get_params : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the parameters should be obtained from NEST (can be very slow). neuron_model : string, optional (default: None) Name of the NEST neural model to use when simulating the activity. neuron_param : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the neural parameters; the default value will make NEST use the default parameters of the model. syn_model : string, optional (default: 'static_synapse') NEST synaptic model to use when simulating the activity. syn_param : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the synaptic parameters; the default value will make NEST use the default parameters of the model. Returns ------- net : :class:`~nngt.Network` or subclass Uniform network of disconnected neurons. ''' from nngt.lib.errors import not_implemented if neuron_param is None: neuron_param = {} if syn_param is None: syn_param = {} # create the population size = len(gids) nodes = [i for i in range(size)] group = nngt.NeuralGroup( nodes, ntype=1, neuron_model=neuron_model, neuron_param=neuron_param) pop = nngt.NeuralPop.from_groups([group]) # create the network net = cls(population=pop, **kwargs) net.nest_gid = np.array(gids) net._id_from_nest_gid = {gid: i for i, gid in enumerate(gids)} net.to_nest = not_implemented if get_connections: from nngt.simulation import get_nest_adjacency converter = {gid: i for i, gid in enumerate(gids)} mat = get_nest_adjacency(converter) edges = np.array(mat.nonzero()).T w = net.new_edges(edges, {'weight': w}, check_edges=False) if get_params: raise NotImplementedError('`get_params` not implemented yet.') return net
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated("1.0", reason="of a redondant name", alternative="uniform") def uniform_network(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls.uniform(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod @deprecated("1.0", reason="redondant name", alternative="exc_and_inhib") def ei_network(cls, *args, **kwargs): return cls.exc_and_inhib(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def uniform(cls, size, neuron_model=default_neuron, neuron_param=None, syn_model=default_synapse, syn_param=None, **kwargs): ''' Generate a network containing only one type of neurons. .. versionadded:: 1.0 Parameters ---------- size : int Number of neurons in the network. neuron_model : string, optional (default: 'aief_cond_alpha') Name of the NEST neural model to use when simulating the activity. neuron_param : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the neural parameters; the default value will make NEST use the default parameters of the model. syn_model : string, optional (default: 'static_synapse') NEST synaptic model to use when simulating the activity. syn_param : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary containing the synaptic parameters; the default value will make NEST use the default parameters of the model. Returns ------- net : :class:`~nngt.Network` or subclass Uniform network of disconnected neurons. ''' if neuron_param is None: neuron_param = {} if syn_param is None: syn_param = {} pop = nngt.NeuralPop.uniform( size, neuron_model=neuron_model, neuron_param=neuron_param, syn_model=syn_model, syn_param=syn_param, parent=None) net = cls(population=pop, **kwargs) return net
[docs] @classmethod def exc_and_inhib(cls, size, iratio=0.2, en_model=default_neuron, en_param=None, in_model=default_neuron, in_param=None, syn_spec=None, **kwargs): ''' Generate a network containing a population of two neural groups: inhibitory and excitatory neurons. .. versionadded:: 1.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.8 Removed `es_{model, param}` and `is_{model, param}` in favour of `syn_spec` parameter. Renamed `ei_ratio` to `iratio` to match :func:`~nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib`. Parameters ---------- size : int Number of neurons in the network. i_ratio : double, optional (default: 0.2) Ratio of inhibitory neurons: :math:`\\frac{N_i}{N_e+N_i}`. en_model : string, optional (default: 'aeif_cond_alpha') Nest model for the excitatory neuron. en_param : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary of parameters for the the excitatory neuron. in_model : string, optional (default: 'aeif_cond_alpha') Nest model for the inhibitory neuron. in_param : dict, optional (default: {}) Dictionary of parameters for the the inhibitory neuron. syn_spec : dict, optional (default: static synapse) Dictionary containg a directed edge between groups as key and the associated synaptic parameters for the post-synaptic neurons (i.e. those of the second group) as value. If provided, all connections between groups will be set according to the values contained in `syn_spec`. Valid keys are: - `('excitatory', 'excitatory')` - `('excitatory', 'inhibitory')` - `('inhibitory', 'excitatory')` - `('inhibitory', 'inhibitory')` Returns ------- net : :class:`~nngt.Network` or subclass Network of disconnected excitatory and inhibitory neurons. See also -------- :func:`~nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib` ''' pop = nngt.NeuralPop.exc_and_inhib( size, iratio, en_model, en_param, in_model, in_param, syn_spec=syn_spec) net = cls(population=pop, **kwargs) return net
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Constructor, destructor and attributes def __init__(self, name="Network", weighted=True, directed=True, from_graph=None, population=None, inh_weight_factor=1., **kwargs): ''' Initializes :class:`~nngt.Network` instance. Parameters ---------- nodes : int, optional (default: 0) Number of nodes in the graph. name : string, optional (default: "Graph") The name of this :class:`Graph` instance. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weight properties. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or undirected. from_graph : :class:`~nngt.core.GraphObject`, optional (default: None) An optional :class:`~nngt.core.GraphObject` to serve as base. population : :class:`nngt.NeuralPop`, (default: None) An object containing the neural groups and their properties: model(s) to use in NEST to simulate the neurons as well as their parameters. inh_weight_factor : float, optional (default: 1.) Factor to apply to inhibitory synapses, to compensate for example the strength difference due to timescales between excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Returns ------- self : :class:`~nggt.Network` ''' self.__id = self.__class__.__max_id self.__class__.__num_networks += 1 self.__class__.__max_id += 1 if population is None: raise InvalidArgument("Network needs a NeuralPop to be created") nodes = population.size if "nodes" in kwargs.keys(): assert kwargs["nodes"] == nodes, "Incompatible values for " +\ "`nodes` = {} with a `population` of size {}.".format( kwargs["nodes"], nodes) del kwargs["nodes"] if "delays" not in kwargs: # set default delay to 1. kwargs["delays"] = 1. super(Network, self).__init__( nodes=nodes, name=name, weighted=weighted, directed=directed, from_graph=from_graph, inh_weight_factor=inh_weight_factor, **kwargs) self._init_bioproperties(population) if "shape" in kwargs or "positions" in kwargs: self.make_spatial(self, shape=kwargs.get("shape", None), positions=kwargs.get("positions", None)) def __del__(self): super(Network, self).__del__() self.__class__.__num_networks -= 1 @property def population(self): ''' :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop` that divides the neurons into groups with specific properties. ''' return self._population @population.setter def population(self, population): if issubclass(population.__class__, nngt.NeuralPop): if self.node_nb() == population.size: if population.is_valid: self._population = population else: raise AttributeError("NeuralPop is not valid (not all \ neurons are associated to a group).") else: raise AttributeError("{} and NeuralPop must have same number \ of neurons".format(self.__class__.__name__)) else: raise AttributeError("Expecting NeuralPop but received \ {}".format(pop.__class__.__name__)) @property def nest_gid(self): return self._nest_gid @nest_gid.setter def nest_gid(self, gids): self._nest_gid = gids for group in self.population.values(): group._nest_gids = gids[group.ids]
[docs] def get_edge_types(self): inhib_neurons = {} types = np.ones(self.edge_nb()) for g in self._population.values(): if g.neuron_type == -1: for n in g.ids: inhib_neurons[n] = None for i, e in enumerate(self.edges_array): if e[0] in inhib_neurons: types[i] = -1 return types
[docs] def id_from_nest_gid(self, gids): ''' Return the ids of the nodes in the :class:`nngt.Network` instance from the corresponding NEST gids. Parameters ---------- gids : int or tuple NEST gids. Returns ------- ids : int or tuple Ids in the network. Same type as the requested `gids` type. ''' if nonstring_container(gids): return np.array([self._id_from_nest_gid[gid] for gid in gids], dtype=int) else: return self._id_from_nest_gid[gids]
[docs] def to_nest(self, send_only=None, use_weights=True): ''' Send the network to NEST. .. seealso:: :func:`~nngt.simulation.make_nest_network` for parameters ''' from nngt.simulation import make_nest_network if nngt._config['with_nest']: return make_nest_network( self, send_only=send_only, use_weights=use_weights) else: raise RuntimeError("NEST is not present.")
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Init tool def _init_bioproperties(self, population): ''' Set the population attribute and link each neuron to its group. ''' self._population = None self._nest_gid = None self._id_from_nest_gid = None if not hasattr(self, '_iwf'): self._iwf = 1. if issubclass(population.__class__, nngt.NeuralPop): if population.is_valid or not self.node_nb(): self._population = population nodes = population.size # create the delay attribute if necessary if "delay" not in self.edges_attributes: self.set_delays() else: raise AttributeError("NeuralPop is not valid (not all neurons " "are associated to a group).") else: raise AttributeError("Expected NeuralPop but received " "{}".format(pop.__class__.__name__)) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Setter
[docs] def set_types(self, syn_type, nodes=None, fraction=None): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot be used on :class:`~nngt.Network`.")
[docs] def get_neuron_type(self, neuron_ids): ''' Return the type of the neurons (+1 for excitatory, -1 for inhibitory). Parameters ---------- neuron_ids : int or tuple NEST gids. Returns ------- ids : int or tuple Ids in the network. Same type as the requested `gids` type. ''' if is_integer(neuron_ids): group_name = self._population._neuron_group[neuron_ids] ntype = self._population[group_name].neuron_type return ntype else: groups = (self._population._neuron_group[i] for i in neuron_ids) types = tuple(self._population[gn].neuron_type for gn in groups) return types
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Getter
[docs] def neuron_properties(self, idx_neuron): ''' Properties of a neuron in the graph. Parameters ---------- idx_neuron : int Index of a neuron in the graph. Returns ------- dict of the neuron's properties. ''' group_name = self._population._neuron_group[idx_neuron] return self._population[group_name].properties()
# -------------- # # SpatialNetwork # # -------------- #
[docs]class SpatialNetwork(Network, SpatialGraph): """ Class that inherits from :class:`~nngt.Network` and :class:`SpatialGraph` to provide a detailed description of a real neural network in space, i.e. with positions and biological properties to interact with NEST. """ #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Class attributes __num_networks = 0 __max_id = 0 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Constructor, destructor, and attributes def __init__(self, population, name="Graph", weighted=True, directed=True, shape=None, from_graph=None, positions=None, **kwargs): ''' Initialize Graph instance Parameters ---------- name : string, optional (default: "Graph") The name of this :class:`Graph` instance. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weight properties. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or undirected. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment (None leads to a square of side 1 cm) positions : :class:`numpy.array`, optional (default: None) Positions of the neurons; if not specified and `nodes` != 0, then neurons will be reparted at random inside the :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape` object of the instance. population : class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population from which the network will be built. Returns ------- self : :class:`~nngt.SpatialNetwork` ''' self.__id = self.__class__.__max_id self.__class__.__num_networks += 1 self.__class__.__max_id += 1 if population is None: raise InvalidArgument("Network needs a NeuralPop to be created") nodes = population.size super(SpatialNetwork, self).__init__( nodes=nodes, name=name, weighted=weighted, directed=directed, shape=shape, positions=positions, population=population, from_graph=from_graph, **kwargs) def __del__ (self): super(SpatialNetwork, self).__del__() self.__class__.__num_networks -= 1 #-------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Setter
[docs] def set_types(self, syn_type, nodes=None, fraction=None): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot be used on " ":class:`~nngt.SpatialNetwork`.")