Source code for nngt.plot.plt_properties

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# plot/
# This file is part of the NNGT project, a graph-library for standardized and
# and reproducible graph analysis: generate and analyze networks with your
# favorite graph library (graph-tool/igraph/networkx) on any platform, without
# any change to your code.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

""" Tools to plot graph properties """

import numpy as np

import nngt
from nngt.lib import InvalidArgument, nonstring_container
from nngt.analysis import (degree_distrib, betweenness_distrib,
                           node_attributes, binning)
from .custom_plt import palette_continuous, palette_discrete, format_exponent

__all__ = [

# ---------------------- #
# Plotting distributions #
# ---------------------- #

[docs]def degree_distribution(network, deg_type="total", nodes=None, num_bins='doane', weights=False, logx=False, logy=False, axis=None, colors=None, norm=False, show=True, title=None, **kwargs): ''' Plotting the degree distribution of a graph. .. versionchanged :: 2.5.0 Removed unused `axis_num` argument. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass The graph to analyze. deg_type : string or N-tuple, optional (default: "total") Type of degree to consider ("in", "out", or "total") nodes : list or numpy.array of ints, optional (default: all nodes) Restrict the distribution to a set of nodes. num_bins : str, int or N-tuple, optional (default: 'doane'): Number of bins used to sample the distribution. Defaults to 'doane'. Use to 'auto' for numpy automatic selection or 'bayes' for unsupervised Bayesian blocks method. weights : bool or str, optional (default: binary edges) Whether edge weights should be considered; if ``None`` or ``False`` then use binary edges; if ``True``, uses the 'weight' edge attribute, otherwise uses any valid edge attribute required. logx : bool, optional (default: False) Use log-spaced bins. logy : bool, optional (default: False) Use logscale for the degree count. axis : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` instance, optional (default: new one) Axis which should be used to plot the histogram, if None, a new one is created. colors : (list of) matplotlib colors, optional (default: from palette) Colors associated to each degree type. title : str, optional (default: no title) Title of the axis. show : bool, optional (default: True) Show the Figure right away if True, else keep it warm for later use. **kwargs : keyword arguments for :func:``. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if axis is None: fig, axis = plt.subplots() empty_axis = axis.has_data() axis.axis('tight') single_deg = isinstance(deg_type, str) or len(deg_type) == 1 if "alpha" not in kwargs: kwargs["alpha"] = 1 if single_deg else 0.5 labels = kwargs.get('label', None) if not nonstring_container(labels) and labels is not None: labels = [labels] # get degrees mincounts, maxcounts, allbins = np.inf, 0, [] deg_string = None if isinstance(deg_type, str): counts, bins = degree_distrib(network, deg_type, nodes, weights, logx, num_bins) if norm: counts = counts / float(np.sum(counts)) max_nnz = np.where(counts > 0)[0][-1] maxcounts, mincounts = counts.max(), np.min(counts[counts > 0]) allbins.extend(bins) deg_string = deg_type[0].upper() + deg_type[1:] + " degree" if "label" not in kwargs: kwargs["label"] = deg_string[:-1], counts, np.diff(bins), **kwargs) else: if colors is None: colors = palette_continuous(np.linspace(0.,0.5, len(deg_type))) if not nonstring_container(num_bins): num_bins = [num_bins for _ in range(len(deg_type))] for i, s_type in enumerate(deg_type): counts, bins = degree_distrib(network, s_type, nodes, weights, logx, num_bins[i]) if norm: counts = counts / float(np.sum(counts)) maxcounts_tmp = counts.max() mincounts_tmp = np.min(counts[counts>0]) mincounts = min(mincounts, mincounts_tmp) maxcounts = max(maxcounts, maxcounts_tmp) allbins.extend(bins) deg_string = s_type[0].upper() + s_type[1:] + "-degree" if labels is None: kwargs['label'] = deg_string else: kwargs['label'] = labels[i] bins[:-1], counts, np.diff(bins), color=colors[i], align='edge', **kwargs) if single_deg: axis.set_xlabel(deg_string) else: axis.legend() axis.set_xlabel("Degree") axis.set_ylabel("Node count") title_start = (deg_type[0].upper() + deg_type[1:] + '-d' if isinstance(deg_type, str) else 'D') if title != "": str_title = title if title is None: str_title = "{}egree distribution for {}".format( title_start, axis.set_title(str_title, x=0., y=1.05, loc='left') # restore ylims and xlims and adapt if necessary _set_scale(axis, np.array(allbins), mincounts, maxcounts, logx, logy) if show:
def attribute_distribution(network, attribute, num_bins='auto', logx=False, logy=False, axis=None, norm=False, show=True): ''' Plotting the distribution of a graph attribute (e.g. "weight", or "distance" is the graph is spatial). Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Graph to analyze. attribute : string or tuple of strings Name of a graph attribute. num_bins : int or 'auto', optional (default: 'auto'): Number of bins used to sample the distribution. Defaults to unsupervised Bayesian blocks method. logx : bool, optional (default: False) use log-spaced bins. logy : bool, optional (default: False) use logscale for the degree count. axis : :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis` instance, optional (default: new one) Axis which should be used to plot the histogram, if None, a new one is created. show : bool, optional (default: True) Show the Figure right away if True, else keep it warm for later use. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if axis is None: axis = plt.gca() mincounts, maxcounts, bins = 0, 0, None if isinstance(attribute, str): values = network.get_edge_attributes(name=attribute) counts, bins = _hist( values, num_bins, norm, logx, attribute, axis, **kwargs) maxcounts, mincounts = counts.max(), np.min(counts[counts>0]) maxbins, minbins = bins.max(), bins.min() else: raise NotImplementedError("Multiple attribute plotting not ready yet") #~ colors = palette(np.linspace(0.,0.5,len(deg_type))) #~ m = ["o", "s", "D", "x"] #~ lines, legends = [], [] #~ for i,s_type in enumerate(deg_type): #~ counts,bins = degree_distrib(network, s_type, nodes, #~ weights, logx, num_bins) #~ maxcounts_tmp,mincounts_tmp = counts.max(),counts.min() #~ maxbins_tmp,minbins_tmp = bins.max(),bins.min() #~ maxcounts = max(maxcounts,maxcounts_tmp) #~ maxbins = max(maxbins,maxbins_tmp) #~ minbins = min(minbins,minbins_tmp) #~ lines.append(ax1.scatter(bins, counts, c=colors[i], marker=m[i])) #~ legends.append(attribute) #~ ax1.legend(lines, legends) if nngt._config['use_tex']: axis.set_xlabel(attribute.replace("_", "\\_")) axis.set_ylabel("Node count") _set_scale(ax1, bins, mincounts, maxcounts, logx, logy) axis.set_title( "Attribute distribution for {}".format(, x=0., y=1.05, loc='left') plt.legend() axis.axis('tight') if show:
[docs]def betweenness_distribution( network, btype="both", weights=False, nodes=None, logx=False, logy=False, num_nbins=None, num_ebins=None, axes=None, colors=None, norm=False, legend_location='right', title=None, show=True, **kwargs): ''' Plotting the betweenness distribution of a graph. .. versionchanged :: 2.5.0 Added `title` argument. Parameters ---------- graph : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass the graph to analyze. btype : string, optional (default: "both") type of betweenness to display ("node", "edge" or "both") weights : bool or str, optional (default: binary edges) Whether edge weights should be considered; if ``None`` or ``False`` then use binary edges; if ``True``, uses the 'weight' edge attribute, otherwise uses any valid edge attribute required. nodes : list or numpy.array of ints, optional (default: all nodes) Restrict the distribution to a set of nodes (taken into account only for the node attribute). logx : bool, optional (default: False) use log-spaced bins. logy : bool, optional (default: False) use logscale for the degree count. num_nbins : int or 'auto', optional (default: None): Number of bins used to sample the node distribution. Defaults to `max(num_nodes / 50., 10)`. num_ebins : int or 'auto', optional (default: None): Number of bins used to sample the edge distribution. Defaults to `max(num_edges / 500., 10)` ('auto' method will be slow). axes : list of :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis`, optional (default: new ones) Axes which should be used to plot the histogram, if None, new ones are created. legend_location : str, optional (default; 'right') Location of the legend. title : str, optional (default: auto-generated) Title of the axis. show : bool, optional (default: True) Show the Figure right away if True, else keep it warm for later use. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if btype not in ("node", "edge", "both"): raise InvalidArgument('`btype` must be one of the following: ' '"node", "edge", "both".') num_axes = 2 if btype == "both" else 1 # create new axes or get them from existing ones ax1, ax2 = None, None if axes is None: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() fig.patch.set_visible(False) ax1.grid(False, axis='y') axes = [ax1.twinx()] if num_axes == 2: ax2 = ax1.twiny() axes.append(ax2) ax1.grid(False, axis='x') ax1.yaxis.tick_right() ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") else: ax1.set_yticks([]) else: ax1 = axes[0] ax1.yaxis.tick_left() ax1.yaxis.set_label_position("left") ax2 = axes[-1] # get betweenness if num_ebins is None: num_ebins = int(max(network.edge_nb() / 500., 10)) if num_nbins is None: num_nbins = int(max(network.node_nb() / 50., 10)) ncounts, nbins, ecounts, ebins = betweenness_distrib( network, weights, nodes=nodes, num_nbins=num_nbins, num_ebins=num_ebins, log=logx) if norm: ncounts = ncounts / float(np.sum(ncounts)) ecounts = ecounts / np.sum(ecounts) if colors is None: colors = palette_continuous(np.linspace(0.05, 0.5, 2)) alpha = kwargs.get("alpha", None) if alpha is None: kwargs["alpha"] = 0.5 if btype == "both" else 1 x = 0 if legend_location == 'left' else 1 # plot if btype in ("node", "both"): nbins[:-1], ncounts, np.diff(nbins), color=colors[0], align='edge', **kwargs) ax1.set_xlabel("Node betweenness") ax1.set_ylabel("Node count") ax1.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='sci', scilimits=(-3, 2)) _set_scale(ax1, nbins, np.min(ncounts[ncounts>0]), ncounts.max(), logx, logy) if btype in ("edge", "both"): ebins[:-1], ecounts, np.diff(ebins), color=colors[-1], align='edge', **kwargs) ax2.set_xlim([ebins.min(), ebins.max()]) ax1.set_ylim([0, 1.1*ecounts.max()]) ax2.set_xlabel("Edge betweenness") ax1.set_ylabel("Edge count") ax2.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='sci', scilimits=(-3, 2)) _set_scale(ax2, ebins, np.min(ecounts[ecounts>0]), ecounts.max(), logx, logy) if btype == "both": ax2.legend( ["Edge betweenness"], bbox_to_anchor=[x, 0.88], loc='upper ' + legend_location) ax1.legend( ["Node betweenness"], bbox_to_anchor=[x, 0.88], loc='lower ' + legend_location) plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) ax1.grid(False) ax2.grid(False) if not logx: ax2 = format_exponent(ax2, 'x', (1., 1.1)) ax1 = format_exponent(ax1, 'x', (1., -0.05)) y = 1.15 if btype == "both" else 1.05 title = "Betweenness distribution for {}".format( \ if title is None else title ax1.set_title(title, x=0., y=y, loc='left') plt.tight_layout() if show:
# ------------------------ # # Plotting node attributes # # ------------------------ #
[docs]def node_attributes_distribution(network, attributes, nodes=None, num_bins='auto', logx=False, logy=False, norm=False, title=None, axtitles=None, colors=None, axes=None, show=True, **kwargs): ''' Return node `attributes` for a set of `nodes`. .. versionchanged :: 2.5.0 Added `axtitles` and `axes` arguments. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`~nngt.Graph` The graph where the `nodes` belong. attributes : str or list Attributes which should be returned, among: * any user-defined node attribute * "betweenness" * "clustering" * "closeness" * "in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" * "subgraph_centrality" * "b2" (requires NEST) * "firing_rate" (requires NEST) nodes : list, optional (default: all nodes) Nodes for which the attributes should be returned. num_bins : int or list, optional (default: 'auto') Number of bins to plot the distributions. If only one int is provided, it is used for all attributes, otherwise a list containing one int per attribute in `attributes` is required. Defaults to unsupervised Bayesian blocks method. logx : bool or list, optional (default: False) Use log-spaced bins. logy : bool or list, optional (default: False) use logscale for the node count. norm : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the histogram should be normed such that the sum of the counts is 1. title : str, optional (default: no title) Title of the figure. axtitles : list of str, optional (default: auto-generated) Titles of the axes. Use "" or False to turn them of. colors : (list of) matplotlib colors, optional (default: from palette) Colors associated to each degree type. axes : list of :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis`, optional (default: new ones) Axess which should be used to plot the histograms, if None, a new axis is created for each attribute. show : bool, optional (default: True) Show the Figure right away if True, else keep it warm for later use. **kwargs : keyword arguments for :func:``. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not nonstring_container(attributes): attributes = [attributes] else: attributes = [name for name in attributes] if axtitles in ("", False): axtitles = [""]*len(attributes) elif nonstring_container(axtitles): assert len(axtitles) == len(attributes), \ "One entry per attribute is required for `axtitles`." num_attr = len(attributes) num_bins = _format_arg(num_bins, num_attr, 'num_bins') colors = _format_arg(colors, num_attr, 'num_bins') logx = _format_arg(logx, num_attr, 'logx') logy = _format_arg(logy, num_attr, 'logy') num_plot = 0 # kwargs that will not be passed: ignore = ["degree", "betweenness"] + attributes new_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in ignore} fig = None if axes is None: if new_kwargs == kwargs: fig = plt.figure() fig.patch.set_visible(False) else: fig = plt.figure(plt.get_fignums()[-1]) else: if not nonstring_container(axes): axes = [axes] fig = axes[0].get_figure() assert len(axes) == len(attributes), \ "One entry per attribute is required." # plot degrees if required degrees = [] for name in attributes: if "degree" in name.lower(): degrees.append(name[:name.find("-")]) if degrees: # get the indices where a degree-related attribute is required indices, colors_deg, logx_deg, logy_deg = [], [], 0, 0 for i, name in enumerate(attributes): if "degree" in name: indices.append(i) if colors is not None: colors_deg.append(colors[i]) logx_deg += logx[i] logy_deg += logy[i] colors_deg = None if colors is None else colors_deg indices.sort() deg_bin = [num_bins[i] for i in indices] for idx in indices[::-1]: del num_bins[idx] del attributes[idx] del logx[idx] del logy[idx] if colors is not None: del colors[idx] if "degree" in kwargs: degree_distribution( network, deg_type=degrees, nodes=nodes, num_bins=deg_bin, logx=logx_deg, logy=logy_deg, norm=norm, axis=kwargs["degree"], colors=colors_deg, show=False, **new_kwargs) else: ax = None if axes is None: fig, ax = _set_new_plot( fignum=fig.number, num_new_plots=1, names=['Degree distribution']) else: ax = [axes[indices[0]]] for idx in indices: del axes[idx] degree_distribution( network, deg_type=degrees, nodes=nodes, num_bins=deg_bin, logx=logx_deg, logy=logy_deg, axis=ax[0], colors=colors_deg, norm=norm, show=False) num_plot += 1 # plot betweenness if needed if "betweenness" in attributes: idx = attributes.index("betweenness") if "betweenness" in kwargs: betweenness_distribution( network, btype="node", nodes=nodes, logx=logx[idx], logy=logy[idx], axes=kwargs["betweenness"], colors=[colors[idx]], norm=norm, show=False, **new_kwargs) else: ax = None if axes is None: fig, ax = _set_new_plot( fignum=fig.number, num_new_plots=1, names=['Betweenness distribution']) else: ax = [axes[idx]] del axes[idx] betweenness_distribution( network, btype="node", nodes=nodes, logx=logx[idx], axes=ax, logy=logy[idx], colors=[colors[idx]], norm=norm, show=False) del attributes[idx] del num_bins[idx] del logx[idx] del logy[idx] del colors[idx] num_plot += 1 # plot the remaining attributes values = node_attributes(network, attributes, nodes=nodes) for i, (attr, val) in enumerate(values.items()): if attr in kwargs: new_kwargs['color'] = colors[i] counts, bins = _hist( val, num_bins[i], norm, logx[i], attr, kwargs[attr], **new_kwargs) else: ax = None if axes is None: fig, ax = _set_new_plot(fignum=fig.number, names=[attr]) ax = ax[0] else: ax = axes[i] counts, bins = _hist( val, num_bins[i], norm, logx[i], attr, ax, color=colors[i], **kwargs) end_attr = attr[1:] if nngt._config["use_tex"]: end_attr = end_attr.replace("_", "\\_") ax.set_title("{}{} distribution for {}".format( attr[0].upper(), end_attr,, y=1.05) ax.set_ylabel("Node count") ax.set_xlabel(attr[0].upper() + end_attr) _set_scale(ax, bins, np.min(counts[counts>0]), counts.max(), logx[i], logy[i]) num_plot += 1 # adjust space, set title, and show _format_and_show(fig, num_plot, values, title, show)
[docs]def edge_attributes_distribution(network, attributes, edges=None, num_bins='auto', logx=False, logy=False, norm=False, title=None, axtitles=None, colors=None, axes=None, show=True, **kwargs): ''' Return node `attributes` for a set of `nodes`. .. versionchanged :: 2.5.0 Added `axtitles` and `axes` arguments. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`~nngt.Graph` The graph where the `nodes` belong. attributes : str or list Attributes which should be returned (e.g. "betweenness", "delay", "weight"). edges : list, optional (default: all edges) Edges for which the attributes should be returned. num_bins : int or list, optional (default: 'auto') Number of bins to plot the distributions. If only one int is provided, it is used for all attributes, otherwise a list containing one int per attribute in `attributes` is required. Defaults to unsupervised Bayesian blocks method. logx : bool or list, optional (default: False) Use log-spaced bins. logy : bool or list, optional (default: False) use logscale for the node count. norm : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the histogram should be normed such that the sum of the counts is 1. title : str, optional (default: no title) Title of the figure. axtitles : list of str, optional (default: auto-generated) Titles of the axes. Use "" or False to turn them of. colors : (list of) matplotlib colors, optional (default: from palette) Colors associated to each degree type. axes : list of :class:`matplotlib.axis.Axis`, optional (default: new ones) Axess which should be used to plot the histograms, if None, a new axis is created for each attribute. show : bool, optional (default: True) Show the Figure right away if True, else keep it warm for later use. **kwargs : keyword arguments for :func:``. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not nonstring_container(attributes): attributes = [attributes] else: attributes = [name for name in attributes] if axtitles in ("", False): axtitles = [""]*len(attributes) elif nonstring_container(axtitles): assert len(axtitles) == len(attributes), \ "One entry per attribute is required for `axtitles`." num_attr = len(attributes) num_bins = _format_arg(num_bins, num_attr, 'num_bins') colors = _format_arg(colors, num_attr, 'num_bins') logx = _format_arg(logx, num_attr, 'logx') logy = _format_arg(logy, num_attr, 'logy') num_plot = 0 # kwargs that will not be passed: ignore = ["weight", "delay", "betweenness"] + attributes new_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in ignore} fig = None if axes is None: fig = plt.figure() fig.patch.set_visible(False) else: if not nonstring_container(axes): axes = [axes] fig = axes[0].get_figure() assert len(axes) == len(attributes), \ "One entry per attribute is required." # plot betweenness if needed if "betweenness" in attributes: idx = attributes.index("betweenness") ax = None if axes is None: fig, ax = _set_new_plot( fignum=fig.number, num_new_plots=1, names=['Betweenness distribution']) else: ax = [axes[idx]] del axes[idx] axtitle = axtitles[idx] if axtitles is not None else None betweenness_distribution( network, btype="edge", logx=logx[idx], logy=logy[idx], norm=norm, title=axtitle, axes=ax, colors=[colors[idx]], show=False) if axtitles is not None: del axtitles[idx] del attributes[idx] del num_bins[idx] del logx[idx] del logy[idx] del colors[idx] num_plot += 1 # plot the remaining attributes for i, attr in enumerate(attributes): val = network.get_edge_attributes(edges=edges, name=attr) if attr in kwargs: new_kwargs['color'] = colors[i] counts, bins = _hist( val, num_bins[i], norm, logx[i], attr, kwargs[attr], **new_kwargs) else: ax = None if axes is None: fig, ax = _set_new_plot(fignum=fig.number, names=[attr]) ax = ax[0] else: ax = axes[i] counts, bins = _hist( val, num_bins[i], norm, logx[i], attr, ax, color=colors[i], **kwargs) end_attr = attr[1:] if nngt._config["use_tex"]: end_attr = end_attr.replace("_", "\\_") axtitle = None if axtitles is None else axtitles[i] if axtitle != "": if axtitle is None: axtitle = "{}{} distribution for {}".format( attr[0].upper(), end_attr, ax.set_title(axtitle, y=1.05) ax.set_ylabel("Edge count") ax.set_xlabel(attr[0].upper() + end_attr) _set_scale(ax, bins, np.min(counts[counts>0]), counts.max(), logx[i], logy[i]) num_plot += 1 # adjust space, set title, and show _format_and_show(fig, num_plot, attributes, title, show)
[docs]def correlation_to_attribute(network, reference_attribute, other_attributes, attribute_type="node", nodes=None, edges=None, fig=None, title=None, show=True): ''' For each node plot the value of `reference_attributes` against each of the `other_attributes` to check for correlations. .. versionchanged :: 2.0 Added `fig` argument. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`~nngt.Graph` The graph where the `nodes` belong. reference_attribute : str or array-like Attribute which should serve as reference, among: * "betweenness" * "clustering" * "in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" * "in-strength", "out-strength", "total-strength" * "subgraph_centrality" * "b2" (requires NEST) * "firing_rate" (requires NEST) * a custom array of values, in which case one entry per node in `nodes` is required. other_attributes : str or list Attributes that will be compared to the reference. attribute_type : str, optional (default: 'node') Whether we are dealing with 'node' or 'edge' attributes nodes : list, optional (default: all nodes) Nodes for which the attributes should be returned. edges : list, optional (default: all edges) Edges for which the attributes should be returned. fig : :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`, optional (default: new Figure) Figure to which the plot should be added. title : str, optional (default: automatic). Custom title, use "" to remove the automatic title. show : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the plot should be displayed immediately. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not nonstring_container(other_attributes): other_attributes = [other_attributes] fig = plt.figure() if fig is None else fig fig.patch.set_visible(False) # get reference data ref_data = reference_attribute if isinstance(reference_attribute, str): if attribute_type == "node": ref_data = node_attributes(network, reference_attribute, nodes=nodes) else: ref_data = network.get_edge_attributes(edges=edges, name=reference_attribute) else: reference_attribute = "user defined attribute" # plot the remaining attributes assert isinstance(other_attributes, (str, list)), \ "Only attribute names are allowed for `other_attributes`" values = {} if attribute_type == "node": values = node_attributes(network, other_attributes, nodes=nodes) else: for name in other_attributes: values[name] = network.get_edge_attributes(edges=edges, name=name) fig, axes = _set_new_plot(fignum=fig.number, names=other_attributes) for i, (attr, val) in enumerate(values.items()): end_attr = attr[1:] end_ref_attr = reference_attribute[1:] if nngt._config["use_tex"]: end_attr = end_attr.replace("_", "\\_") end_ref_attr = end_ref_attr.replace("_", "\\_") # reference nodes axes[i].plot(val, ref_data, ls="", marker="o") axes[i].set_xlabel(attr[0].upper() + end_attr) axes[i].set_ylabel(reference_attribute[0].upper() + end_ref_attr) axes[i].set_title( "{}{} vs {}".format( reference_attribute[0].upper(), end_ref_attr, attr[0] + \ end_attr), loc='left', x=0., y=1.05) fig.suptitle( plt.tight_layout() # adjust space, set title, and show _format_and_show(fig, 0, values, title, show)
[docs]def compare_population_attributes(network, attributes, nodes=None, reference_nodes=None, num_bins='auto', reference_color="gray", title=None, logx=False, logy=False, show=True, **kwargs): ''' Compare node `attributes` between two sets of nodes. Since number of nodes can vary, normalized distributions are used. Parameters ---------- network : :class:`~nngt.Graph` The graph where the `nodes` belong. attributes : str or list Attributes which should be returned, among: * "betweenness" * "clustering" * "in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" * "subgraph_centrality" * "b2" (requires NEST) * "firing_rate" (requires NEST) nodes : list, optional (default: all nodes) Nodes for which the attributes should be returned. reference_nodes : list, optional (default: all nodes) Reference nodes for which the attributes should be returned in order to compare with `nodes`. num_bins : int or list, optional (default: 'auto') Number of bins to plot the distributions. If only one int is provided, it is used for all attributes, otherwize a list containing one int per attribute in `attributes` is required. Defaults to unsupervised Bayesian blocks method. logx : bool or list, optional (default: False) Use log-spaced bins. logy : bool or list, optional (default: False) use logscale for the node count. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(reference_color, str): raise InvalidArgument("`reference_color` must be a valid matplotlib " "color string.") # plot the non reference nodes node_attributes_distribution(network, attributes, nodes=nodes, num_bins=num_bins, logx=logx, logy=logx, norm=True, title=title, show=False, **kwargs) # get the last figure and put the axes to a dict # (order is degree, betweenness, attributes) fig = plt.figure(plt.get_fignums()[-1]) fig.patch.set_visible(False) axes = fig.get_axes() ref_kwargs = kwargs.copy() ref_kwargs.update({'alpha': 0.5}) for ax in axes: if == 'Degree distribution': ref_kwargs['degree'] = ax elif == 'Betweenness distribution': ref_kwargs['betweenness'] = [ax] # expect list else: ref_kwargs[] = ax node_attributes_distribution( network, attributes, nodes=reference_nodes, num_bins=num_bins, logx=logx, logy=logx, colors=reference_color, norm=True, title=title, show=show, **ref_kwargs)
# --------- # # Histogram # # --------- # def _hist(values, num_bins, norm, logx, label, axis, **kwargs): ''' Compute and draw the histogram. Returns ------- counts, bins ''' bins = binning(values, bins=num_bins, log=logx) counts, bins = np.histogram(values, bins=bins) if norm: counts = np.divide(counts, float(np.sum(counts))) bins[:-1], counts, np.diff(bins), label=label, **kwargs) if logx: axis.set_xscale("log") return counts, bins # ----------------- # # Figure management # # ----------------- # def _set_new_plot(fignum=None, num_new_plots=1, names=None, sharex=None): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # get the figure and compute the new number of rows and cols fig = plt.figure(num=fignum) num_axes = len(fig.axes) + num_new_plots if names is not None: num_axes = len(fig.axes) + len(names) num_new_plots = len(names) num_cols = max(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(num_axes))), 1) ratio = num_axes/float(num_cols) num_rows = int(ratio) if int(ratio) != int(np.ceil(ratio)): num_rows += 1 # change the geometry for i in range(num_axes - num_new_plots): fig.axes[i].change_geometry(num_rows, num_cols, i+1) lst_new_axes = [] n_old = num_axes-num_new_plots+1 for i in range(num_new_plots): if fig.axes: lst_new_axes.append( fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, n_old+i, sharex=sharex)) else: lst_new_axes.append(fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, n_old+i)) if names is not None: lst_new_axes[-1].name = names[i] return fig, lst_new_axes def _log_format(y, pos): ''' Needed to move log values by one, so first increment, then decrement ''' # rounding err for 4 so add 0.4 to avoid it #~ return '{}'.format(int(np.e*np.e**(y-1) + 0.4)) if y > -1 else 0 return y def _set_scale(ax1, xbins, mincounts, maxcounts, logx, logy): if logx: minposbin = xbins[xbins > 0][0] ax1.set_xscale("symlog", linthresh=0.2*minposbin) next_power = np.ceil(np.log10(xbins.max())) ax1.set_xlim([0.8*xbins.min(), 10**next_power]) else: maxbins, minbins = xbins.max(), xbins.min() bin_margin = 0.05*(maxbins - minbins) if minbins - bin_margin < ax1.get_xlim()[0]: ax1.set_xlim(left=(minbins - bin_margin)) if maxbins + bin_margin > ax1.get_xlim()[1]: ax1.set_xlim(right=(maxbins + bin_margin)) if logy: ax1.set_ylim(0, 2*maxcounts) ax1.set_yscale("symlog", linthresh=1) else: if 1.05*maxcounts > ax1.get_ylim()[1]: ax1.set_ylim([0, 1.05*maxcounts]) def _set_ax_lims(ax, maxx, minx, maxy, miny, logx=False, logy=False): if ax.has_data(): xlims = ax.get_xlim() ylims = ax.get_ylim() if not logx: Dx = maxx - minx minx = minx - 0.01*Dx maxx = maxx + 0.01*Dx Dy = maxy - miny miny = miny - 0.01*Dy maxy = maxy + 0.01*Dy else: minx /= 1.5 maxx *= 1.5 if minx > xlims[0]: minx = xlims[0] if maxx < xlims[1]: maxx = xlims[1] if miny > ylims[0]: miny = ylims[0] if maxy < ylims[1]: maxy = ylims[1] _set_xlim(ax, maxx, minx, logx) _set_ylim(ax, maxy, miny, logy) def _set_xlim(ax, maxx, minx, log): if log: ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_xlim([max(minx, 1e-10)/1.5, 1.5*maxx]) else: Dx = maxx - minx ax.set_xlim([minx - 0.01*Dx, maxx + 0.01*Dx]) def _set_ylim(ax, maxy, miny, log): if log: ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_ylim([max(miny, 1e-10)/1.5, 1.5*maxy]) else: Dy = maxy - miny ax.set_ylim([miny - 0.01*Dy, maxy + 0.01*Dy]) def _format_and_show(fig, num_plot, values, title, show): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.tight_layout() if title is not None: fig.suptitle(title) if show: def _format_arg(arg, num_expected, arg_name): if nonstring_container(arg): assert len(arg) == num_expected, "One entry per attribute " +\ "required for `" + arg_name + "`." elif arg is not None: arg = [arg for _ in range(num_expected)] elif arg is None: arg = [None]*num_expected return arg