Source code for nngt.lib.graph_backends

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the NNGT project to generate and analyze
# neuronal networks and their activity.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2017  Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Tools to interact with the graph libraries backends """

import logging
import sys

import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as ssp

import nngt
from .errors import not_implemented
from .logger import _log_message
from .reloading import reload_module
from .test_functions import nonstring_container, mpi_barrier

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ------------------- #
# Graph library usage #
# ------------------- #

analyze_graph = {
    'adjacency': not_implemented,
    'assortativity': not_implemented,
    'betweenness': not_implemented,
    'clustering': not_implemented,
    'diameter': not_implemented,
    'ebetweenness': not_implemented,
    'get_edges': not_implemented,
    'nbetweenness': not_implemented,
    'reciprocity': not_implemented,
    'scc': not_implemented,
    'wcc': not_implemented,

# use library function

[docs]@mpi_barrier def use_backend(backend, reloading=True, silent=False): ''' Allows the user to switch to a specific graph library as backend. .. warning :: If :class:`~nngt.Graph` objects have already been created, they will no longer be compatible with NNGT methods. Parameters ---------- backend : string Name of a graph library among 'graph_tool', 'igraph', 'networkx', or 'nngt'. reloading : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph objects should be `reload_module`d (this should always be set to True except when NNGT is first initiated!) ''' # save old config except for graph-library data old_config = nngt.get_config(detailed=True) for k in ("graph", "backend", "library"): del old_config[k] # try to switch graph library success = False error = None if backend == "graph-tool": try: success = _set_graph_tool() except Exception as e: error = e elif backend == "igraph": try: success = _set_igraph() except Exception as e: error = e elif backend == "networkx": try: success = _set_networkx() except Exception as e: error = e elif backend == "nngt": try: success = _set_nngt() except Exception as e: error = e else: raise ValueError("Invalid graph library requested.") if reloading: reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].core.base_graph) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].core.gt_graph) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].core.ig_graph) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].core.nx_graph) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].core) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].generation) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].generation.graph_connectivity) if nngt._config['with_plot']: reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].plot) if nngt._config['with_nest']: reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].simulation) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].lib) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].core.graph_classes) reload_module(sys.modules["nngt"].analysis) from nngt.core.graph_classes import (Graph, SpatialGraph, Network, SpatialNetwork) sys.modules["nngt"].Graph = Graph sys.modules["nngt"].SpatialGraph = SpatialGraph sys.modules["nngt"].Network = Network sys.modules["nngt"].SpatialNetwork = SpatialNetwork # restore old config nngt.set_config(old_config, silent=True) # log if success: if silent: _log_message(logger, "DEBUG", "Successfuly switched to " + backend + ".") else: _log_message(logger, "INFO", "Successfuly switched to " + backend + ".") else: if silent: _log_message(logger, "DEBUG", "Error, could not switch to " + backend + ": " "{}.".format(error)) else: _log_message(logger, "WARNING", "Error, could not switch to " + backend + ": " "{}.".format(error)) if error is not None: raise error
# ----------------- # # Loading functions # # ----------------- # def _set_graph_tool(): ''' Set graph-tool as graph library, store relevant items in config and analyze graph dictionaries. ''' import graph_tool as glib from graph_tool import Graph as GraphLib nngt._config["backend"] = "graph-tool" nngt._config["library"] = glib nngt._config["graph"] = GraphLib # analysis functions from graph_tool.spectral import adjacency as _adj from graph_tool.centrality import betweenness, closeness from graph_tool.correlations import scalar_assortativity as assort from graph_tool.topology import (edge_reciprocity, label_components, pseudo_diameter) from graph_tool.clustering import global_clustering, local_clustering def global_clustering_coeff(g): return global_clustering(g)[0] def local_clustering_coeff(g, nodes=None): lc = local_clustering(g).a if nodes is None: return lc return lc[nodes] def _closeness(graph, nodes, weights): if weights is True and graph.is_weighted(): weights = graph.edge_properties[weight] else: weights=None c = closeness(graph, weight=weights) if nodes is None: return c.a return c.a[nodes] # defining the adjacency function def adj_mat(graph, weight=None): if weight not in (None, False): weight = graph.edge_properties[weight] return _adj(graph, weight).T return _adj(graph).T def get_edges(graph): return graph.edges() # store the functions nngt.analyze_graph["assortativity"] = assort nngt.analyze_graph["betweenness"] = betweenness nngt.analyze_graph["closeness"] = _closeness nngt.analyze_graph["clustering"] = global_clustering_coeff nngt.analyze_graph["local_clustering"] = local_clustering_coeff nngt.analyze_graph["scc"] = label_components nngt.analyze_graph["wcc"] = label_components nngt.analyze_graph["diameter"] = pseudo_diameter nngt.analyze_graph["reciprocity"] = edge_reciprocity nngt.analyze_graph["adjacency"] = adj_mat nngt.analyze_graph["get_edges"] = get_edges return True def _set_igraph(): ''' Set igraph as graph library, store relevant items in config and analyze graph dictionaries. ''' import igraph as glib from igraph import Graph as GraphLib nngt._config["backend"] = "igraph" nngt._config["library"] = glib nngt._config["graph"] = GraphLib # define def _closeness(graph, nodes, weights): if weights is True and graph.is_weighted(): weights = weight else: weights=None return graph.closeness(nodes, mode="out", weights=weights) # defining the adjacency function def adj_mat(graph, weight=None): n = graph.node_nb() if graph.edge_nb(): xs, ys = map(np.array, zip(*graph.get_edgelist())) xs, ys = xs.T, ys.T data = np.ones(xs.shape) if weight in graph.edges_attributes: data *= np.array([weight]) elif nonstring_container(weight): data *= np.array(weight) elif weight: data *= np.array(["weight"]) coo_adj = ssp.coo_matrix((data, (xs, ys)), shape=(n,n)) return coo_adj.tocsr() else: return ssp.csr_matrix((n,n)) def get_edges(graph): return graph.get_edgelist() # store functions nngt.analyze_graph["assortativity"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["nbetweenness"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["ebetweenness"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["clustering"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["closeness"] = _closeness nngt.analyze_graph["local_clustering"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["scc"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["wcc"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["diameter"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["reciprocity"] = not_implemented nngt.analyze_graph["adjacency"] = adj_mat nngt.analyze_graph["get_edges"] = get_edges return True def _set_networkx(): import networkx as glib if glib.__version__[0] < '2': raise ImportError("`networkx {} is ".format(glib.__version__) +\ "installed while version 2+ is required.") from networkx import DiGraph as GraphLib nngt._config["backend"] = "networkx" nngt._config["library"] = glib nngt._config["graph"] = GraphLib # analysis functions from networkx.algorithms import ( diameter, strongly_connected_components, weakly_connected_components, degree_assortativity_coefficient ) def _closeness(graph, nodes, weights): if weights is True and graph.is_weighted(): weights = graph.edge_properties[weight] else: weights=None if nodes is None: return glib.closeness_centrality(graph, distance=weights) else: c = [glib.closeness_centrality(graph, u=n, distance=weights) for n in nodes] return c def overall_reciprocity(g): num_edges = g.number_of_edges() num_recip = (num_edges - g.to_undirected().number_of_edges()) * 2 if n_all_edge == 0: raise ArgumentError("Not defined for empty graphs") else: return num_recip/float(num_edges) nx_version = glib.__version__ try: from networkx.algorithms import overall_reciprocity except ImportError: def overall_reciprocity(*args, **kwargs): return NotImplementedError("Not implemented for networkx " + str(nx_version) + "; try installing " "the latest version.") def local_clustering(g, nodes=None): return np.array(glib.clustering(g, nodes).values()) # defining the adjacency function from networkx import to_scipy_sparse_matrix def adj_mat(graph, weight=None): return to_scipy_sparse_matrix(graph, weight=weight) def get_edges(graph): return graph.edges(data=False) # store functions nngt.analyze_graph["assortativity"] = degree_assortativity_coefficient nngt.analyze_graph["diameter"] = diameter nngt.analyze_graph["closeness"] = _closeness nngt.analyze_graph["clustering"] = glib.transitivity nngt.analyze_graph["local_clustering"] = local_clustering nngt.analyze_graph["reciprocity"] = overall_reciprocity nngt.analyze_graph["scc"] = strongly_connected_components nngt.analyze_graph["wcc"] = diameter nngt.analyze_graph["adjacency"] = adj_mat nngt.analyze_graph["get_edges"] = get_edges return True def _set_nngt(): nngt._config["backend"] = "nngt" nngt._config["library"] = nngt nngt._config["graph"] = object # analysis functions def _notimplemented(*args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError("Install a graph library to use.") def adj_mat(graph, weight=None): if weight in graph.edges_attributes and weight != "weight": edges = graph.edges_array prop = graph.get_edge_attributes(name=weight) num_nodes = graph.node_nb() mat = ssp.coo_matrix((prop, (edges[:, 0], edges[:, 1])), shape=(num_nodes, num_nodes)) return mat.tocsr() elif weight is False: mat = graph._adj_mat.tocsr() = np.ones(len( return mat else: return graph._adj_mat.tocsr() def get_edges(graph): return graph.edges_array() # store functions nngt.analyze_graph["assortativity"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["diameter"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["closeness"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["clustering"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["local_clustering"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["reciprocity"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["scc"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["wcc"] = _notimplemented nngt.analyze_graph["adjacency"] = adj_mat nngt.analyze_graph["get_edges"] = get_edges return True