Source code for nngt.plot.animations

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# plot/
# This file is part of the NNGT project, a graph-library for standardized and
# and reproducible graph analysis: generate and analyze networks with your
# favorite graph library (graph-tool/igraph/networkx) on any platform, without
# any change to your code.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2022 Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.

""" Animation tools """

import warnings
import weakref
import subprocess

import numpy as np

import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import matplotlib.animation as anim

from nngt.lib import InvalidArgument
from nngt.lib.sorting import _sort_neurons
from nngt.analysis import total_firing_rate
from .plt_networks import draw_network

# ----------------- #
# Animation classes #
# ----------------- #

class _SpikeAnimator(anim.TimedAnimation):

    Generic class to plot raster plot and firing-rate in time for a given

    .. warning::
        This class is not supposed to be instantiated directly, but only
        through Animation2d or AnimationNetwork.

    steps = [
        1, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500,
        1000, 2000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 100000, 250000

    def __init__(self, source, sort_neurons=None,
                 network=None, grid=(2, 4), pos_raster=(0, 2),
                 span_raster=(1, 2), pos_rate=(1, 2),
                 span_rate=(1, 2), make_rate=True, **kwargs):
        Generate a SubplotAnimation instance to plot a network activity.

        source : NEST gid tuple or str
            NEST gid of the `spike_detector`(s) which recorded the network or
            path to a file containing the recorded spikes.

        Calling class is supposed to have defined `self.times`, `self.start`,
        `self.duration`, `self.trace`, and `self.timewindow`.
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        import nest
        from nngt.simulation.nest_activity import _get_data

        # organization
        self.grid = grid
        self.has_rate = make_rate

        # get data
        data_s = _get_data(source)
        spikes = np.where(data_s[:, 1] >= self.times[0])[0]

        if np.any(spikes):
            idx_start = spikes[0]
            self.spikes = data_s[:, 1][idx_start:]
            self.senders = data_s[:, 0][idx_start:].astype(int)
            self._ymax = np.max(self.senders)
            self._ymin = np.min(self.senders)

            if network is None:
                self.num_neurons = int(self._ymax - self._ymin)
                self.num_neurons = network.node_nb()
            # sorting
            if sort_neurons is not None:
                if network is not None:
                    sorted_neurons = _sort_neurons(
                        sort_neurons, self.senders, network, data=data_s)
                    self.senders = sorted_neurons[self.senders]
                    warnings.warn("Could not sort neurons because no " \
                                  + "`network` was provided.")

            dt = self.times[1] - self.times[0]
            self.simtime = self.times[-1] - self.times[0]
            self.dt = dt

            # generate the spike-rate
            if make_rate:
                self.firing_rate, _ = total_firing_rate(
                    network, data=data_s, resolution=self.times)
            raise RuntimeError("No spikes between {} and {}.".format(
                self.start, self.times[-1]))

        # figure/canvas: pause/resume and step by step interactions
        self.fig = plt.figure(
            figsize=kwargs.get("figsize", (8, 6)), dpi=kwargs.get("dpi", 75))
        self.pause = False
        self.pause_after = False
        self.event = None
        self.increment = 1
        self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click)
        self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard_press)
            'key_release_event', self.on_keyboard_release)

        # Axes for spikes and spike-rate/other representations
        self.spks = plt.subplot2grid(
            grid, pos_raster, rowspan=span_raster[0], colspan=span_raster[1])
        self.second = plt.subplot2grid(
            grid, pos_rate, rowspan=span_rate[0], colspan=span_rate[1],

        # lines
        self.line_spks_ = Line2D(
            [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='black', ms=2, mew=0)
        self.line_spks_a = Line2D(
            [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='red', ms=2, mew=0)
        self.line_second_ = Line2D([], [], color='black')
        self.line_second_a = Line2D([], [], color='red', linewidth=2)
        self.line_second_e = Line2D(
            [], [], color='red', marker='o', markeredgecolor='r')

        # Spikes raster plot
        kw_args = {}
        if self.timewindow != self.duration:
            kw_args['xlim'] = (self.start,
                min(self.simtime, self.timewindow + self.start))
        ylim = (self._ymin, self._ymax)
        self.lines_raster = [self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a]
        self.set_axis(self.spks, xlabel='Time (ms)', ylabel='Neuron',
            lines=self.lines_raster, ylim=ylim, set_xticks=True, **kw_args)
        self.lines_second = [
            self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e]

        # Rate plot
        if make_rate:
                self.second, xlabel='Time (ms)', ylabel='Rate (Hz)',
                lines=self.lines_second, ydata=self.firing_rate, **kw_args)

    # Axis definition

    def set_axis(self, axis, xlabel, ylabel, lines, xdata=None, ydata=None,
        Setup an axis.

        axis : :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` object
        xlabel : str
        ylabel : str
        lines : list of :class:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` objects
        xdata : 1D array-like, optional (default: None)
        ydata : 1D array-like, optional (default: None)
        **kwargs : dict, optional (default: {})
            Optional arguments ("xlim" or "ylim", 2-tuples; "set_xticks",
        if kwargs.get('set_xticks', False):
        for line2d in lines:
        if 'xlim' in kwargs:
            xmin, xmax = self.xticks[0], self.xticks[-1]
            axis.set_xlim(_min_axis(xmin, xmax), _max_axis(xmax, xmin))
        if 'ylim' in kwargs:
            ymin, ymax = np.min(ydata), np.max(ydata)
            axis.set_ylim(_min_axis(ymin, ymax), _max_axis(ymax, ymin))

    def _draw(self, i, head, head_slice, spike_cum, spike_slice):
            self.spikes[spike_cum], self.senders[spike_cum])
        if np.any(spike_slice):
                self.spikes[spike_slice], self.senders[spike_slice])
            self.line_spks_a.set_data([], [])
        if self.has_rate:
            self.line_second_.set_data(self.times[:i], self.firing_rate[:i])
                self.times[head_slice], self.firing_rate[head_slice])
                self.times[head], self.firing_rate[head])

        # set axis limits: 1. check user-defined
        current_window = np.diff(self.spks.get_xlim())
        default_window = (np.isclose(current_window, self.timewindow)
            or np.isclose(current_window, self.simtime - self.start))[0]
        # 3. change if necessary
        if default_window:
            xlims = self.spks.get_xlim()
            if self.times[i] >= xlims[1]:
                    self.times[i] - self.timewindow, self.times[i])
                    self.times[i] - self.timewindow, self.times[i])
            elif self.times[i] <= xlims[0]:
                self.spks.set_xlim(self.start, self.timewindow + self.start)

    def _make_ticks(self, timewindow):
        target_num_ticks = np.ceil(self.duration / timewindow * 5)
        target_step = self.duration / target_num_ticks
        idx_step = np.abs(self.steps-target_step).argmin()
        step = self.steps[idx_step]
        num_steps = int(self.duration / step) + 2
        self.xticks = [self.start + i*step for i in range(num_steps)]
        self.xlabels = [str(i) for i in self.xticks]

    # User interaction

    def on_click(self, event):
        if event.button == '2':
            if self.pause:
                self.pause = False
                self.pause = True

    def on_keyboard_press(self, kb_event):
        if kb_event.key == ' ':
            if self.pause:
                self.pause = False
                self.pause = True
            if kb_event.key in ('B', 'F', 'N', 'P'):
                if self.pause:
                    self.pause = False
                    self.pause_after = True    # stop at next iteration
                    self.event_source.start()  # restart temporarily
                if kb_event.key == 'F':
                    self.increment *= 2
                elif kb_event.key == 'B':
                    self.increment = max(1, int(self.increment / 2))
        self.event = kb_event

    def on_keyboard_release(self, kb_event):
        if kb_event.key in (' ', 'B', 'F', 'N', 'P'):
            if self.pause_after:
                self.pause = True
                self.pause_after = False
                self.event_source.stop()  # pause again
            self.event = None

    def save_movie(self, filename, fps=30, video_encoder='html5', codec="h264",
                   bitrate=-1, start=None, stop=None, interval=None,
                   num_frames=None, metadata=None):
        Save the animation to a movie file.

        filename : :obj:`str`
            Name of the file where the movie will be saved.
        fps : int, optional (default: 30)
            Frame per second.
        video_encoder : :obj:`str`, optional (default 'html5')
            Movie encoding format; either 'ffmpeg', 'html5', or 'imagemagick'.
        codec : :obj:`str`, optional (default: "h264")
            Codec to use for writing movie; if None, default `animation.codec`
            from `matplotlib` will be used.
        bitrate : int, optional (default: -1)
            Controls size/quality tradeoff for movie. Default (-1) lets utility
        start : float, optional (default: initial time)
            Start time, corresponding to the first spike time that will appear
            on the video.
        stop : float, optional (default: final time)
            Stop time, corresponding to the last spike time that will appear
            on the video.
        interval : int, optional (default: None)
            Timestep increment for each new frame. Default saves all
            timesteps (often heavy). E.g. setting `interval` to 10 will make
            the file 10 times lighter.
        num_frames : int, optional (default: None)
            Total number of frames that should be saved.
        metadata : :obj:`dict`, optional (default: None)
            Metadata for the video (e.g. 'title', 'artist', 'comment',

        * ``ffmpeg`` is required for 'ffmpeg' and 'html5' encoders.
          To get available formats, type ``ffmpeg -formats`` in a terminal;
          type ``ffmpeg -codecs | grep EV`` for available codecs.
        * Imagemagick is required for 'imagemagick' encoder.
        if interval is not None and num_frames is not None:
            raise InvalidArgument("Incompatible arguments `interval` and "
                                  "`num_frames` provided. Choose one.")
        elif interval is None and num_frames is None:
            self.increment  = 1
            self.save_count = self.num_frames
        elif interval is None:
            self.increment = max(1, int(self.num_frames / num_frames))
            self.save_count = num_frames
            self.increment = interval
            self.save_count = int(self.num_frames / interval)
        start_frame = 0
        stop_frame  = self.save_count
        if start is not None:
            start_frame = int(start / self.dt / self.increment) + 1
        if stop is not None:
            stop_frame = int(stop / self.dt / self.increment) + 1
            self, filename, fps, video_encoder, codec, bitrate, metadata,
            self.fig.dpi, start_frame, stop_frame)

[docs]class Animation2d(_SpikeAnimator, anim.FuncAnimation): ''' Class to plot the raster plot, firing-rate, and average trajectory in a 2D phase-space for a network activity. ''' def __init__(self, source, multimeter, start=0., timewindow=None, trace=5., x='time', y='V_m', sort_neurons=None, network=None, interval=50, vector_field=False, **kwargs): ''' Generate a SubplotAnimation instance to plot a network activity. Parameters ---------- source : tuple NEST gid of the ``spike_detector``(s) which recorded the network. multimeter : tuple NEST gid of the ``multimeter``(s) which recorded the network. timewindow : double, optional (default: None) Time window which will be shown for the spikes and self.second. trace : double, optional (default: 5.) Interval of time (ms) over which the data is overlayed in red. x : str, optional (default: "time") Name of the `x`-axis variable (must be either "time" or the name of a NEST recordable in the `multimeter`). y : str, optional (default: "V_m") Name of the `y`-axis variable (must be either "time" or the name of a NEST recordable in the `multimeter`). vector_field : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the :math:`\dot{x}` and :math:`\dot{y}` arrows should be added to phase space. Requires additional 'dotx' and 'doty' arguments which are user defined functions to compute the derivatives of `x` and `x` in time. These functions take 3 parameters, which are `x`, `y`, and `time_dependent`, where the last parameter is a list of doubles associated to recordables from the neuron model (see example for details). These recordables must be declared in a `time_dependent` parameter. sort_neurons : str or list, optional (default: None) Sort neurons using a topological property ("in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" or "betweenness"), an activity-related property ("firing_rate", 'B2') or a user-defined list of sorted neuron ids. Sorting is performed by increasing value of the `sort_neurons` property from bottom to top inside each group. **kwargs : dict, optional (default: {}) Optional arguments such as 'make_rate', 'num_xarrows', 'num_yarrows', 'dotx', 'doty', 'time_dependent', 'recordables', 'arrow_scale'. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nest x = "times" if x == "time" else x y = "times" if y == "time" else y # get data data_mm = nest.GetStatus(multimeter)[0]["events"] self.times = data_mm["times"] self.num_frames = len(self.times) idx_start = np.where(self.times >= start)[0][0] self.idx_start = idx_start self.times = self.times[idx_start:] dt = self.times[1] - self.times[0] self.simtime = self.times[-1] self.start = start self.duration = self.simtime - start self.trace = trace self.vector_field = vector_field if timewindow is None: self.timewindow = self.duration else: self.timewindow = min(timewindow, self.duration) # init _SpikeAnimator parent class (create figure and right axes) if 'make_rate' not in kwargs: kwargs['make_rate'] = True super(Animation2d, self).__init__( source, sort_neurons=sort_neurons, network=network, **kwargs) # Data and axis for phase-space self.x = data_mm[x][idx_start:] / self.num_neurons self.y = data_mm[y][idx_start:] / self.num_neurons = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) # lines self.line_ps_ = Line2D([], [], color='black') self.line_ps_a = Line2D([], [], color='red', linewidth=2) self.line_ps_e = Line2D( [], [], color='red', marker='o', markeredgecolor='r') lines = [self.line_ps_, self.line_ps_a, self.line_ps_e] xlim = (_min_axis(self.x.min()), _max_axis(self.x.max())) self.set_axis(, xlabel=_convert_axis(x), ylabel=_convert_axis(y), lines=lines, xdata=self.x, ydata=self.y, xlim=xlim) # For quiver plot (vector field) nx = kwargs.get('num_xarrows', 20) ny = kwargs.get('num_yarrows', 20) scale = kwargs.get('arrow_scale', 30.) if self.vector_field: time_dependent_rec = kwargs.get('time_dependent', []) self.time_dependent = [ data_mm[key][idx_start:] / self.num_neurons for key in time_dependent_rec ] self.dotx, self.doty = kwargs['dotx'], kwargs['doty'] xx = np.repeat(np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], nx), ny) yy = np.tile(np.linspace(self.y.min(), self.y.max(), ny), nx) self.q =, yy, [], [], scale=scale, color='grey') plt.tight_layout() anim.FuncAnimation.__init__(self, self.fig, self._draw, self._gen_data, interval=interval, blit=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Animation instructions def _gen_data(self): i = -1 imax = len(self.x) - 1 while i < imax - self.increment: if not self.pause: if self.event is not None: if self.event.key == 'N': i += self.increment elif self.event.key == 'P': i -= self.increment self.event = None else: i += self.increment yield i def _draw(self, framedata): i = int(framedata) head = i - 1 head_slice = ((self.times > (self.times[i] - self.trace)) & (self.times < self.times[i])) spike_slice = ((self.spikes > (self.times[i] - self.trace)) & (self.spikes <= self.times[i])) spike_cum = self.spikes < self.times[i] lines = [] if self.vector_field: time_dep = [arr[i] for arr in self.time_dependent] u = self.dotx(self.q.X, self.q.Y, time_dep) v = self.doty(self.q.X, self.q.Y, time_dep) self.q.set_UVC(u, v) lines.append(self.q) self.line_ps_.set_data(self.x[:i], self.y[:i]) self.line_ps_a.set_data(self.x[head_slice], self.y[head_slice]) self.line_ps_e.set_data(self.x[i], self.y[i]) lines.extend([self.line_ps_, self.line_ps_a, self.line_ps_e, self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e]) super(Animation2d, self)._draw( i, head, head_slice, spike_cum, spike_slice) return lines def _init_draw(self): ''' Remove ticks from spks/second axes, save background, then restore state to allow for moveable axes and labels. ''' xlim = self.spks.get_xlim() xlabel = self.spks.get_xlabel() # remove self.spks.set_xticks([]) self.spks.set_xticklabels([]) self.spks.set_xlabel("") self.second.set_xticks([]) self.second.set_xticklabels([]) self.second.set_xlabel("") # background self.fig.canvas.draw() = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.fig.bbox) # restore self.spks.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.spks.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.spks.set_xlim(*xlim) self.spks.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.second.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.second.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.second.set_xlim(*xlim) self.second.set_xlabel(xlabel) if self.vector_field: self.q.set_UVC([], []) # initialize empty lines lines = [self.line_ps_, self.line_ps_a, self.line_ps_e, self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e] for l in lines: l.set_data([], [])
[docs]class AnimationNetwork(_SpikeAnimator, anim.FuncAnimation): ''' Class to plot the raster plot, firing-rate, and space-embedded spiking activity (neurons on the graph representation flash when spiking) in time. ''' def __init__(self, source, network, resolution=1., start=0., timewindow=None, trace=5., show_spikes=False, sort_neurons=None, decimate_connections=False, interval=50, repeat=True, resting_size=None, active_size=None, **kwargs): ''' Generate a SubplotAnimation instance to plot a network activity. Parameters ---------- source : tuple NEST gid of the ``spike_detector``(s) which recorded the network. network : :class:`~nngt.SpatialNetwork` Network embedded in space to plot the actvity of the neurons in space. resolution : double, optional (default: None) Time resolution of the animation. timewindow : double, optional (default: None) Time window which will be shown for the spikes and self.second. trace : double, optional (default: 5.) Interval of time (ms) over which the data is overlayed in red. show_spikes : bool, optional (default: True) Whether a spike trajectory should be displayed on the network. sort_neurons : str or list, optional (default: None) Sort neurons using a topological property ("in-degree", "out-degree", "total-degree" or "betweenness"), an activity-related property ("firing_rate", 'B2') or a user-defined list of sorted neuron ids. Sorting is performed by increasing value of the `sort_neurons` property from bottom to top inside each group. **kwargs : dict, optional (default: {}) Optional arguments such as 'make_rate', or all arguments for the :func:`nngt.plot.draw_network`. ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import nest from nngt.simulation.nest_activity import _get_data = weakref.ref(network) self.simtime = _get_data(source)[-1, 1] self.times = np.arange(start, self.simtime + resolution, resolution) self.num_frames = len(self.times) self.start = start self.duration = self.simtime - start self.trace = trace self.show_spikes = show_spikes if timewindow is None: self.timewindow = self.duration else: self.timewindow = min(timewindow, self.duration) # init _SpikeAnimator parent class (create figure and right axes) #~ self.decim_conn = 1 if decimate is not None else decimate self.kwargs = kwargs cs = kwargs.get('chunksize', 10000) mpl.rcParams['agg.path.chunksize'] = cs if 'make_rate' not in kwargs: kwargs['make_rate'] = True super(AnimationNetwork, self).__init__( source, sort_neurons=sort_neurons, network=network, **kwargs) self.env = plt.subplot2grid((2, 4), (0, 0), rowspan=2, colspan=2) # Data and axis for network representation bbox = self.env.get_window_extent().transformed( self.fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) area_px = bbox.width * bbox.height * self.fig.dpi**2 # neuron size n_size = (resting_size if resting_size is not None else max(2, 0.5*np.sqrt(area_px/self.num_neurons))) if active_size is None: active_size = n_size + 2 pos = network.get_positions() # positions of the neurons self.x = pos[:, 0] self.y = pos[:, 1] # neurons self.line_neurons = Line2D( [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='black', ms=n_size, mew=0) self.line_neurons_a = Line2D( [], [], ls='None', marker='o', color='red', ms=active_size, mew=0) self.lines_env = [self.line_neurons, self.line_neurons_a] xlim = (_min_axis(self.x.min()), _max_axis(self.x.max())) self.set_axis(self.env, xlabel='Network', ylabel='', lines=self.lines_env, xdata=self.x, ydata=self.y, xlim=xlim) # spike trajectory if show_spikes: self.line_st_a = Line2D([], [], color='red', linewidth=1) self.line_st_e = Line2D( [], [], color='red', marker='d', ms=2, markeredgecolor='r') self.lines_env.extend((self.line_st_a, self.line_st_e)) # remove the axes and grid from env self.env.set_xticks([]) self.env.set_yticks([]) self.env.set_xticklabels([]) self.env.set_yticklabels([]) self.env.grid(None) plt.tight_layout() anim.FuncAnimation.__init__( self, self.fig, self._draw, self._gen_data, repeat=repeat, interval=interval, blit=True) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Animation instructions def _gen_data(self): i = -1 imax = len(self.times) - 1 while i < imax - self.increment: if not self.pause: if self.event is not None: if self.event.key == 'N': i += self.increment elif self.event.key == 'P': i -= self.increment else: i += self.increment yield i def _draw(self, framedata): i = int(framedata) if i == 0: # initialize neurons and connections self.line_neurons.set_data(self.x, self.y) #~ self.line_connections.set_data(self.x_conn, self.y_conn) head = i - 1 head_slice = ((self.times > self.times[i] - self.trace) & (self.times < self.times[i])) spike_slice = ((self.spikes > self.times[i] - self.trace) & (self.spikes <= self.times[i])) spike_cum = self.spikes < self.times[i] pos_ids =[spike_slice]) self.line_neurons_a.set_data(self.x[pos_ids], self.y[pos_ids]) if self.show_spikes: # @todo: make this work for heterogeneous delays time = self.times[i] delays = np.average( departures = self.spikes[spikes_slice] arrivals = departures + delays # get the spikers ids_dep = self.nids[self.senders[spikes_slice]] degrees = network.get_degrees('out', nodes=ids_dep) ids_dep = np.repeat(ids_dep, degrees) # repeat based on out-degree x_dep = self.x[ids_dep] y_dep = self.y[ids_dep] # get their out-neighbours #~ for d, a in zip(departures, arrivals): super(AnimationNetwork, self)._draw( i, head, head_slice, spike_cum, spike_slice) return [self.line_neurons, self.line_neurons_a, self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e] def _init_draw(self): ''' Remove ticks from spks/second axes, save background, then restore state to allow for moveable axes and labels. ''' # remove xlim = self.spks.get_xlim() xlabel = self.spks.get_xlabel() self.spks.set_xticks([]) self.spks.set_xticklabels([]) self.spks.set_xlabel("") self.second.set_xticks([]) self.second.set_xticklabels([]) self.second.set_xlabel("") # background self.fig.canvas.draw() = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.fig.bbox) # restore self.spks.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.spks.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.spks.set_xlim(*xlim) self.spks.set_xlabel(xlabel) self.second.set_xticks(self.xticks) self.second.set_xticklabels(self.xlabels) self.second.set_xlim(*xlim) self.second.set_xlabel(xlabel) # initialize empty lines lines = [self.line_spks_, self.line_spks_a, self.line_neurons_a, self.line_second_, self.line_second_a, self.line_second_e, self.line_neurons] for l in lines: l.set_data([], []) # initialize the neurons and connections between neurons draw_network(, ncolor='k', axis=self.env, show=False, simple_nodes=True, decimate_connections=-1, tight=False, **self.kwargs) if shape = xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = shape.bounds dx = 0.02*(xmax-xmin) dy = 0.02*(ymax-ymin) self.env.set_xlim(xmin-dx, xmax+dx) self.env.set_ylim(ymin-dy, ymax+dy) self.line_neurons = self.env.lines[0]
#~ self.line_neurons.set_data(self.x, self.y) #~ num_edges = #~ self.x_conn = np.zeros(3*num_edges) #~ self.y_conn = np.zeros(3*num_edges) #~ adj_mat = #~ edges = adj_mat.nonzero() #~ self.x_conn[::3] = self.x[edges[0]] # x position of source nodes #~ self.x_conn[1::3] = self.x[edges[1]] # x position of target nodes #~ self.x_conn[2::3] = np.NaN # NaN to separate #~ self.y_conn[::3] = self.y[edges[0]] # y position of source nodes #~ self.y_conn[1::3] = self.y[edges[1]] # y position of target nodes #~ self.y_conn[2::3] = np.NaN # NaN to separate #~ self.env.plot( #~ self.x_conn[::self.decim_conn], self.y_conn[::self.decim_conn], #~ color='k', alpha=0.3, lw=1) # ----- # # Tools # # ----- # def _max_axis(value, min_val=0.): if np.isclose(value, 0.): return -0.02*min_val elif np.sign(value) > 0.: return 1.02*value else: return 0.98*value def _min_axis(value, max_val=0.): if np.isclose(value, 0.): return -0.02*max_val elif np.sign(value) < 0.: return 1.02*value else: return 0.98*value def _convert_axis(axis_name): lowercase = axis_name.lower() if lowercase == "times": return "Time (ms)" new_name = "$" i = axis_name.find("_") if i != -1: start = lowercase[:i] if start in ("tau", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"): new_name += "\\" + axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$" elif start in ("v", "e"): new_name += axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$ (mV)" elif start == "i": new_name += axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$ (pA)" else: new_name += axis_name[:i] + "_{" + axis_name[i+1:] + "}$" else: if lowercase in ("tau", "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta"): new_name += "\\" + lowercase + "$" elif lowercase == "w": new_name = "$w$ (pA)" else: new_name += lowercase + "$" return new_name def _save_movie(animation, filename, fps, video_encoder, codec, bitrate, metadata, dpi, start, stop): if filename.endswith('.mp4') or filename.endswith('.avi'): ffcodec = 'h264' if filename.endswith('.mp4') else 'xvid' fig = animation.fig canvas_width, canvas_height = fig.get_size_inches()*fig.dpi # Open an ffmpeg process cmdstring = ('ffmpeg', '-y', '-r', str(fps), # overwrite, 1fps '-s', '%dx%d' % (canvas_width, canvas_height), # size of image string '-pix_fmt', 'argb', # format '-f', 'rawvideo', '-i', '-', # tell ffmpeg to expect raw video from the pipe '-vcodec', ffcodec, filename) # output encoding p = subprocess.Popen(cmdstring, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) # Draw frames and write to the pipe for i in range(start, stop): frame = int(i*animation.increment) # draw the frame animation._draw(frame) fig.canvas.draw() # extract the image as an ARGB string string = fig.canvas.tostring_argb() # write to pipe p.stdin.write(string) # Finish up p.communicate() animation._init_draw() else: if metadata is None: metadata = {"artist": "NNGT"} encoder = 'ffmpeg' if video_encoder == 'html5' else video_encoder Writer = anim.writers[encoder] if video_encoder == 'html5': codec = 'libx264' writer = Writer(codec=codec, fps=fps, bitrate=bitrate, metadata=metadata), writer=writer, dpi=dpi) def _vector_field(q, dotx_func, doty_func, x, y, Is): ''' Add the vector field of the x and y derivatives in phase space. Parameters ---------- q : :class:`matplotlib.quiver.Quiver` Phase space quiver object. dotx_func : function User provided function giving :math:`\dot{x} = f(x, y, Is(t))`. doty_func : function User provided function giving :math:`\dot{y} = g(x, y, Is(t))`. x : :class:`numpy.ndarray`. y : :class:`numpy.ndarray`. Is : float Current (time dependent data). ''' q.set_UVC(dotx_func(x, y, Is), doty_func(x, y, Is))