# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2023 Tanguy Fardet
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
# nngt/lib/nngt_config.py
""" Configuration tools for NNGT """
import importlib.util as imputil
import json
import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
from importlib import reload
from os.path import dirname, isfile, join
from platformdirs import user_config_dir
import numpy as np
import nngt
from .errors import InvalidArgument
from .graph_backends import use_backend
from .logger import _configure_logger, _init_logger, _log_message
from .rng_tools import seed as nngt_seed
from .test_functions import (
on_master_process, mpi_checker, num_mpi_processes, mpi_barrier)
configdir = user_config_dir("nngt", appauthor=False)
os.makedirs(configdir, exist_ok=True)
defaultfile = join(dirname(__file__), "..", "nngt.conf.default")
currentfile = join(configdir, "nngt.conf")
savedfile = join(configdir, "nngt.conf.saved")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# ----------------- #
# Getter and setter #
# ----------------- #
def get_config(key=None, detailed=False):
Get the NNGT configuration as a dictionary.
This function has no MPI barrier on it.
if key is None:
cfg = {
key: val.copy() if isinstance(val, list) else val
for key, val in nngt._config.items()
if detailed:
return cfg
# hide technical stuff
del cfg["graph"]
del cfg["library"]
del cfg["palette_continuous"]
del cfg["palette_discrete"]
del cfg["use_tex"]
del cfg["mpl_backend"]
del cfg["color_lib"]
del cfg["load_nest"]
del cfg["load_gis"]
del cfg['mpi_comm']
# hide database config if not used
rm = []
if not nngt._config["use_database"]:
for k in cfg:
if k.startswith('db_'):
# hide log config
for k in cfg:
if k.startswith('log_'):
for k in rm:
del cfg[k]
return cfg
res = nngt._config[key]
return res
def save_config():
''' Save configuration to make it persistent '''
conf = nngt.get_config(detailed=True)
# delete unprocessable entities
del conf["graph"]
del conf["library"]
del conf["mpi_comm"]
with open(savedfile, "w") as f:
json.dump(conf, f)
def reset_config():
''' Removed saved configuration and switch back to default '''
def set_config(config, value=None, silent=False):
Set NNGT's configuration.
config : dict or str
Either a full configuration dictionary or one key to be set together
with its associated value.
value : object, optional (default: None)
Value associated to `config` if `config` is a key.
>>> nngt.set_config({'multithreading': True, 'omp': 4})
>>> nngt.set_config('multithreading', False)
See the config file `nngt/nngt.conf.default` or `~/.nngt/nngt.conf` for
details about your configuration.
This function has an MPI barrier on it, so it must always be called on all
See also
old_mt = nngt._config["multithreading"]
old_mpi = nngt._config["mpi"]
old_omp = nngt._config["omp"]
old_gl = nngt._config["backend"]
old_msd = nngt._config["msd"]
old_config = nngt._config.copy()
new_config = None
if not isinstance(config, dict):
new_config = {config: value}
new_config = config.copy()
for key, val in new_config.items():
# support for previous "palette" keyword
if key not in nngt._config:
if key == "palette":
_log_message(logger, "WARNING",
"`palette` argument is deprecated and will be "
"removed in version 3.")
raise KeyError(
"Unknown configuration property: {}".format(key))
if key == "log_level":
new_config[key] = _convert(val)
if key == "backend" and val != old_gl:
if key == "log_folder":
new_config["log_folder"] = os.path.abspath(
if key == "db_folder":
new_config["db_folder"] = os.path.abspath(
# support for previous "palette" keyword
if "palette" in new_config:
new_config["palette_continuous"] = new_config["palette"]
new_config["palette_discrete"] = new_config["palette"]
del new_config["palette"]
# check multithreading status and number of threads
_pre_update_parallelism(new_config, old_mt, old_omp, old_mpi)
# update
# apply multithreading parameters
_post_update_parallelism(new_config, old_gl, old_msd, old_mt, old_mpi)
# update matplotlib
if nngt._config['use_tex']:
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=True)
# update database
if nngt._config["use_database"] and not hasattr(nngt, "db"):
from .. import database
sys.modules["nngt.database"] = database
if nngt._config["db_to_file"]:
_log_message(logger, "WARNING",
"This functionality is not available")
# update nest
if nngt._config["load_nest"] and imputil.find_spec("nest") is not None:
nngt._config["with_nest"] = True
nngt._config["with_nest"] = False
# check geometry
import svg.path
has_svg = True
except ImportError:
has_svg = False
import dxfgrabber
has_dxf = True
except ImportError:
has_dxf = False
import shapely
has_shapely = shapely.__version__
except ImportError:
has_shapely = False
# check geospatial
has_geospatial = False
has_geopandas = imputil.find_spec("geopandas") is not None
if nngt._config["load_gis"] and has_geopandas and has_shapely:
has_geospatial = True
# log changes
glib = (nngt._config["library"] if nngt._config["library"] is not None
else nngt)
num_mpi = num_mpi_processes()
s_mpi = False if not nngt._config["mpi"] \
else "True ({} process{})".format(
num_mpi, "es" if num_mpi > 1 else "")
conf_info = _config_info.format(
gl = nngt._config["backend"] + " " + glib.__version__[:5],
thread = nngt._config["multithreading"],
plot = nngt._config["with_plot"],
nest = nngt._config["with_nest"],
db = nngt._config["use_database"],
omp = nngt._config["omp"],
s = "s" if nngt._config["omp"] > 1 else "",
mpi = s_mpi,
shapely = has_shapely,
svg = has_svg,
dxf = has_dxf,
geotool = has_geospatial,
if not silent and old_config != nngt._config:
# ----- #
# Tools #
# ----- #
def _convert(value):
value = str(value)
if value.isdigit():
return int(value)
elif value.lower() == "true":
return True
elif value.lower() == "false":
return False
elif value.upper() == "CRITICAL":
return logging.CRTICAL
elif value.upper() == "DEBUG":
return logging.DEBUG
elif value.upper() == "ERROR":
return logging.ERROR
elif value.upper() == "INFO":
return logging.INFO
elif value.upper() == "WARNING":
return logging.WARNING
return value
def _copy_default():
if not isfile(currentfile) and on_master_process():
# check that config file exists
shutil.copy(defaultfile, currentfile)
def _remove_saved():
if isfile(savedfile):
def _remove_current():
if isfile(currentfile):
def _init_config():
if isfile(savedfile):
with open(savedfile, "r") as f:
for k, v in json.load(f).items():
nngt._config[k] = v
except Exception:
# invalid saved file
with open(currentfile, 'r') as fconfig:
options = [
l.strip() for l in fconfig if l.strip() and l[0] != "#"
for opt in options:
sep = opt.find("=")
opt_name = opt[:sep].strip()
nngt._config[opt_name] = _convert(opt[sep+1:].strip())
# multithreading
nngt._config["omp"] = int(os.environ.get("OMP", 1))
if nngt._config["omp"] > 1:
nngt._config["multithreading"] = True
# backend
libs = ['graph-tool', 'igraph', 'networkx']
glib = nngt._config['backend']
assert glib in libs or glib == 'nngt', \
"Internal error for graph library loading, please report " +\
"this on GitHub."
use_backend(glib, False, silent=True)
except ImportError:
nngt._initialized = True
idx = libs.index(glib)
del libs[idx]
keep_trying = True
while libs and keep_trying:
use_backend(libs[-1], False, silent=True)
keep_trying = False
except ImportError:
if not libs:
use_backend('nngt', False, silent=True)
logger, "WARNING",
"This module needs one of the following graph libraries to "
"study networks: `graph_tool`, `igraph`, or `networkx`.")
nngt._initialized = True
def _log_conf_changed(conf_info):
def _set_gt_config(old_gl, new_config):
using_gt = old_gl == "graph-tool"
using_gt *= new_config.get("backend", old_gl) == "graph-tool"
using_gt *= nngt._config["library"] is not None
if "omp" in new_config and using_gt:
omp_nest = new_config["omp"]
if nngt._config['with_nest']:
import nest
omp_nest = nest.GetKernelStatus("local_num_threads")
if omp_nest == new_config["omp"]:
import graph_tool as gt
_log_message(logger, "WARNING",
"Using NEST and graph_tool, OpenMP number must be "
"consistent throughout the code. Current NEST "
"config states omp = " + str(omp_nest) + ", hence "
"`graph_tool` configuration was not changed.")
def _pre_update_parallelism(new_config, old_mt, old_omp, old_mpi):
mt = "multithreading"
if "omp" in new_config:
if new_config["omp"] > 1:
if mt in new_config and not new_config[mt]:
_log_message(logger, "WARNING",
"Updating to 'multithreading' == False with "
"'omp' greater than one.")
elif mt not in new_config and not old_mt:
new_config[mt] = True
_log_message(logger, "INFO",
"'multithreading' was set to False but new "
"'omp' is greater than one. Updating "
"'multithreading' to True.")
if new_config.get('mpi', False) and new_config.get(mt, False):
raise InvalidArgument('Cannot set both "mpi" and "multithreading" to '
'True simultaneously, choose one or the other.')
elif new_config.get(mt, False):
new_config['mpi'] = False
elif new_config.get('mpi', False):
if old_mt:
new_config[mt] = False
_log_message(logger, "INFO",
'"mpi" set to True but previous configuration was '
'using OpenMP; setting "multithreading" to False '
'to switch to mpi algorithms.')
with_mt = new_config.get(mt, old_mt)
with_mpi = new_config.get('mpi', old_mpi)
# check that seeds are correct
if new_config.get('seeds', None) is not None:
seeds = new_config['seeds']
err = 'Expected {} seeds.'
err2 = 'All seeds must be different.'
if with_mpi:
from mpi4py import MPI
size = comm.Get_size()
assert size == len(seeds), err.format(size)
assert len(set(seeds)) == len(seeds), err2
elif with_mt:
num_omp = new_config.get("omp", old_omp)
assert num_omp == len(seeds), err.format(num_omp)
assert len(set(seeds)) == len(seeds), err2
# reset seeds if necessary
# - because the number of threads changed
reset_seeds = (new_config.get("omp", 1) != nngt._config["omp"])
# - because we switched from OpenMP to MPI
reset_seeds += (with_mpi and old_mt)
# - because we switched from MPI to OpenMP
reset_seeds += (with_mt and old_mpi)
if reset_seeds:
new_config['seeds'] = None
new_config['msd'] = None
nngt._seeded = False
def _post_update_parallelism(new_config, old_gl, old_msd, old_mt, old_mpi):
# reload for omp
new_multithreading = new_config.get("multithreading", old_mt)
if new_multithreading != old_mt:
# if multithreading loading failed, set omp back to 1
if not nngt._config['multithreading']:
nngt._config['omp'] = 1
nngt._config['seeds'] = None
# if MPI is on, set mpi_comm and check random numbers
if new_config.get('mpi', old_mpi):
from mpi4py import MPI
rank = comm.Get_rank()
nngt._config['mpi_comm'] = comm
# check that master seed is the same everywhere
msd = nngt._config['msd']
msd = comm.gather(msd, root=0)
if rank == 0:
if None not in msd:
msd = np.array(msd, dtype=int)
if not (msd == msd[0]).all():
nngt._config["mpi"] = False
raise InvalidArgument("'msd' entry must be the same on "
"all MPI processes.")
differs = [seed != None for seed in msd]
if np.any(differs):
raise InvalidArgument("'msd' entry must be the same on "
"all MPI processes.")
# reload for mpi
if new_config.get('mpi', old_mpi) != old_mpi:
# set graph-tool config
_set_gt_config(old_gl, new_config)
# seed python RNGs
if old_msd != nngt._config['msd'] or not nngt._seeded:
def _lazy_load(fullname):
Lazy loading for simulation.
From: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51126745/5962321
return sys.modules[fullname]
except KeyError:
spec = imputil.find_spec(fullname)
module = imputil.module_from_spec(spec)
loader = imputil.LazyLoader(spec.loader)
# setup module and insert into sys.modules
return module
_config_info = '''
# ----------- #
# NNGT config #
# ----------- #
Graph library: {gl}
Multithreading: {thread} ({omp} thread{s})
MPI: {mpi}
Plotting: {plot}
NEST support: {nest}
Shapely: {shapely}
SVG support: {svg}
DXF support: {dxf}
Database: {db}
Geo support: {geotool}