Source code for nngt.generation.graph_connectivity

#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the NNGT project to generate and analyze
# neuronal networks and their activity.
# Copyright (C) 2015-2019  Tanguy Fardet
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Connectivity generators for nngt.Graph """

from copy import deepcopy
import logging

import numpy as np

import nngt
from nngt.geometry.geom_utils import conversion_magnitude
from nngt.lib.connect_tools import _set_options
from nngt.lib.logger import _log_message
from nngt.lib.test_functions import (mpi_checker, mpi_random, deprecated,

# do default import

from .connect_algorithms import *

# try to import multithreaded or mpi algorithms

using_mt_algorithms = False

if nngt.get_config("multithreading"):
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        from .cconnect import *
        from .connect_algorithms import price_network
        using_mt_algorithms = True
        _log_message(logger, "DEBUG",
                     "Using multithreaded algorithms compiled on install.")
        nngt.set_config('multithreading', True, silent=True)
    except Exception as e:
            import cython
            import pyximport

                from mpi4py import MPI
                comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
                if nngt.get_config("mpi"):
                    raise RuntimeError("Cannot safely compile with MPI.")


            # wait for compilation to finish

            if on_master_process():
                from .cconnect import *

            from .cconnect import *
            from .connect_algorithms import price_network

            using_mt_algorithms = True

            _log_message(logger, "DEBUG", str(e) + "\n\tCompiled "
                         "multithreaded algorithms on-the-run.")

            nngt.set_config('multithreading', True, silent=True)
        except Exception as e2:
                logger, "WARNING", str(e) + "\n\t" + str(e2) + "\n\t"
                "Cython import failed, using non-multithreaded algorithms.")
            nngt._config['multithreading'] = False

if nngt.get_config("mpi"):
        from .mpi_connect import *
        nngt._config['mpi'] = True
    except ImportError as e:
        nngt._config['mpi'] = False
        raise e

__all__ = [

# ----------------------------- #
# Specific degree distributions #
# ----------------------------- #

[docs]def all_to_all(nodes=0, weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="AllToAll", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a graph where all nodes are connected. .. versionadded:: 1.0 Parameters ---------- nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. reciprocity : double, optional (default: -1 to let it free) Fraction of edges that are bidirectional (only for directed graphs -- undirected graphs have a reciprocity of 1 by definition) weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). Note ---- `nodes` is required unless `population` is provided. Returns ------- graph_all : :class:`~nngt.Graph`, or subclass A new generated graph. """ nodes = nodes if population is None else population.size graph_all = nngt.Graph(name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_all, population, shape, positions) # add edges if nodes > 1: ids = np.arange(nodes, dtype=np.uint) edges = _all_to_all(ids, ids, directed=directed, multigraph=multigraph) graph_all.new_edges(edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_all._graph_type = "all_to_all" return graph_all
[docs]@mpi_random def from_degree_list(degrees, degree_type='in', weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="DL", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a random graph from a given list of degrees. Parameters ---------- degrees : list The list of degrees for each node in the graph. degree_type : str, optional (default: 'in') The type of the fixed degree, among ``'in'``, ``'out'`` or ``'total'``. @todo `'total'` not implemented yet. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) @todo: only for directed graphs for now. Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_dl : :class:`~nngt.Graph`, or subclass A new generated graph or the modified `from_graph`. """ # set node number and library graph graph_dl = from_graph nodes = len(degrees) if "nodes" in kwargs: assert kwargs["nodes"] == nodes, \ "Invalid `nodes` entry: the number of nodes should " \ "be ``len(degrees)``." del kwargs["nodes"] if graph_dl is not None: nodes = graph_dl.node_nb() graph_dl.clear_all_edges() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_dl = nngt.Graph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_dl, population, shape, positions) # add edges ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = np.arange(nodes, dtype=np.uint) ia_edges = _from_degree_list(ids, ids, degrees, degree_type, directed=directed, multigraph=multigraph) # check for None if MPI if ia_edges is not None: graph_dl.new_edges(ia_edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_dl._graph_type = "from_{}_degree_list".format(degree_type) return graph_dl
[docs]@mpi_random def fixed_degree(degree, degree_type='in', nodes=0, reciprocity=-1., weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="FD", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a random graph with constant in- or out-degree. Parameters ---------- degree : int The value of the constant degree. degree_type : str, optional (default: 'in') The type of the fixed degree, among ``'in'``, ``'out'`` or ``'total'``. @todo `'total'` not implemented yet. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. reciprocity : double, optional (default: -1 to let it free) @todo: not implemented yet. Fraction of edges that are bidirectional (only for directed graphs -- undirected graphs have a reciprocity of 1 by definition) weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) @todo: only for directed graphs for now. Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Note ---- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. If an `from_graph` is provided, all preexistant edges in the object will be deleted before the new connectivity is implemented. Returns ------- graph_fd : :class:`~nngt.Graph`, or subclass A new generated graph or the modified `from_graph`. """ # set node number and library graph graph_fd = from_graph if graph_fd is not None: nodes = graph_fd.node_nb() graph_fd.clear_all_edges() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_fd = nngt.Graph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_fd, population, shape, positions) # add edges ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = np.arange(nodes, dtype=np.uint) ia_edges = _fixed_degree( ids, ids, degree, degree_type, reciprocity=reciprocity, directed=directed, multigraph=multigraph) # check for None if MPI if ia_edges is not None: graph_fd.new_edges(ia_edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_fd._graph_type = "fixed_{}_degree".format(degree_type) return graph_fd
[docs]@mpi_random def gaussian_degree(avg, std, degree_type='in', nodes=0, reciprocity=-1., weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="GD", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a random graph with constant in- or out-degree. Parameters ---------- avg : float The value of the average degree. std : float The standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. degree_type : str, optional (default: 'in') The type of the fixed degree, among 'in', 'out' or 'total' (or the full version: 'in-degree'...) @todo: Implement 'total' degree nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. reciprocity : double, optional (default: -1 to let it free) @todo: not implemented yet. Fraction of edges that are bidirectional (only for directed graphs -- undirected graphs have a reciprocity of 1 by definition) weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) @todo: only for directed graphs for now. Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_gd : :class:`~nngt.Graph`, or subclass A new generated graph or the modified `from_graph`. Note ---- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. If an `from_graph` is provided, all preexistant edges in the object will be deleted before the new connectivity is implemented. """ # set node number and library graph graph_gd = from_graph if graph_gd is not None: nodes = graph_gd.node_nb() graph_gd.clear_all_edges() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_gd = nngt.Graph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_gd, population, shape, positions) # add edges ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = np.arange(nodes, dtype=np.uint) ia_edges = _gaussian_degree( ids, ids, avg, std, degree_type, reciprocity=reciprocity, directed=directed, multigraph=multigraph) # check for None if MPI if ia_edges is not None: graph_gd.new_edges(ia_edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_gd._graph_type = "gaussian_{}_degree".format(degree_type) return graph_gd
# ----------- # # Erdos-Renyi # # ----------- #
[docs]def erdos_renyi(density=None, nodes=0, edges=None, avg_deg=None, reciprocity=-1., weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="ER", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a random graph as defined by Erdos and Renyi but with a reciprocity that can be chosen. Parameters ---------- density : double, optional (default: -1.) Structural density given by `edges / nodes`:math:`^2`. It is also the probability for each possible edge in the graph to exist. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. edges : int (optional) The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges / nodes`. reciprocity : double, optional (default: -1 to let it free) Fraction of edges that are bidirectional (only for directed graphs -- undirected graphs have a reciprocity of 1 by definition) weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_er : :class:`~nngt.Graph`, or subclass A new generated graph or the modified `from_graph`. Note ---- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. If an `from_graph` is provided, all preexistant edges in the object will be deleted before the new connectivity is implemented. """ # set node number and library graph graph_er = from_graph if graph_er is not None: nodes = graph_er.node_nb() graph_er.clear_all_edges() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_er = nngt.Graph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_er, population, shape, positions) # add edges ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _erdos_renyi(ids, ids, density, edges, avg_deg, reciprocity, directed, multigraph) graph_er.new_edges(ia_edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_er._graph_type = "erdos_renyi" return graph_er
# ----------------- # # Scale-free models # # ----------------- #
[docs]def random_scale_free(in_exp, out_exp, nodes=0, density=None, edges=None, avg_deg=None, reciprocity=0., weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="RandomSF", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a free-scale graph of given reciprocity and otherwise devoid of correlations. Parameters ---------- in_exp : float Absolute value of the in-degree exponent :math:`\gamma_i`, such that :math:`p(k_i) \propto k_i^{-\gamma_i}` out_exp : float Absolute value of the out-degree exponent :math:`\gamma_o`, such that :math:`p(k_o) \propto k_o^{-\gamma_o}` nodes : int, optional (default: 0) The number of nodes in the graph. density: double, optional Structural density given by `edges / (nodes*nodes)`. edges : int optional The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges / nodes`. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. can contain multiple edges between two name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`) from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_fs : :class:`~nngt.Graph` Note ---- As reciprocity increases, requested values of `in_exp` and `out_exp` will be less and less respected as the distribution will converge to a common exponent :math:`\gamma = (\gamma_i + \gamma_o) / 2`. Parameter `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. """ # set node number and library graph graph_rsf = from_graph if graph_rsf is not None: nodes = graph_rsf.node_nb() graph_rsf.clear_all_edges() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_rsf = nngt.Graph( name=name,nodes=nodes,directed=directed,**kwargs) _set_options(graph_rsf, population, shape, positions) # add edges if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _random_scale_free(ids, ids, in_exp, out_exp, density, edges, avg_deg, reciprocity, directed, multigraph) graph_rsf.new_edges(ia_edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_rsf._graph_type = "random_scale_free" return graph_rsf
[docs]def price_scale_free(m, c=None, gamma=1, nodes=0, weighted=True, directed=True, seed_graph=None, multigraph=False, name="PriceSF", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ @todo make the algorithm. Generate a Price graph model (Barabasi-Albert if undirected). Parameters ---------- m : int The number of edges each new node will make. c : double Constant added to the probability of a vertex receiving an edge. gamma : double Preferential attachment power. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_price : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass. Note ---- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. """ nodes = ( ( population.size if population is not None else nodes ) if from_graph is None else from_graph.node_nb() ) #~ c = c if c is not None else 0 if directed else 1 g = price_network(nodes, m, c, gamma, directed, seed_graph) graph_obj_price = nngt.Graph.from_library(g) graph_price = nngt.Graph.from_library(g) _set_options(graph_price, population, shape, positions) graph_price._graph_type = "price_scale_free" return graph_price
# -------------- # # Circular graph # # -------------- #
[docs]def circular(coord_nb, reciprocity=1., reciprocity_choice="random", nodes=0, weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="Circular", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): ''' Generate a circular graph. The nodes are placed on a circle and connected to their `coord_nb` closest neighbours. If the graph is directed, the number of connections depends on the value of `reciprocity`: if ``reciprocity == 0.``, then only half of all possible connections will be created, so that no bidirectional edges exist; on the other hand, for ``reciprocity == 1.``, all possible edges are created; for intermediate values of `reciprocity`, the number of edges increases linearly as ``0.5*(1 + reciprocity)*nodes*coord_nb``. Parameters ---------- coord_nb : int The number of neighbours for each node on the initial topological lattice (must be even). reciprocity : double, optional (default: 1.) Proportion of reciprocal edges in the graph. reciprocity_choice : str, optional (default: "random") How reciprocal edges should be chosen, which can be either "random" or "closest". If the latter option is used, then connections between first neighbours are rendered reciprocal first, then between second neighbours, etc. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. density: double, optional (default: 0.1) Structural density given by `edges` / (`nodes`*`nodes`). edges : int (optional) The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges` / `nodes`. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_circ : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass ''' if multigraph: raise ValueError("`multigraph` is not supported for circular graphs.") # set node number and library graph graph_circ = from_graph if graph_circ is not None: nodes = graph_circ.node_nb() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_circ = nngt.Graph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_circ, population, shape, positions) # add edges if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) edges = _circular(ids, ids, coord_nb, reciprocity, directed, reciprocity_choice=reciprocity_choice) graph_circ.new_edges(edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_circ._graph_type = "circular" return graph_circ
# ------------------ # # Small-world models # # ------------------ #
[docs]def newman_watts(coord_nb, proba_shortcut=None, reciprocity_circular=1., reciprocity_choice_circular="random", nodes=0, edges=None, weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="NW", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a (potentially small-world) graph using the Newman-Watts algorithm. For directed networks, the reciprocity of the initial circular network can be chosen. .. versionchanged:: 2.0 Added the `reciprocity_circular` and `reciprocity_choice_circular` options. Parameters ---------- coord_nb : int The number of neighbours for each node on the initial topological lattice (must be even). proba_shortcut : double, optional Probability of adding a new random (shortcut) edge for each existing edge on the initial lattice. If `edges` is provided, then will be computed automatically as ``edges / (coord_nb * nodes * (1 + reciprocity_circular) / 2)`` reciprocity_circular : double, optional (default: 1.) Proportion of reciprocal edges in the initial circular graph. reciprocity_choice_circular : str, optional (default: "random") How reciprocal edges should be chosen in the initial circular graph. This can be either "random" or "closest". If the latter option is used, then connections between first neighbours are rendered reciprocal first, then between second neighbours, etc. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. edges : int (optional) The number of edges between the nodes. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_nw : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Note ---- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. """ if multigraph: raise ValueError("`multigraph` is not supported for Watts-Strogatz.") # set node number and library graph graph_nw = from_graph if graph_nw is not None: nodes = graph_nw.node_nb() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_nw = nngt.Graph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_nw, population, shape, positions) # add edges if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _newman_watts( ids, ids, coord_nb, proba_shortcut, reciprocity_circular, edges=edges, directed=directed) graph_nw.new_edges(ia_edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_nw._graph_type = "watts_strogatz" return graph_nw
[docs]def watts_strogatz(coord_nb, proba_shortcut=None, reciprocity_circular=1., reciprocity_choice_circular="random", shuffle="random", nodes=0, weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="WS", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a (potentially small-world) graph using the Watts-Strogatz algorithm. For directed networks, the reciprocity of the initial circular network can be chosen. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ---------- coord_nb : int The number of neighbours for each node on the initial topological lattice (must be even). proba_shortcut : double, optional Probability of adding a new random (shortcut) edge for each existing edge on the initial lattice. If `edges` is provided, then will be computed automatically as ``edges / (coord_nb * nodes * (1 + reciprocity_circular) / 2)`` reciprocity_circular : double, optional (default: 1.) Proportion of reciprocal edges in the initial circular graph. reciprocity_choice_circular : str, optional (default: "random") How reciprocal edges should be chosen in the initial circular graph. This can be either "random" or "closest". If the latter option is used, then connections between first neighbours are rendered reciprocal first, then between second neighbours, etc. shuffle : str, optional (default: 'random') Whether to shuffle only 'targets' (out-degree of all nodes remains constant), 'sources' (in-degree remains constant), or randomly the source or the target for each edge ('random') in the case of directed graphs. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_nw : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Note ---- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. """ if multigraph: raise ValueError("`multigraph` is not supported for Newman-Watts.") # set node number and library graph graph_nw = from_graph if graph_nw is not None: nodes = graph_nw.node_nb() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_nw = nngt.Graph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, **kwargs) _set_options(graph_nw, population, shape, positions) # add edges if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _watts_strogatz( ids, ids, coord_nb, proba_shortcut, reciprocity_circular, shuffle, directed=directed) graph_nw.new_edges(ia_edges, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_nw._graph_type = "newman_watts" return graph_nw
# --------------------- # # Distance-based models # # --------------------- #
[docs]@mpi_random def distance_rule(scale, rule="exp", shape=None, neuron_density=1000., max_proba=-1., nodes=0, density=None, edges=None, avg_deg=None, unit='um', weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="DR", positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Create a graph using a 2D distance rule to create the connection between neurons. Available rules are linear and exponential. Parameters ---------- scale : float Characteristic scale for the distance rule. E.g for linear distance- rule, :math:`P(i,j) \propto (1-d_{ij}/scale))`, whereas for the exponential distance-rule, :math:`P(i,j) \propto e^{-d_{ij}/scale}`. rule : string, optional (default: 'exp') Rule that will be apply to draw the connections between neurons. Choose among "exp" (exponential), "gaussian" (Gaussian), or "lin" (linear). shape : :class:`~nngt.geometry.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. If not specified, a square will be created with the appropriate dimensions for the number of neurons and the neuron spatial density. neuron_density : float, optional (default: 1000.) Density of neurons in space (:math:`neurons \cdot mm^{-2}`). nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. p : float, optional Normalization factor for the distance rule; it is equal to the probability of connection when testing a node at zero distance. density: double, optional Structural density given by `edges` / (`nodes` * `nodes`). edges : int, optional The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges` / `nodes`. unit : string (default: 'um') Unit for the length `scale` among 'um' (:math:`\mu m`), 'mm', 'cm', 'dm', 'm'. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "DR") Name of the created graph. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D (N, 2) or 3D (N, 3) shaped array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. """ distance = [] # convert neuronal density in (mu m)^2 neuron_density *= conversion_magnitude(unit, 'mm')**2 # set node number and library graph graph_dr = from_graph if graph_dr is not None: nodes = graph_dr.node_nb() graph_dr.clear_all_edges() else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes # check shape if shape is None: h = w = np.sqrt(float(nodes) / neuron_density) shape = nngt.geometry.Shape.rectangle(h, w) if graph_dr is None: graph_dr = nngt.SpatialGraph( name=name, nodes=nodes, directed=directed, shape=shape, positions=positions, **kwargs) else: Graph.make_spatial(graph_dr, shape, positions=positions) positions = np.array(graph_dr.get_positions().T, dtype=np.float32) # set options (graph has already been made spatial) _set_options(graph_dr, population, None, None) # add edges ia_edges = None conversion_factor = conversion_magnitude(shape.unit, unit) if unit != shape.unit: positions = np.multiply(conversion_factor, positions, dtype=np.float32) if nodes > 1: ids = np.arange(0, nodes, dtype=np.uint) ia_edges = _distance_rule( ids, ids, density, edges, avg_deg, scale, rule, max_proba, shape, positions, directed, multigraph, distance=distance, **kwargs) attr = {'distance': distance} # check for None if MPI if ia_edges is not None: graph_dr.new_edges(ia_edges, attributes=attr, check_duplicates=False, check_self_loops=False, check_existing=False) graph_dr._graph_type = "{}_distance_rule".format(rule) return graph_dr
# -------------------- # # Polyvalent generator # # -------------------- # _di_generator = { "all_to_all": all_to_all, "circular": circular, "distance_rule": distance_rule, "erdos_renyi": erdos_renyi, "fixed_degree": fixed_degree, "from_degree_list": from_degree_list, "gaussian_degree": gaussian_degree, "newman_watts": newman_watts, "price_scale_free": price_scale_free, "random_scale_free": random_scale_free, "watts_strogatz": watts_strogatz, }
[docs]def generate(di_instructions, **kwargs): ''' Generate a :class:`~nngt.Graph` or one of its subclasses from a ``dict`` containing all the relevant informations. Parameters ---------- di_instructions : ``dict`` Dictionary containing the instructions to generate the graph. It must have at least ``"graph_type"`` in its keys, with a value among ``"distance_rule", "erdos_renyi", "fixed_degree", "newman_watts", "price_scale_free", "random_scale_free"``. Depending on the type, `di_instructions` should also contain at least all non-optional arguments of the generator function. See also -------- :mod:`~nngt.generation` ''' graph_type = di_instructions["graph_type"] instructions = deepcopy(di_instructions) instructions.update(kwargs) return _di_generator[graph_type](**instructions)