Source code for nngt.plot.animations

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the NNGT project to generate and analyze
# neuronal networks and their activity.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019  Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Animation tools """

import warnings
import weakref
import subprocess

import numpy as np

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import matplotlib.animation as anim

from nngt.lib.sorting import _sort_neurons
from nngt.analysis import total_firing_rate
from .plt_networks import draw_network

# ----------------- #
# Animation classes #
# ----------------- #

class _SpikeAnimator(anim.TimedAnimation):

    Generic class to plot raster plot and firing-rate in time for a given

    .. warning::
        This class is not supposed to be instantiated directly, but only
        through Animation2d or AnimationNetwork.

    steps = [
        1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500,
        1000, 2000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 250000

    def __init__(self, source, sort_neurons=None,
                 network=None, grid=(2, 4), pos_raster=(0, 2),
                 span_raster=(1, 2), pos_rate=(1, 2),
                 span_rate=(1, 2), make_rate=True, **kwargs):
        Generate a SubplotAnimation instance to plot a network activity.

        source : NEST gid tuple or str
            NEST gid of the `spike_detector`(s) which recorded the network or
            path to a file containing the recorded spikes.

        Calling class is supposed to have defined `self.times`, `self.start`,
        `self.duration`, `self.trace`, and `self.timewindow`.
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import nest
        from nngt.simulation.nest_activity import _get_data

        # organization
        self.grid = grid
        self.has_rate = make_rate

        # get data
        data_s = _get_data(source)
        spikes = np.where(data_s[:, 1] >= self.times[0])[0]

        if np.any(spikes):
            idx_start = spikes[0]
            self.spikes = data_s[:, 1][idx_start:]
            self.senders = data_s[:, 0][idx_start:].astype(int)
            self._ymax = np.max(self.senders)
            self._ymin = np.min(self.senders)

            if network is None:
                self.num_neurons = int(self._ymax - self._ymin)
                self.num_neurons = network.node_nb()
            # sorting
            if sort_neurons is not None:
                if network is not None:
                    sorted_neurons = _sort_neurons(
                        sort_neurons, self.senders, network, data=data_s)
                    self.senders = sorted_neurons[self.senders]
                    warnings.warn("Could not sort neurons because no " \
                                  + "`network` was provided.")

            dt = self.times[1] - self.times[0]
            self.simtime = self.times[-1] - self.times[0]
            self.dt = dt

            # generate the spike-rate
            if make_rate:
                self.firing_rate, _ = total_firing_rate(
                    network, data=data_s, resolution=self.times)
            raise RuntimeError("No spikes between {} and {}.".format(
                self.start, self.times[-1]))

        # figure/canvas: pause/resume and step by step interactions
        self.fig = plt.figure(
            figsize=kwargs.get("figsize", (8, 6)), dpi=kwargs.get("dpi", 75))
        self.pause = False
        self.pause_after = False
        self.event = None
        self.increment = 1
        self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click)
        self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard_press)
            'key_release_event', self.on_keyboard_release)

        # Axes for spikes and spike-rate/other representations
        self.spks = plt.subplot2grid(
            grid, pos_raster, rowspan=span_raster[0], colspan=span_raster[1])
        self.second = plt.subplot2grid(
            grid, pos_rate, rowspan=span_rate[0], colspan=span_rate[1],

        # lines
        self.line_spks_ = Line2D(
            [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='black', ms=2, mew=0)
        self.line_spks_a = Line2D(
            [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='red', ms=2, mew=0)
        self.line_second_ = Line2D([], [], color='black')
        self.line_second_a = Line2D([], [], color='red', linewidth=2)
        self.line_second_e = Line2D(
            [], [], color='red', marker='o', markeredgecolor='r')

        # Spikes raster plot
        kw_args = {}
        if self.timewindow != self.duration:
            kw_args['xlim'] = (self.start,
                min(self.simtime, self.timewindow + self.start))
        ylim = (self._ymin, self._ymax)
        self.lines_raster = [self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a]
        self.set_axis(self.spks, xlabel='Time (ms)', ylabel='Neuron',
            lines=self.lines_raster, ylim=ylim, set_xticks=True, **kw_args)
        self.lines_second = [
            self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e]

        # Rate plot
        if make_rate:
                self.second, xlabel='Time (ms)', ylabel='Rate (Hz)',
                lines=self.lines_second, ydata=self.firing_rate, **kw_args)

    # Axis definition

    def set_axis(self, axis, xlabel, ylabel, lines, xdata=None, ydata=None,
        Setup an axis.

        axis : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object
        xlabel : str
        ylabel : str
        lines : list of :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` objects
        xdata : 1D array-like, optional (default: None)
        ydata : 1D array-like, optional (default: None)
        **kwargs : dict, optional (default: {})
            Optional arguments ("xlim" or "ylim", 2-tuples; "set_xticks",
        if kwargs.get('set_xticks', False):
        for line2d in lines:
        if 'xlim' in kwargs:
            xmin, xmax = self.xticks[0], self.xticks[-1]
            axis.set_xlim(_min_axis(xmin, xmax), _max_axis(xmax, xmin))
        if 'ylim' in kwargs:
            ymin, ymax = np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)
            axis.set_ylim(_min_axis(ymin, ymax), _max_axis(ymax, ymin))

    def _draw(self, i, head, head_slice, spike_cum, spike_slice):
            self.spikes[spike_cum], self.senders[spike_cum])
        if np.any(spike_slice):
                self.spikes[spike_slice], self.senders[spike_slice])
            self.line_spks_a.set_data([], [])
        if self.has_rate:
            self.line_second_.set_data(self.times[:i], self.firing_rate[:i])
                self.times[head_slice], self.firing_rate[head_slice])
                self.times[head], self.firing_rate[head])

        # set axis limits: 1. check user-defined
        current_window = np.diff(self.spks.get_xlim())
        default_window = (np.isclose(current_window, self.timewindow)
            or np.isclose(current_window, self.simtime - self.start))[0]
        # 3. change if necessary
        if default_window:
            xlims = self.spks.get_xlim()
            if self.times[i] >= xlims[1]:
                    self.times[i] - self.timewindow, self.times[i])
                    self.times[i] - self.timewindow, self.times[i])
            elif self.times[i] <= xlims[0]:
                self.spks.set_xlim(self.start, self.timewindow + self.start)

    def _make_ticks(self, timewindow):
        target_num_ticks = np.ceil(self.duration / timewindow * 5)
        target_step = self.duration / target_num_ticks
        idx_step = np.abs(self.steps-target_step).argmin()
        step = self.steps[idx_step]
        num_steps = int(self.duration / step) + 2
        self.xticks = [self.start + i*step for i in range(num_steps)]
        self.xlabels = [str(i) for i in self.xticks]

    # User interaction

    def on_click(self, event):
        if event.button == '2':
            if self.pause:
                self.pause = False
                self.pause = True

    def on_keyboard_press(self, kb_event):
        if kb_event.key == ' ':
            if self.pause:
                self.pause = False
                self.pause = True
            if kb_event.key in ('B', 'F', 'N', 'P'):
                if self.pause:
                    self.pause = False
                    self.pause_after = True    # stop at next iteration
                    self.event_source.start()  # restart temporarily
                if kb_event.key == 'F':
                    self.increment *= 2
                elif kb_event.key == 'B':
                    self.increment = max(1, int(self.increment / 2))
        self.event = kb_event

    def on_keyboard_release(self, kb_event):
        if kb_event.key in (' ', 'B', 'F', 'N', 'P'):
            if self.pause_after:
                self.pause = True
                self.pause_after = False
                self.event_source.stop()  # pause again
            self.event = None

    def save_movie(self, filename, fps=30, video_encoder='html5', codec=None,
                   bitrate=-1, start=None, stop=None, interval=None,
                   num_frames=None, metadata=None):
        Save the animation to a movie file.

        filename : :obj:`str`
            Name of the file where the movie will be saved.
        fps : int, optional (default: 30)
            Frame per second.
        video_encoder : :obj:`str`, optional (default 'html5')
            Movie encoding format; either 'ffmpeg', 'html5', or 'imagemagick'.
        codec : :obj:`str`, optional (default: None)
            Codec to use for writing movie; if None, default `animation.codec`
            from `matplotlib` will be used.
        bitrate : int, optional (default: -1)
            Controls size/quality tradeoff for movie. Default (-1) lets utility
        start : float, optional (default: initial time)
            Start time, corresponding to the first spike time that will appear
            on the video.
        stop : float, optional (default: final time)
            Stop time, corresponding to the last spike time that will appear
            on the video.
        interval : int, optional (default: None)
            Timestep increment for each new frame. Default saves all
            timesteps (often heavy). E.g. setting `interval` to 10 will make
            the file 10 times lighter.
        num_frames : int, optional (default: None)
            Total number of frames that should be saved.
        metadata : :obj:`dict`, optional (default: None)
            Metadata for the video (e.g. 'title', 'artist', 'comment',

        * ``ffmpeg`` is required for 'ffmpeg' and 'html5' encoders.
          To get available formats, type ``ffmpeg -formats`` in a terminal;
          type ``ffmpeg -codecs | grep EV`` for available codecs.
        * Imagemagick is required for 'imagemagick' encoder.
        if interval is not None and num_frames is not None:
            raise InvalidArgument("Incompatible arguments `interval` and "
                                  "`num_frames` provided. Choose one.")
        elif interval is None and num_frames is None:
            self.increment  = 1
            self.save_count = self.num_frames
        elif interval is None:
            self.increment = max(1, int(self.num_frames / num_frames))
            self.save_count = num_frames
            self.increment = interval
            self.save_count = int(self.num_frames / interval)
        start_frame = 0
        stop_frame  = self.save_count
        if start is not None:
            start_frame = int(start / self.dt / self.increment) + 1
        if stop is not None:
            stop_frame = int(stop / self.dt / self.increment) + 1
            self, filename, fps, video_encoder, codec, bitrate, metadata,
            self.fig.dpi, start_frame, stop_frame)

[docs]class Animation2d(_SpikeAnimator, anim.FuncAnimation): ''' Class to plot the raster plot, firing-rate, and average trajectory in a 2D phase-space for a network activity. ''' def __init__(self, source, multimeter, start=0., timewindow=None, trace=5., x='time', y='V_m', sort_neurons=None, network=None, interval=50, vector_field=False, **kwargs): ''' Generate a SubplotAnimation instance to plot a network activity. Parameters ---------- source : tuple NEST gid of the ``spike_detector``(s) which recorded the network. multimeter : tuple NEST gid of the ``multimeter``(s) which recorded the network. timewindow : double, optional (default: None) Time window which will be shown for the spikes and self.second. trace : double, optional (default: 5.) Interval of time (ms) over which the data is overlayed in red. x : str, optional (default: "time") Name of the `x`-axis variable (must be either "time" or the name of a NEST recordable in the `multimeter`). y : str, optional (default: "V_m") Name of the `y`-axis variable (must be either "time" or the name of a NEST recordable in the `multimeter`). vector_field : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the :math:`\dot{x}` and :math:`\dot{y}` arrows should be added to phase space. Requires additional 'dotx' and 'doty' arguments which are user defined functions to compute the derivatives of `x` and `x` in time. These functions take 3 parameters, which are `x`, `y`, and `time_dependent`, where the last parameter is a list of doubles associated to recordables from the neuron model (see example for details). These recordables must be declared in a `time_dependent` parameter. sort_neurons : str or list, optional (default: None) Sort neurons using a topological property ("in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" or "betweenness"), an activity-related property ("firing_rate", 'B2') or a user-defined list of sorted neuron ids. Sorting is performed by increasing value of the `sort_neurons` property from bottom to top inside each group. **kwargs : dict, optional (default: {}) Optional arguments such as 'make_rate', 'num_xarrows', 'num_yarrows', 'dotx', 'doty', 'time_dependent', 'recordables', 'arrow_scale'. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nest x = "times" if x == "time" else x y = "times" if y == "time" else y # get data data_mm = nest.GetStatus(multimeter)[0]["events"] self.times = data_mm["times"] self.num_frames = len(self.times) idx_start = np.where(self.times >= start)[0][0] self.idx_start = idx_start self.times = self.times[idx_start:] dt = self.times[1] - self.times[0] self.simtime = self.times[-1] self.start = start self.duration = self.simtime - start self.trace = trace self.vector_field = vector_field if timewindow is None: self.timewindow = self.duration else: self.timewindow = min(timewindow, self.duration) # init _SpikeAnimator parent class (create figure and right axes) if 'make_rate' not in kwargs: kwargs['make_rate'] = True super(Animation2d, self).__init__( source, sort_neurons=sort_neurons, network=network, **kwargs) # Data and axis for phase-space self.x = data_mm[x][idx_start:] / self.num_neurons self.y = data_mm[y][idx_start:] / self.num_neurons = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) # lines self.line_ps_ = Line2D([], [], color='black') self.line_ps_a = Line2D([], [], color='red', linewidth=2) self.line_ps_e = Line2D( [], [], color='red', marker='o', markeredgecolor='r') lines = [self.line_ps_, self.line_ps_a, self.line_ps_e] xlim = (_min_axis(self.x.min()), _max_axis(self.x.max())) self.set_axis(, xlabel=_convert_axis(x), ylabel=_convert_axis(y), lines=lines, xdata=self.x, ydata=self.y, xlim=xlim) # For quiver plot (vector field) nx = kwargs.get('num_xarrows', 20) ny = kwargs.get('num_yarrows', 20) scale = kwargs.get('arrow_scale', 30.) if self.vector_field: time_dependent_rec = kwargs.get('time_dependent', []) self.time_dependent = [ data_mm[key][idx_start:] / self.num_neurons for key in time_dependent_rec ] self.dotx, self.doty = kwargs['dotx'], kwargs['doty'] xx = np.repeat(np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], nx), ny) yy = np.tile(np.linspace(self.y.min(), self.y.max(), ny), nx) self.q =, yy, [], [], scale=scale, color='grey') plt.tight_layout() anim.FuncAnimation.__init__(self, self.fig, self._draw, self._gen_data, interval=interval, blit=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Animation instructions def _gen_data(self): i = -1 imax = len(self.x) - 1 while i < imax - self.increment: if not self.pause: if self.event is not None: if self.event.key == 'N': i += self.increment elif self.event.key == 'P': i -= self.increment self.event = None else: i += self.increment yield i def _draw(self, framedata): i = int(framedata) head = i - 1 head_slice = ((self.times > (self.times[i] - self.trace)) & (self.times < self.times[i])) spike_slice = ((self.spikes > (self.times[i] - self.trace)) & (self.spikes <= self.times[i])) spike_cum = self.spikes < self.times[i] lines = [] if self.vector_field: time_dep = [arr[i] for arr in self.time_dependent] u = self.dotx(self.q.X, self.q.Y, time_dep) v = self.doty(self.q.X, self.q.Y, time_dep) self.q.set_UVC(u, v) lines.append(self.q) self.line_ps_.set_data(self.x[:i], self.y[:i]) self.line_ps_a.set_data(self.x[head_slice], self.y[head_slice]) self.line_ps_e.set_data(self.x[i], self.y[i]) lines.extend([self.line_ps_, self.line_ps_a, self.line_ps_e, self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e]) super(Animation2d, self)._draw( i, head, head_slice, spike_cum, spike_slice) return lines def _init_draw(self): ''' Remove ticks from spks/second axes, save background, then restore state to allow for moveable axes and labels. ''' xlim = self.spks.get_xlim() xlabel = self.spks.get_xlabel() # remove self.spks.set_xticks([]) self.spks.set_xticklabels([]) self.spks.set_xlabel("") self.second.set_xticks([]) self.second.set_xticklabels([]) self.second.set_xlabel("") # background self.fig.canvas.draw() = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.fig.bbox) # restore self.spks.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.spks.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.spks.set_xlim(*xlim) self.spks.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.second.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.second.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.second.set_xlim(*xlim) self.second.set_xlabel(xlabel) if self.vector_field: self.q.set_UVC([], []) # initialize empty lines lines = [self.line_ps_, self.line_ps_a, self.line_ps_e, self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e] for l in lines: l.set_data([], [])
[docs]class AnimationNetwork(_SpikeAnimator, anim.FuncAnimation): ''' Class to plot the raster plot, firing-rate, and space-embedded spiking activity (neurons on the graph representation flash when spiking) in time. ''' def __init__(self, source, network, resolution=1., start=0., timewindow=None, trace=5., show_spikes=False, sort_neurons=None, decimate_connections=False, interval=50, repeat=True, resting_size=None, active_size=None, **kwargs): ''' Generate a SubplotAnimation instance to plot a network activity. Parameters ---------- source : tuple NEST gid of the ``spike_detector``(s) which recorded the network. network : :class:`~nngt.SpatialNetwork` Network embedded in space to plot the actvity of the neurons in space. resolution : double, optional (default: None) Time resolution of the animation. timewindow : double, optional (default: None) Time window which will be shown for the spikes and self.second. trace : double, optional (default: 5.) Interval of time (ms) over which the data is overlayed in red. show_spikes : bool, optional (default: True) Whether a spike trajectory should be displayed on the network. sort_neurons : str or list, optional (default: None) Sort neurons using a topological property ("in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" or "betweenness"), an activity-related property ("firing_rate", 'B2') or a user-defined list of sorted neuron ids. Sorting is performed by increasing value of the `sort_neurons` property from bottom to top inside each group. **kwargs : dict, optional (default: {}) Optional arguments such as 'make_rate', or all arguments for the :func:`nngt.plot.draw_network`. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nest from nngt.simulation.nest_activity import _get_data = weakref.ref(network) self.simtime = _get_data(source)[-1, 1] self.times = np.arange(start, self.simtime + resolution, resolution) self.num_frames = len(self.times) self.start = start self.duration = self.simtime - start self.trace = trace self.show_spikes = show_spikes if timewindow is None: self.timewindow = self.duration else: self.timewindow = min(timewindow, self.duration) # init _SpikeAnimator parent class (create figure and right axes) #~ self.decim_conn = 1 if decimate is not None else decimate self.kwargs = kwargs cs = kwargs.get('chunksize', 10000) mpl.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = cs if 'make_rate' not in kwargs: kwargs['make_rate'] = True super(AnimationNetwork, self).__init__( source, sort_neurons=sort_neurons, network=network, **kwargs) self.env = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) # Data and axis for network representation bbox = self.env.get_window_extent().transformed( self.fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) area_px = bbox.width * bbox.height * self.fig.dpi**2 # neuron size n_size = (resting_size if resting_size is not None else max(2, 0.5*np.sqrt(area_px/self.num_neurons))) if active_size is None: active_size = n_size + 2 pos = network.get_positions() # positions of the neurons self.x = pos[:, 0] self.y = pos[:, 1] # neurons self.line_neurons = Line2D( [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='black', ms=n_size, mew=0) self.line_neurons_a = Line2D( [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='red', ms=active_size, mew=0) self.lines_env = [self.line_neurons, self.line_neurons_a] xlim = (_min_axis(self.x.min()), _max_axis(self.x.max())) self.set_axis(self.env, xlabel='Network', ylabel='', lines=self.lines_env, xdata=self.x, ydata=self.y, xlim=xlim) # spike trajectory if show_spikes: self.line_st_a = Line2D([], [], color='red', linewidth=1) self.line_st_e = Line2D( [], [], color='red', marker='d', ms=2, markeredgecolor='r') self.lines_env.extend((self.line_st_a, self.line_st_e)) # remove the axes and grid from env self.env.set_xticks([]) self.env.set_yticks([]) self.env.set_xticklabels([]) self.env.set_yticklabels([]) self.env.grid(None) plt.tight_layout() anim.FuncAnimation.__init__( self, self.fig, self._draw, self._gen_data, repeat=repeat, interval=interval, blit=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Animation instructions def _gen_data(self): i = -1 imax = len(self.times) - 1 while i < imax - self.increment: if not self.pause: if self.event is not None: if self.event.key == 'N': i += self.increment elif self.event.key == 'P': i -= self.increment else: i += self.increment yield i def _draw(self, framedata): i = int(framedata) if i == 0: # initialize neurons and connections self.line_neurons.set_data(self.x, self.y) #~ self.line_connections.set_data(self.x_conn, self.y_conn) head = i - 1 head_slice = ((self.times > self.times[i] - self.trace) & (self.times < self.times[i])) spike_slice = ((self.spikes > self.times[i] - self.trace) & (self.spikes <= self.times[i])) spike_cum = self.spikes < self.times[i] pos_ids =[spike_slice]) self.line_neurons_a.set_data(self.x[pos_ids], self.y[pos_ids]) if self.show_spikes: # @todo: make this work for heterogeneous delays time = self.times[i] delays = np.average( departures = self.spikes[spikes_slice] arrivals = departures + delays # get the spikers ids_dep = self.nids[self.senders[spikes_slice]] degrees = network.get_degrees('out', node_list=ids_dep) ids_dep = np.repeat(ids_dep, degrees) # repeat based on out-degree x_dep = self.x[ids_dep] y_dep = self.y[ids_dep] # get their out-neighbours #~ for d, a in zip(departures, arrivals): super(AnimationNetwork, self)._draw( i, head, head_slice, spike_cum, spike_slice) return [self.line_neurons, self.line_neurons_a, self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e] def _init_draw(self): ''' Remove ticks from spks/second axes, save background, then restore state to allow for moveable axes and labels. ''' # remove xlim = self.spks.get_xlim() xlabel = self.spks.get_xlabel() self.spks.set_xticks([]) self.spks.set_xticklabels([]) self.spks.set_xlabel("") self.second.set_xticks([]) self.second.set_xticklabels([]) self.second.set_xlabel("") # background self.fig.canvas.draw() = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.fig.bbox) # restore self.spks.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.spks.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.spks.set_xlim(*xlim) self.spks.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.second.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.second.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.second.set_xlim(*xlim) self.second.set_xlabel(xlabel) # initialize empty lines lines = [self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_neurons_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e, self.line_neurons] for l in lines: l.set_data([], []) # initialize the neurons and connections between neurons draw_network(, ncolor='k', axis=self.env, show=False, simple_nodes=True, decimate=-1, tight=False, **self.kwargs) if shape = xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = shape.bounds dx = 0.02*(xmax-xmin) dy = 0.02*(ymax-ymin) self.env.set_xlim(xmin-dx, xmax+dx) self.env.set_ylim(ymin-dy, ymax+dy) self.line_neurons = self.env.lines[0]
#~ self.line_neurons.set_data(self.x, self.y) #~ num_edges = #~ self.x_conn = np.zeros(3*num_edges) #~ self.y_conn = np.zeros(3*num_edges) #~ adj_mat = #~ edges = adj_mat.nonzero() #~ self.x_conn[::3] = self.x[edges[0]] # x position of source nodes #~ self.x_conn[1::3] = self.x[edges[1]] # x position of target nodes #~ self.x_conn[2::3] = np.NaN # NaN to separate #~ self.y_conn[::3] = self.y[edges[0]] # y position of source nodes #~ self.y_conn[1::3] = self.y[edges[1]] # y position of target nodes #~ self.y_conn[2::3] = np.NaN # NaN to separate #~ self.env.plot( #~ self.x_conn[::self.decim_conn], self.y_conn[::self.decim_conn], #~ color='k', alpha=0.3, lw=1) # ----- # # Tools # # ----- # def _max_axis(value, min_val=0.): if np.isclose(value, 0.): return -0.02*min_val elif np.sign(value) > 0.: return 1.02*value else: return 0.98*value def _min_axis(value, max_val=0.): if np.isclose(value, 0.): return -0.02*max_val elif np.sign(value) < 0.: return 1.02*value else: return 0.98*value def _convert_axis(axis_name): lowercase = axis_name.lower() if lowercase == "times": return "Time (ms)" new_name = "$" i = axis_name.find("_") if i != -1: start = lowercase[:i] if start in ("tau", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"): new_name += "\\" + axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$" elif start in ("v", "e"): new_name += axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$ (mV)" elif start == "i": new_name += axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$ (pA)" else: new_name += axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$" else: if lowercase in ("tau", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"): new_name += "\\" + lowercase + "$" elif lowercase == "w": new_name = "$w$ (pA)" else: new_name += lowercase + "$" return new_name def _save_movie(animation, filename, fps, video_encoder, codec, bitrate, metadata, dpi, start, stop): if filename.endswith('.mp4') or filename.endswith('.avi'): ffcodec = 'h264' if filename.endswith('.mp4') else 'xvid' fig = animation.fig canvas_width, canvas_height = fig.get_size_inches()*fig.dpi # Open an ffmpeg process cmdstring = ('ffmpeg', '-y', '-r', str(fps), # overwrite, 1fps '-s', '%dx%d' % (canvas_width, canvas_height), # size of image string '-pix_fmt', 'argb', # format '-f', 'rawvideo', '-i', '-', # tell ffmpeg to expect raw video from the pipe '-vcodec', ffcodec, filename) # output encoding p = subprocess.Popen(cmdstring, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) # Draw frames and write to the pipe for i in range(start, stop): frame = int(i*animation.increment) # draw the frame animation._draw(frame) fig.canvas.draw() # extract the image as an ARGB string string = fig.canvas.tostring_argb() # write to pipe p.stdin.write(string) # Finish up p.communicate() animation._init_draw() else: if metadata is None: metadata = {"artist": "NNGT"} encoder = 'ffmpeg' if video_encoder == 'html5' else video_encoder Writer = anim.writers[encoder] if video_encoder == 'html5': codec = 'libx264' writer = Writer(codec=codec, fps=fps, bitrate=bitrate, metadata=metadata), writer=writer, dpi=dpi) def _vector_field(q, dotx_func, doty_func, x, y, Is): ''' Add the vector field of the x and y derivatives in phase space. Parameters ---------- q : :class:`matplotlib.quiver.Quiver` Phase space quiver object. dotx_func : function User provided function giving :math:`\dot{x} = f(x, y, Is(t))`. doty_func : function User provided function giving :math:`\dot{y} = g(x, y, Is(t))`. x : :class:`numpy.ndarray`. y : :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Is : float Current (time dependent data). ''' q.set_UVC(dotx_func(x, y, Is), doty_func(x, y, Is))