Source code for nngt.database.db_generation

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-

""" Store results into a database """

from collections import namedtuple

from peewee import *
from playhouse.fields import CompressedField
from playhouse.migrate import *

import nngt
from .pickle_field import PickledField

__all__ = [

# ---------------- #
# Database classes #
# ---------------- #

class LongCompressedField(CompressedField):
    db_field = 'longblob'

class BaseModel(Model):
    class Meta:
        database = nngt._main_db

[docs]class Computer(BaseModel): ''' Class containing informations about the conputer. ''' name = TextField() ''' : Name from ``platform.node()`` or ``"unknown"`` ''' platform = TextField() ''' System information from ``platform.platform()`` ''' python = TextField() ''' Python version given by ``platform.python_version()`` ''' cores = IntegerField() ''' Number of cores returned by ``psutil.cpu_count()`` or ``-1`` ''' ram = BigIntegerField() ''' Total memory given by ``psutil.virtual_memory().total`` (long) or ``-1`` '''
[docs]class NeuralNetwork(BaseModel): ''' Class containing informations about the neural network. ''' network_type = TextField(null=True) ''' Type of the network from Graph.type ''' directed = BooleanField(null=True) ''' Whether the graph is directed or not ''' nodes = IntegerField(null=True) ''' Number of nodes. ''' edges = IntegerField(null=True) ''' Number of edges. ''' weighted = BooleanField(null=True) ''' Whether the graph is weighted or not. ''' weight_distribution = TextField(null=True) ''' Name of the weight_distribution used. ''' compressed_file = LongCompressedField(null=True) ''' Compressed (bz2) string of the graph from ``str(graph)``; once uncompressed, can be loaded using ``Graph.from_file(name, from_string=True)``. '''
[docs]class Neuron(BaseModel): ''' Base class that will be modified to contain all the properties of the neurons used during a simulation. ''' pass
[docs]class Synapse(BaseModel): ''' Base class that will be modified to contain all the properties of the synapses used during a simulation. ''' pass
[docs]class Connection(BaseModel): ''' Class detailing the existing connections in the network: a couple of pre- and post-synaptic neurons and a synapse. ''' pre = ForeignKeyField(Neuron, null=True, related_name='out_connections') post = ForeignKeyField(Neuron, null=True, related_name='int_connections') synapse = ForeignKeyField(Synapse, null=True, related_name='connections')
[docs]class Activity(BaseModel): ''' Class detailing the network's simulated activity. ''' raster = PickledField(null=True) ''' Raster of the simulated activity. '''
[docs]class Simulation(BaseModel): ''' Class containing all informations about the simulation properties. ''' start_time = DateTimeField() ''' Date and time at which the simulation started. ''' completion_time = DateTimeField() ''' Date and time at which the simulation ended. ''' simulated_time = FloatField() ''' Virtual time that was simulated for the neural network. ''' resolution = FloatField() ''' Timestep used to simulate the components of the neural network ''' simulator = TextField() ''' Name of the neural simulator used (NEST, Brian...) ''' grnd_seed = IntegerField(null=True) ''' Master seed of the simulation. ''' local_seeds = PickledField(null=True) ''' List of the local threads seeds. ''' computer = ForeignKeyField(Computer, related_name='simulations', null=True) ''' Computer table entry where the computer used is defined. ''' network = ForeignKeyField(NeuralNetwork, related_name='simulations', null=True) ''' Network table entry where the simulated network is described. ''' activity = ForeignKeyField(Activity, related_name='simulations', null=True) ''' Activity table entry where the simulated activity is described. ''' connections = ForeignKeyField(Connection, related_name='simulations', null=True) ''' Connection table entry where the connections are described. ''' population = PickledField() ''' Pickled list containing the neural group names. ''' pop_sizes = PickledField() ''' Pickled list containing the group sizes. '''
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Generate the custom Neuron and Synapse classes #------------------------ # ignore = { 'global_id': True, 'gsl_error_tol': True, 'local_id': True, 'recordables': True, 'thread': True, 'thread_local_id': True, 'vp': True, 'synaptic_elements': True, 'sizeof': True, 'source': True, 'target': True, } val_to_field = { 'int': IntegerField, 'INTEGER': IntegerField, 'bigint': IntegerField, 'tinyint': IntegerField, 'long': PickledField, 'blob': PickledField, 'BLOB': PickledField, 'datetime': DateTimeField, 'DATETIME': DateTimeField, 'str': TextField, 'TEXT': TextField, 'longtext': TextField, 'SLILiteral': TextField, 'float': FloatField, 'REAL': FloatField, 'float64': FloatField, 'float32': FloatField, 'bool': BooleanField, 'lst': PickledField, 'dict': PickledField, 'ndarray': PickledField, 'compressed': LongCompressedField } db_migrator = { 'SqliteDatabase': SqliteMigrator, 'PostgresqlDatabase': PostgresqlMigrator, 'MySQLDatabase': MySQLMigrator, }