

The NNGT package provides the possibility to use multithreaded algorithms to generate networks. This feature means that the computation is distributed on several CPUs and can be useful for:

  • machines with several cores but low frequency
  • generation functions requiring large amounts of computation
  • very large graphs

However, the multithreading part concerns only the generation of the edges; if a graph library such as graph-tool, igraph, or networkx is used, the building process of the graph object will be taken care of by this library. Since this process is not multithreaded, obtaining the graph object can be much longer than the actual generation process.

NNGT provides two types of parallelism:

  • shared-memory parallelism, using OpenMP, which can be set using nngt.set_config() ("multithreading", True) or, setting the number of threads, with nngt.set_config("omp", 8) to use 8 threads.
  • distributed-memory parallelism using MPI, which is set through nngt.set_config("mpi", True). In that case, the python script must be run as mpirun -n 8 python to be run in parallel.

These two ways of running code in parallel differ widely, both regarding the situations in which they can be useful, and in the way the user should interact with the resulting graph.

The easiest tool, because it does not significantly differ from the single-thread case on the user side, is OpenMP, which is why we will describe it first. Using MPI is a lot different and will require the user to adapt the code to use it and will depend on the backend used.

Parallelism and random numbers#

When using parallel algorithms, additional care is necessary when dealing with random number generation. Here again, the situation differs between the OpenMP and MPI cases.


Never use the standard random module, only use numpy.random!

When using OpenMP, the parallel algorithms will use the random seeds defined by the user through nngt.set_config("seeds", list_of_seeds). One seed per thread is necessary. These seeds are not used on the python level, so they are independent from whatever random generation could happen using numpy (e.g. to set node positions in space, or to generate attributes). To make a simulation fully reproducible, the user must set both the random seeds and the python level random number generators through the master seed. For instance, with 4 threads:

master_seed = 0
nngt.set_config({"msd": master_seed, "seeds": [1, 2, 3, 4]})


This is also how you should initialize random numbers when using MPI!

This may surprise experienced MPI users, but NNGT is implemented in such a way that shared properties are generated on all threads through the initial python master seed, then generation algorithms save the current common state, then re-initialize the RNGs for parallel generation, and finally restore the previous, common random state once the parallel generation is done. Of course the parallel initialization differs every time, but it is changed in a reproducible way through the master seed.

Using OpenMP (shared-memory parallelism)#

Setting multithreading#

Multithreading in NNGT can be set via

>>> nngt.set_config({"multithreading": True, "omp": num_omp_threads})

and you can then switch it off using

>>> nngt.set_config("multithreading", False)

This will automatically switch between the standard and multithreaded algorithms for graph generation.

Graph-tool caveat#

The graph-tool library also provides some multithreading capabilities, using

>>> graph_tool.openmp_set_num_threads(num_omp_threads)

However, this sets the number of OpenMP threads session-wide, which means that it will interfere with the ``NEST`` setup! Hence, if you are working with both NEST and graph-tool, you have to use the same number of OpenMP threads in both libraries.

To prevent bad surprises as much as possible, NNGT will raise an error if a value of "omp" is provided, which differs from the current NEST configuration. Regardless of this precaution, keeping only one value for the number of threads and using it consistently throughout the code is strongly advised.

Using MPI (distributed-memory parallelism)#


MPI algorithms are currently restricted to gaussian_degree() and distance_rule() only.

Handling MPI can be significantly more difficult than using OpenMP because it differs more strongly from the “standard” single-thread case.

NNGT provides two different ways of using MPI:

  • When using one of the three graph libraries (graph-tool, igraph, or networkx), the connections are generated in parallel, but the final object is stored only on the master process. This means that in this case, the memory load will weigh only on this process, leading to a strong load imbalance. This feature is aimed at people who would require parallelism to speed up their graph generation but, for some reason, cannot use the OpenMP parallelism.
  • For “real” memory distribution, e.g. for people working on clusters, who require a balanced memory-load, NNGT provides a custom backend, that can be set using nngt.set_config('backend', 'nngt'). In this case, each process stores only a fraction of all the edges. However, nodes and graph properties are fully available on all processes.


When using MPI with graph-tool, igraph, or networkx, all operations on the graph that has been generated must be limited to the root process. To that end, NNGT provides the on_master_process() function that returns True only on the root MPI process. Using the ‘nngt’ backend, the edge_nb() method, as well as all other edge-related methods will return information on the local edges only!

Fully distributed setup#

The python file should include (before any graph generation):

import nngt

msd   = 0             # choose a master seed
seeds = [1, 2, 3, 4]  # choose initial seeds, one per MPI process

    "mpi": True,
    "backend": "nngt",
    "msd": msd,
    "seeds": seeds,

The file should then be executed using:

>>> mpirun -n 4 python


Graph saving is available in parallel in the fully distributed setup through the to_file() and save_to_file() functions as in any other configuration.

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