Source code for nngt.simulation.nest_plot

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the NNGT project to generate and analyze
# neuronal networks and their activity.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017  Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


# This file is part of the NNGT module
# Distributed as a free software, in the hope that it will be useful, under the
# terms of the GNU General Public License.

""" Utility functions to plot NEST simulated activity """

import logging

from matplotlib.colors import ColorConverter
import numpy as np
import nest

import nngt
from nngt.plot import palette, markers
from nngt.plot.plt_properties import _set_new_plot, _set_ax_lims
from nngt.lib import InvalidArgument, nonstring_container, is_integer
from nngt.lib.sorting import _sort_groups, _sort_neurons
from nngt.lib.logger import _log_message

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# --------------------- #
# Plotting the activity #
# --------------------- #

[docs]def plot_activity(gid_recorder=None, record=None, network=None, gids=None, axis=None, show=False, limits=None, hist=True, title=None, fignum=None, label=None, sort=None, average=False, normalize=1., decimate=None, transparent=True): ''' Plot the monitored activity. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Added `axis` parameter, restored missing `fignum` parameter. Parameters ---------- gid_recorder : tuple or list of tuples, optional (default: None) The gids of the recording devices. If None, then all existing "spike_detector"s are used. record : tuple or list, optional (default: None) List of the monitored variables for each device. If `gid_recorder` is None, record can also be None and only spikes are considered. network : :class:`~nngt.Network` or subclass, optional (default: None) Network which activity will be monitored. gids : tuple, optional (default: None) NEST gids of the neurons which should be monitored. axis : matplotlib axis object, optional (default: new one) Axis that should be use to plot the activity. This takes precedence over `fignum`. show : bool, optional (default: False) Whether to show the plot right away or to wait for the next hist : bool, optional (default: True) Whether to display the histogram when plotting spikes rasters. limits : tuple, optional (default: None) Time limits of the plot (if not specified, times of first and last spike for raster plots). title : str, optional (default: None) Title of the plot. fignum : int, or dict, optional (default: None) Plot the activity on an existing figure (from ``figure.number``). This parameter is ignored if `axis` is provided. label : str or list, optional (default: None) Add labels to the plot (one per recorder). sort : str or list, optional (default: None) Sort neurons using a topological property ("in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" or "betweenness"), an activity-related property ("firing_rate" or neuronal property) or a user-defined list of sorted neuron ids. Sorting is performed by increasing value of the `sort` property from bottom to top inside each group. normalize : float or list, optional (default: None) Normalize the recorded results by a given float. If a list is provided, there should be one entry per voltmeter or multimeter in the recorders. If the recording was done through `monitor_groups`, the population can be passed to normalize the data by the nuber of nodes in each group. decimate : int or list of ints, optional (default: None) Represent only a fraction of the spiking neurons; only one neuron in `decimate` will be represented (e.g. setting `decimate` to 5 will lead to only 20% of the neurons being represented). If a list is provided, it must have one entry per NeuralGroup in the population. Warning ------- Sorting with "firing_rate" only works if NEST gids form a continuous integer range. Returns ------- lines : list of lists of :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Lines containing the data that was plotted, grouped by figure. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt lst_rec, lst_labels, lines, axes, labels = [], [], {}, {}, {} num_fig = np.max(plt.get_fignums()) if plt.get_fignums() else 0 # normalize recorders and recordables if gid_recorder is not None: assert record is not None, "`record` must also be provided." if len(record) != len(gid_recorder): raise InvalidArgument('`record` must either be the same for all ' 'recorders, or contain one entry per ' 'recorder in `gid_recorder`') for rec in gid_recorder: if isinstance(gid_recorder[0], tuple): lst_rec.append(rec[0]) else: lst_rec.append(rec) else: lst_rec = nest.GetNodes( (0,), properties={'model': 'spike_detector'})[0] record = tuple("spikes" for _ in range(len(lst_rec))) # get gids and groups gids = network.nest_gid if (gids is None and network is not None) else gids if gids is None: gids = [] for rec in lst_rec: gids.extend(nest.GetStatus([rec])[0]["events"]["senders"]) gids = np.unique(gids) num_group = len(network.population) if network is not None else 1 # sorting sorted_neurons = np.array([]) if len(gids): sorted_neurons = np.arange( np.max(gids) + 1).astype(int) - np.min(gids) + 1 attr = None if sort is not None: assert network is not None, "`network` is required for sorting." if nonstring_container(sort): attr = sort sorted_neurons = _sort_neurons(attr, gids, network) sort = "user defined sort" else: data = None if sort.lower() in ("firing_rate", "b2"): # get senders data = [[], []] for rec in lst_rec: info = nest.GetStatus([rec])[0] if str(info["model"]) == "spike_detector": data[0].extend(info["events"]["senders"]) data[1].extend(info["events"]["times"]) data = np.array(data).T sorted_neurons, attr = _sort_neurons( sort, gids, network, data=data, return_attr=True) elif network is not None and network.is_spatial(): sorted_neurons, attr = _sort_neurons( "space", gids, network, data=None, return_attr=True) # spikes plotting colors = palette(np.linspace(0, 1, num_group)) num_raster, num_detec, num_meter = 0, 0, 0 fignums = fignum if isinstance(fignum, dict) else {} decim = [] if decimate is None: decim = [None for _ in range(num_group)] elif is_integer(decimate): decim = [decimate for _ in range(num_group)] elif nonstring_container(decimate): assert len(decimate) == num_group, "`decimate` should have one " +\ "entry per group in the population." decim = decimate else: raise AttributeError( "`decimate` must be either an int or a list of `int`.") # set labels if label is None: lst_labels = [None for _ in range(len(lst_rec))] else: if isinstance(label, str): lst_labels = [label] else: lst_labels = label if len(label) != len(lst_rec): _log_message(logger, "WARNING", 'Incorrect length for `label`: expecting {} but got ' '{}.\nIgnoring.'.format(len(lst_rec), len(label))) lst_labels = [None for _ in range(len(lst_rec))] # plot for rec, var, lbl in zip(lst_rec, record, lst_labels): info = nest.GetStatus([rec])[0] fnum = fignums.get(info["model"], fignum) if info["model"] not in labels: labels[info["model"]] = [] lines[info["model"]] = [] if str(info["model"]) == "spike_detector": old_axis = axis if "spike_detector" in axes: axis = axes["spike_detector"] c = colors[num_raster] times, senders = info["events"]["times"], info["events"]["senders"] sorted_ids = sorted_neurons[senders] l = raster_plot(times, sorted_ids, color=c, show=False, limits=limits, sort=sort, fignum=fnum, axis=axis, decimate=decim[num_raster], sort_attribute=attr, network=network, transparent=transparent) num_raster += 1 if l: fig_raster = l[0].figure.number fignums['spike_detector'] = fig_raster axes['spike_detector'] = l[0].axes labels["spike_detector"].append(lbl) lines["spike_detector"].extend(l) elif "detector" in str(info["model"]): c = colors[num_detec] times, senders = info["events"]["times"], info["events"]["senders"] sorted_ids = sorted_neurons[senders] l = raster_plot(times, sorted_ids, fignum=fnum, color=c, axis=axis, show=False, hist=hist, limits=limits) if l: fig_detect = l[0].figure.number num_detec += 1 fignums[info["model"]] = fig_detect labels[info["model"]].append(lbl) lines[info["model"]].extend(l) else: da_time = info["events"]["times"] # prepare axis setup fig = None if axis is None: fig = plt.figure(fnum) fignums[info["model"]] = fig.number else: fig = axis.get_figure() lines_tmp, labels_tmp = [], [] if nonstring_container(var): m_colors = palette(np.linspace(0, 1, len(var))) axes = fig.axes if axis is not None: # multiple y axes on a single subplot, adapted from # # multiple_yaxis_with_spines.html axes = [axis] = var[0] if len(var) > 1: axes.append(axis.twinx()) axes[-1].name = var[1] if len(var) > 2: fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.75) for i, name in zip(range(len(var)-2), var[2:]): new_ax = axis.twinx() new_ax.spines["right"].set_position( ("axes", 1.2*(i+1))) axes.append(new_ax) _make_patch_spines_invisible(new_ax) new_ax.spines["right"].set_visible(True) axes[-1].name = name if not axes: axes = _set_new_plot(fig.number, names=var)[1] labels_tmp = [lbl for _ in range(len(var))] for subvar, c in zip(var, m_colors): for ax in axes: if == subvar: da_subvar = info["events"][subvar] if isinstance(normalize, nngt.NeuralPop): da_subvar /= normalize[num_meter].size elif nonstring_container(normalize): da_subvar /= normalize[num_meter] elif normalize is not None: da_subvar /= normalize lines_tmp.extend( ax.plot(da_time, da_subvar, color=c)) ax.set_ylabel(subvar) ax.set_xlabel("time") if limits is not None: ax.set_xlim(limits[0], limits[1]) else: num_axes, ax = len(fig.axes), axis if axis is None: ax = fig.add_subplot(num_axes + 1, 1, num_axes + 1) da_var = info["events"][var] lines_tmp.extend(ax.plot(da_time, da_var/normalize)) labels_tmp.append(lbl) ax.set_ylabel(var) ax.set_xlabel("time") labels[info["model"]].extend(labels_tmp) lines[info["model"]].extend(lines_tmp) num_meter += 1 if "spike_detector" in axes: ax = axes['spike_detector'] t_min, t_max, idx_min, idx_max = np.inf, -np.inf, np.inf, -np.inf for l in ax.lines: t_max = max(l.get_xdata().max(), t_max) t_min = min(l.get_xdata().min(), t_max) idx_min = min(l.get_ydata().min(), idx_min) idx_max = max(l.get_ydata().max(), idx_max) dt = t_max - t_min didx = idx_max - idx_min pc = 0.02 ax.set_xlim([t_min - pc*dt, t_max + pc*dt]) ax.set_ylim([idx_min - pc*didx, idx_max + pc*didx]) for recorder in fignums: fig = plt.figure(fignums[recorder]) if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title) if label is not None: fig.legend(lines[recorder], labels[recorder]) if show: return lines
[docs]def raster_plot(times, senders, limits=None, title="Spike raster", hist=False, num_bins=1000, color="b", decimate=None, axis=None, fignum=None, label=None, show=True, sort=None, sort_attribute=None, network=None, transparent=True): """ Plotting routine that constructs a raster plot along with an optional histogram. .. versionchanged:: 1.0.1 Added `axis` parameter. Parameters ---------- times : list or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Spike times. senders : list or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Index for the spiking neuron for each time in `times`. limits : tuple, optional (default: None) Time limits of the plot (if not specified, times of first and last spike). title : string, optional (default: 'Spike raster') Title of the raster plot. hist : bool, optional (default: True) Whether to plot the raster's histogram. num_bins : int, optional (default: 1000) Number of bins for the histogram. color : string or float, optional (default: 'b') Color of the plot lines and markers. decimate : int, optional (default: None) Represent only a fraction of the spiking neurons; only one neuron in `decimate` will be represented (e.g. setting `decimate` to 10 will lead to only 10% of the neurons being represented). axis : matplotlib axis object, optional (default: new one) Axis that should be use to plot the activity. fignum : int, optional (default: None) Id of another raster plot to which the new data should be added. label : str, optional (default: None) Label the current data. show : bool, optional (default: True) Whether to show the plot right away or to wait for the next Returns ------- lines : list of :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` Lines containing the data that was plotted. """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt num_neurons = len(np.unique(senders)) lines = [] kwargs = {} if label is None else {'label': label} # decimate if necessary if decimate is not None: idx_keep = np.where(np.mod(senders, decimate) == 0)[0] senders = senders[idx_keep] times = times[idx_keep] if len(times): if axis is not None: fig = axis.get_figure() else: fig = plt.figure(fignum) if transparent: fig.patch.set_visible(False) ylabel = "Neuron ID" xlabel = "Time (ms)" delta_t = 0.01*(times[-1]-times[0]) if hist: num_axes = len(fig.axes) for i, old_ax in enumerate(fig.axes): old_ax.change_geometry(num_axes + 2, 1, i+1) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(num_axes + 2, 1, num_axes + 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(num_axes + 2, 1, num_axes + 2, sharex=ax1) lines.extend(ax1.plot( times, senders, c=color, marker="o", linestyle='None', mec="k", mew=0.5, ms=4, **kwargs)) ax1_lines = ax1.lines if len(ax1_lines) > 1: t_max = max(ax1_lines[0].get_xdata().max(),times[-1]) ax1.set_xlim([-delta_t, t_max+delta_t]) ax1.set_ylabel(ylabel) if limits is not None: ax1.set_xlim(*limits) #~ ax1.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.1), ncol=3) bin_width = ( np.amax(times) - np.amin(times) ) / float(num_bins) t_bins = np.linspace(np.amin(times), np.amax(times), num_bins) if limits is not None: t_bins = np.linspace(limits[0], limits[1], num_bins) n, bins = np.histogram(times, bins=t_bins) #~ n = _moving_average(n,5) t_bins = np.concatenate(([t_bins[0]], t_bins)) #~ heights = 1000 * n / (hist_binwidth * num_neurons) # height = rate in Hz, knowing that t is in ms heights = 1000*np.concatenate(([0],n,[0]))/(num_neurons*bin_width) height = np.repeat(0, len(heights)) if bin_width == 0. else heights lines = ax2.patches if lines: data = lines[-1].get_xy() bottom = data[:,1] if limits is None: old_bins = data[:,0] old_start = int(old_bins[0] / (old_bins[2]-old_bins[0])) new_start = int(t_bins[0] / (t_bins[2]-t_bins[0])) old_end = int(old_bins[-2] / (old_bins[-2]-old_bins[-3])) new_end = int(t_bins[-1] / (t_bins[-1]-t_bins[-2])) diff_start = new_start-old_start diff_end = new_end-old_end if diff_start > 0: bottom = bottom[diff_start:] else: bottom = np.concatenate((np.zeros(-diff_start),bottom)) if diff_end > 0: bottom = np.concatenate((bottom,np.zeros(diff_end))) else: bottom = bottom[:diff_end-1] b_len, h_len = len(bottom), len(heights) if b_len > h_len: bottom = bottom[:h_len] elif b_len < h_len: bottom = np.concatenate((bottom,np.zeros(h_len-b_len))) else: bottom = bottom[:-1] #~ x,y1,y2 = _fill_between_steps(t_bins,heights,bottom[::2], h_align='left') #~ x,y1,y2 = _fill_between_steps(t_bins[:-1],heights+bottom[::2], bottom[::2], h_align='left') ax2.fill_between(t_bins,heights+bottom, bottom, color=color) else: #~ x,y1,_ = _fill_between_steps(t_bins,heights, h_align='left') #~ x,y1,_ = _fill_between_steps(t_bins[:-1],heights) ax2.fill(t_bins,heights, color=color) yticks = [int(x) for x in np.linspace(0,int(max(heights)*1.1)+5,4)] ax2.set_yticks(yticks) ax2.set_ylabel("Rate (Hz)") ax2.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax2.set_xlim(ax1.get_xlim()) _second_axis(sort, sort_attribute, ax1) else: if axis is not None: ax = axis else: num_axes = len(fig.axes) for i, old_ax in enumerate(fig.axes): old_ax.change_geometry(num_axes + 1, 1, i+1) ax = fig.add_subplot(num_axes + 1, 1, num_axes + 1) if network is not None: for m, (k, v) in zip(markers, network.population.items()): keep = np.where( np.in1d(senders, network.nest_gid[v.ids]))[0] if len(keep): if label is None: kwargs['label'] = k lines.extend(ax.plot( times[keep], senders[keep], c=color, marker=m, ls='None', mec='k', mew=0.5, ms=4, **kwargs)) if 'inh' in k: c_rgba = ColorConverter().to_rgba(color, alpha=0.5) lines[-1].set_markerfacecolor(c_rgba) else: lines.extend(ax.plot( times, senders, c=color, marker="o", linestyle='None', mec="k", mew=0.5, ms=4, **kwargs)) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) if limits is not None: ax.set_xlim(limits) else: _set_ax_lims(ax, np.max(times), np.min(times), np.max(senders), np.min(senders)) if label is not None: ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, 1.2)) _second_axis(sort, sort_attribute, ax) fig.suptitle(title) if show: else: _log_message(logger, "WARNING", "No activity was detected during the simulation.") return lines
#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Tools #------------------------ # def _fill_between_steps(x, y1, y2=0, h_align='mid'): ''' Fills a hole in matplotlib: fill_between for step plots. Parameters : ------------ x : array-like Array/vector of index values. These are assumed to be equally-spaced. If not, the result will probably look weird... y1 : array-like Array/vector of values to be filled under. y2 : array-Like Array/vector or bottom values for filled area. Default is 0. ''' # First, duplicate the x values xx = np.repeat(x,2) # Now: the average x binwidth xstep = np.repeat((x[1:] - x[:-1]), 2) xstep = np.concatenate(([xstep[0]], xstep, [xstep[-1]])) # Now: add one step at end of row. #~ xx = np.append(xx, xx.max() + xstep[-1]) # Make it possible to change step alignment. if h_align == 'mid': xx -= xstep / 2. elif h_align == 'right': xx -= xstep # Also, duplicate each y coordinate in both arrays y1 = np.repeat(y1,2)#[:-1] if type(y2) == np.ndarray: y2 = np.repeat(y2,2)#[:-1] return xx, y1, y2 def _moving_average (values, window): weights = np.repeat(1.0, window)/window sma = np.convolve(values, weights, 'same') return sma def _second_axis(sort, sort_attribute, ax): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if sort is not None: fig = ax.get_figure() twin = None for axis in fig.axes: if axis.get_ylabel() == sort: twin = axis break if twin is None: asort = np.argsort(sort_attribute) twin = ax.twinx() twin.grid(False) twin.set_ylabel(sort) plt.draw() old_ticks = ax.get_yticks() twin.set_yticks(old_ticks) twin.set_ylim(ax.get_ylim()) labels = ['' for _ in range(len(old_ticks))] idx_max = len(sort_attribute) - 1 for i, t in enumerate(old_ticks): if t >= 0: idx = min(int(t), idx_max) labels[i] = _sci_format(sort_attribute[asort[idx]]) twin.set_yticklabels(labels) def _sci_format(n): label = '' if np.abs(n) < 0.01 or np.abs(n) >= 1000: a = '{:.1E}'.format(n) label = '$' + a.split('E')[0].rstrip('0').rstrip('.') + '\\cdot 10^{' exponent = a.split('E')[1].lstrip('0') if exponent[0] == '-': exponent = exponent[0] + exponent[1:].lstrip('0') elif exponent[0] == '+': exponent = exponent[1:].lstrip('0') label += exponent + '}$' elif np.abs(n) >= 100: label = '{:.0f}'.format(n) elif np.abs(n) >= 10: label = '{:.1f}'.format(n) else: label = '{:.2f}'.format(n) return label def _make_patch_spines_invisible(ax): ax.set_frame_on(True) ax.patch.set_visible(False) for sp in ax.spines.values(): sp.set_visible(False)